- まずまず;かなりよく
English Journal
- [Acute sigmoid diverticulitis: toward a more and more conservative treatment].
- Joliat GR, Pittet O, Demartines N, Hahnloser D.
- Revue médicale suisse.Rev Med Suisse.2015 Sep 16;11(486):1717-20.
- Acute diverticulitis of the colon is a frequent pathology especially among elderly people and people of Caucasian origin. The prevalence is higher among sedentary people and in people with low-fiber diet. Its diagnosis is mainly based on computed tomography (CT) that allows guiding the therapeutic m
- PMID 26591083
- Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas.
- Laurance WF, Useche DC, Rendeiro J, Kalka M, Bradshaw CJ, Sloan SP, Laurance SG, Campbell M, Abernethy K, Alvarez P, Arroyo-Rodriguez V, Ashton P, Benítez-Malvido J, Blom A, Bobo KS, Cannon CH, Cao M, Carroll R, Chapman C, Coates R, Cords M, Danielsen F, De Dijn B, Dinerstein E, Donnelly MA, Edwards D, Edwards F, Farwig N, Fashing P, Forget PM, Foster M, Gale G, Harris D, Harrison R, Hart J, Karpanty S, Kress WJ, Krishnaswamy J, Logsdon W, Lovett J, Magnusson W, Maisels F, Marshall AR, McClearn D, Mudappa D, Nielsen MR, Pearson R, Pitman N, van der Ploeg J, Plumptre A, Poulsen J, Quesada M, Rainey H, Robinson D, Roetgers C, Rovero F, Scatena F, Schulze C, Sheil D, Struhsaker T, Terborgh J, Thomas D, Timm R, Urbina-Cardona JN, Vasudevan K, Wright SJ, Arias-G JC, Arroyo L, Ashton M, Auzel P, Babaasa D, Babweteera F, Baker P, Banki O, Bass M, Bila-Isia I, Blake S, Brockelman W, Brokaw N, Brühl CA, Bunyavejchewin S, Chao JT, Chave J, Chellam R, Clark CJ, Clavijo J, Congdon R, Corlett R, Dattaraja HS, Dave C, Davies G, Beisiegel Bde M, da Silva Rde N, Di Fiore A, Diesmos A, Dirzo R, Doran-Sheehy D, Eaton M, Emmons L, Estrada A, Ewango C, Fedigan L, Feer F, Fruth B, Willis JG, Goodale U, Goodman S, Guix JC, Guthiga P, Haber W, Hamer K, Herbinger I, Hill J, Huang Z, Sun IF, Ickes K, Itoh A, Ivanauskas N, Jackes B, Janovec J, Janzen D, Jiangming M, Jin C, Jones T, Justiniano H, Kalko E, Kasangaki A, Killeen T, King HB, Klop E, Knott C, Koné I, Kudavidanage E, Ribeiro JL, Lattke J, Laval R, Lawton R, Leal M, Leighton M, Lentino M, Leonel C, Lindsell J, Ling-Ling L, Linsenmair KE, Losos E, Lugo A, Lwanga J, Mack AL, Martins M, McGraw WS, McNab R, Montag L, Thompson JM, Nabe-Nielsen J, Nakagawa M, Nepal S, Norconk M, Novotny V, O'Donnell S, Opiang M, Ouboter P, Parker K, Parthasarathy N, Pisciotta K, Prawiradilaga D, Pringle C, Rajathurai S, Reichard U, Reinartz G, Renton K, Reynolds G, Reynolds V, Riley E, Rödel MO, Rothman J, Round P, Sakai S, Sanaiotti T, Savini T, Schaab G, Seidensticker J, Siaka A, Silman MR, Smith TB, de Almeida SS, Sodhi N, Stanford C, Stewart K, Stokes E, Stoner KE, Sukumar R, Surbeck M, Tobler M, Tscharntke T, Turkalo A, Umapathy G, van Weerd M, Rivera JV, Venkataraman M, Venn L, Verea C, de Castilho CV, Waltert M, Wang B, Watts D, Weber W, West P, Whitacre D, Whitney K, Wilkie D, Williams S, Wright DD, Wright P, Xiankai L, Yonzon P, Zamzani F.
- Nature.Nature.2012 Sep 13;489(7415):290-4. doi: 10.1038/nature11318.
- The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon. With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected ar
- PMID 22832582
- Hypoglycemia detection based on cardiac repolarization features.
- Lipponen JA1, Kemppainen J, Karjalainen PA, Laitinen T, Mikola H, Kärki T, Tarvainen MP.
- Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference.Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc.2011;2011:4697-700. doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091163.
- Hypoglycemia is known to affect repolarization characteristics of the heart. These changes are shown from ECG by prolonged QT-time and T-wave flattening. In this study we constructed a classifier based on these ECG parameters. By using the classifier we tried to detect hypoglycemic events from measu
- PMID 22255386
Japanese Journal
- Struvite recovery from wastewater having low phosphate concentration
- Mitani Y.,Sakai Y.,Mishina F.,Ishiduka S.
- Journal of Water and Environment Technology 1(1), 13-18, 2003
- … But if this effect was controlled, this reactor could recover struvite particles passably. …
- NAID 130000099821
- 曝気槽前置システムによる接触曝気方式の窒素除去の高度化
- 中曽根 英雄,尾崎 益雄,黒田 久雄
- 水環境学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment 20(10), 655-660, 1997-10-10
- … Results reveal passably good agreement of nitrogen removal that T-N concentration of effluent less than 10mg·l-1 was observed. …
- NAID 10020522231
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