- 〈限度・権限・規則など〉‘から'はみだす,‘を'逸脱する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/05/08 01:36:54」(JST)
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For other uses, see Overstep (disambiguation).
Overstep applies to the sub-unconformity relationship where the surface of unconformity truncates stratigraphic boundaries. With distance along the unconformity the overlying strata rest unconformably on successively older rocks and are said to ‘overstep’ them. Overstep usually owes its origin to tilting or folding during the pause in sediment accumulation.
English Journal
- Same same but different: why we should care about the distinction between professionalism and ethics.
- Salloch S1.
- BMC medical ethics.BMC Med Ethics.2016 Jul 22;17(1):44. doi: 10.1186/s12910-016-0128-y.
- PMID 27448658
- The Limits of FDA's Authority to Regulate Clinical Research Involving High-Throughput DNA Sequencing.
- Evans BJ.
- Food and drug law journal.Food Drug Law J.2015;70(2):259-87, ii.
- The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently signaled its interest in subjecting clinical investigations that employ high-throughput gene sequencing, also called next-generation sequencing, to the agency's Part 812 investigational device exemption (IDE) regulation. Genome sequencing
- PMID 26302600
- Ethical considerations: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement.
- Biddison LD, Berkowitz KA, Courtney B, De Jong CM, Devereaux AV, Kissoon N, Roxland BE, Sprung CL, Dichter JR, Christian MD, Powell T; Task Force for Mass Critical Care; Task Force for Mass Critical Care.
- Chest.Chest.2014 Oct;146(4 Suppl):e145S-55S. doi: 10.1378/chest.14-0742.
- BACKGROUND: Mass critical care entails time-sensitive decisions and changes in the standard of care that it is possible to deliver. These circumstances increase provider uncertainty as well as patients' vulnerability and may, therefore, jeopardize disciplined, ethical decision-making. Planning for p
- PMID 25144262
Japanese Journal
- プライバシーを尊重しながら最大の効果を上げる デジタル広告を"炎上"させない5つの指針
- ジョン レスリー K.,キム タミ,バラス ケイト,高橋 由香理 [訳]
- Harvard business review = Diamondハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー 43(7), 114-123, 2018-07
- NAID 40021596910
- Spatial variations in damage zone width along strike-slip faults: An example from active faults in southwest Japan
- Lin Aiming,Yamashita Kazuhiko
- Journal of Structural Geology (57), 1-15, 2013-12
- … The present results indicate that spatial variations in the width of damage zone and the asymmetric distribution of damage zones across the studied strike-slip faults are mainly caused by local concentrations in compressive stress within an overstep area between left-stepping strike-slip faults of the ATTL and RAFZ. …
- NAID 120005347129
- 悪路が立位バランスならびに歩行中の段差の踏み越え動作に及ぼす影響
- 川中 麻由美,佐々木 誠
- 理学療法科学 25(3), 403-406, 2010-06-20
- 〔目的〕本研究の目的は,悪路が立位バランスならびに歩行中の段差の踏み越え動作に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることである。〔対象〕健常学生16名を対象とした。〔方法〕平地と砂利における静的立位姿勢での重心動揺測定と歩行中の段差踏み越え動作における床反力測定を行った。〔結果〕静的立位姿勢での重心動揺は,総軌跡長,矩形面積,実効値面積,X方向最大振幅,Y方向最大振幅ともに,2条件間で有意差は認められなかった。 …
- NAID 10026929221
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- Overstep definition is - exceed, transgress. How to use overstep in a sentence. ... Recent Examples on the Web The letter asserts that California is overstepping its authority under the Clean Air Act, which allows it to write statewide ...
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