- protect excessively; "Dont overprotect your son--he is an adult now!"
- overly protective; "overprotective parents"
English Journal
- Family adjustment to childhood cancer: a systematic review.
- Long KA, Marsland AL.SourceDepartment of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA. KAL45@pitt.edu
- Clinical child and family psychology review.Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev.2011 Mar;14(1):57-88.
- This systematic review integrates qualitative and quantitative research findings regarding family changes in the context of childhood cancer. Twenty-eight quantitative, 42 qualitative, and one mixed-method studies were reviewed. Included studies focused on family functioning, marital quality, and/or
- PMID 21221783
- Standing in an unstable shoe increases postural sway and muscle activity of selected smaller extrinsic foot muscles.
- Landry SC, Nigg BM, Tecante KE.SourceHuman Performance Laboratory, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4. scott.landry@acadiau.ca
- Gait & posture.Gait Posture.2010 Jun;32(2):215-9. Epub 2010 May 23.
- Inactivity or the under-utilization of lower limb muscles can lead to strength and functional deficits and potential injury. Traditional shoes with stability and support features can overprotect the foot and potentially contribute to the deterioration of the smaller extrinsic foot muscles. Healthy s
- PMID 20547062
Japanese Journal
- 長期寛解状態にある小児がん患児の学校不適応と母親の病弱傾向認知および養育態度との関連
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