- 上から見る、見下ろす、見晴らす、見渡す。~を見下ろすような高いところにある
- 監督/監視する。世話する。検閲する。者癌で見つめて魔法にかける
- ~に目を通す、ざっと見る。見落とす、見過ごす
- The diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis is often overlooked because the symptoms can mimic pharyngitis.(HIM.2238)
- overlookすること、見落とし。見晴らしの良いところ、見晴台、高台。見晴らし、眺め。
- watch over; "I am overlooking her work"
- a high place affording a good view
- look past, fail to notice
- not taken into account; "his retirement was not allowed to go unmarked" (同)unmarked, unnoted
- …‘を'『見落とす』,見逃す / ‥‘を'『大目に見る』,‘に'目をつぶる / 〈人が〉…‘を'『見おろす』 / 〈場所が〉…‘を'『見渡せる』,見おろす
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For other uses, see Overlook (disambiguation).
Scenic overlook in Scioto Trail State Park, Ohio
Scenic overlook in the Outeniqua Pass, South Africa, over George and the Indian Ocean. Parking and picnic tables are provided next to the road.
A scenic overlook, or just an overlook, observation point, lookout, viewing point or vista point is a high place where people can gather to view scenery (often with binoculars), and to photograph it. Scenic overlooks are typically created alongside mountain roads, often as a simple turnouts where motorists can pull over onto pavement, gravel, or grass on the right-of-way. Many are larger, having parking areas, while some (typically on larger highways) are off the road completely.
Overlooks are frequently found in national parks, and in the U.S. along national parkways like the Blue Ridge Parkway, which has numerous individually named overlooks for viewing the Blue Ridge Mountains and its valleys. Other overlooks are next to waterfalls, especially since mountain roads tend to follow streams. Un-Scenic Overlooks can be found in Central New Jersey off Route 295.
Many overlooks are accessible only by trails and boardwalk-like walkways and stairs. This is typical in very ecologically-sensitive areas. These overlooks are often wooden deck structures, which minimize the impact on the land by reducing the need to disturb it for construction.
See also[edit]
- Stratum Pier by artist Kendall Buster
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English Journal
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