- 関
- aural discharge、otorrhea
- discharge from the external ear
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English Journal
- Malignant otitis externa, an increasing burden in the twenty-first century: review of cases in a UK teaching hospital, with a proposed algorithm for diagnosis and management.
- Hutson KH, Watson GJ.
- The Journal of laryngology and otology. 2019 Apr;()1-7.
- Malignant otitis externa is a potentially fatal infection of the skull base. With an ageing population and increasing prevalence of diabetes, the incidence of malignant otitis externa in the British population is rising. To date, there remain no accepted diagnostic criteria, few prognostic indicator
- PMID 30975233
- Hypertrophic recurring lichen planus of the external auditory canal.
- Košec A, Kostić M, Ajduk J, Ries M.
- European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases. 2019 Apr;136(2)123-126.
- We report a case of unilateral progressive primary hypertrophic lichen planus of the external auditory canal requiring several surgical interventions to deal with constant pruritus, otorrhoea, stenosis and conductive hearing loss. A 58-year-old woman was initially treated with meatoplasty for suspec
- PMID 30606652
- Antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract complaints in Malta: a 1 year repeated cross-sectional surveillance study.
- Saliba-Gustafsson EA, Dunberger Hampton A, Zarb P, Borg MA, Stålsby Lundborg C.
- The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy. 2019 Apr;74(4)1116-1124.
- To determine the 1 year antibiotic prescribing patterns by GPs for acute respiratory tract complaints (aRTCs) in Malta. In this repeated cross-sectional surveillance study, GPs collected data for patients seen for aRTCs during a designated 1 week period each month, between May 2015 and April 201
- PMID 30624733
Japanese Journal
- Shewanella algae in a chronic suppurative otitis media patient with cholesteatoma
- Ignak Seyda,Unay Demirel Ozlem,Soydan Sevda,Esen Erkan
- Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics 12(2), 108-110, 2018
- … The patient admitted to the hospital several times with complaints of otorrhoea, was diagnosed as otitis media and treated. …
- NAID 130006734048
- 上出 洋介
- 小児耳鼻咽喉科 33(3), 209-214, 2012
- 耳漏は特殊な状況を除いて主に外耳,中耳の感染性疾患で見られる症状であり,性状は漿液性,膿性,血性など多種である。外耳,中耳は共に感染を防御したり排除したりする機構が備わっている。薬剤耐性菌を原因とする耳漏ばかりでなく中耳粘膜の反応,耳管機能不全(線毛機能障害,筋性防御の脆弱性)などによる耳漏の長期化症例を挙げて検討した。
- NAID 130004672225
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- Otorrhoea definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Thesaurus Translate Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account Log In ...
- otorrhoea Any discharge (from clear to purulent) from the ear following a perforation of the tympanic membrane or through a surgically placed ventilating tube. o·tor·rhe·a (ō'tō-rē'ă) A discharge from the ear. Synonym(s): otorrhoea. [oto-+ G. ...
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