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- 1. 胃排出遅延の原因 pathogenesis of delayed gastric emptying
- 2. 成人における頸部脊柱損傷の評価および急性管理 evaluation and acute management of cervical spinal column injuries in adults
- 3. 心臓震盪 commotio cordis
English Journal
- Errors in motion processing amongst older drivers may increase accident risk.
- Poulter DR, Wann JP.SourceUniversity of Greenwich, Department of Psychology and Counselling, Avery Hill Road, Eltham, London SE9 2UG, United Kingdom. Electronic address: D.R.Poulter@gre.ac.uk.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2013 Aug;57:150-6. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.03.031. Epub 2013 Apr 17.
- Accident statistics highlight that older drivers are more frequently involved in right-of-way collisions than younger drivers. Accurately gauging vehicle speed is critical for judgement of when to pull out from a junction safely in front of oncoming traffic. We used psychophysical methods to measure
- PMID 23665357
- Blast wave loading pathways in heterogeneous material systems-experimental and numerical approaches.
- Selvan V, Ganpule S, Kleinschmit N, Chandra N.AbstractBlast waves generated in the field explosions impinge on the head-brain complex and induce mechanical pressure pulses in the brain resulting in traumatic brain injury. Severity of the brain injury (mild to moderate to severe) is dependent upon the magnitude and duration of the pressure pulse, which in turn depends on the intensity and duration of the oncoming blast wave. A fluid-filled cylinder is idealized to represent the head-brain complex in its simplest form; the cylinder is experimentally subjected to an air blast of Friedlander type, and the temporal variations of cylinder surface pressures and strains and fluid pressures are measured. Based on these measured data and results from computational simulations, the mechanical loading pathways from the external blast to the pressure field in the fluid are identified; it is hypothesized that the net loading at a given material point in the fluid comprises direct transmissive loads and deflection-induced indirect loads. Parametric studies show that the acoustic impedance mismatches between the cylinder and the contained fluid as well as the flexural rigidity of the cylinder determine the shape/intensity of pressure pulses in the fluid.
- Journal of biomechanical engineering.J Biomech Eng.2013 Jun 1;135(6):61002-14. doi: 10.1115/1.4024132.
- Blast waves generated in the field explosions impinge on the head-brain complex and induce mechanical pressure pulses in the brain resulting in traumatic brain injury. Severity of the brain injury (mild to moderate to severe) is dependent upon the magnitude and duration of the pressure pulse, which
- PMID 23699714
- Environment, behavior and physiology: do birds use barometric pressure to predict storms?
- Breuner CW, Sprague RS, Patterson SH, Woods HA.SourceWildlife Biology Program, The University of Montana, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812, USA.
- The Journal of experimental biology.J Exp Biol.2013 Jun 1;216(Pt 11):1982-90. doi: 10.1242/jeb.081067.
- Severe storms can pose a grave challenge to the temperature and energy homeostasis of small endothermic vertebrates. Storms are accompanied by lower temperatures and wind, increasing metabolic expenditure, and can inhibit foraging, thereby limiting energy intake. To avoid these potential problems, m
- PMID 23678098
Japanese Journal
- 渋滞検知のためのオプティカルフローによる対向車速推定手法
- 進藤 瞭,白石 陽
- 研究報告高度交通システムとスマートコミュニティ(ITS) 2014-ITS-59(16), 1-9, 2014-11-13
- … ス内のデータを用いて補間関数を作成する.本研究では,対向車のフロー長を補間関数に与えることで得られる相対車速から,GPS センサによって得られる自車の速度を減算することで対向車速を推定するアプリケーションを作成し,実際に対向車線が渋滞している道路を走行し対向車速推定実験を行った.This study aims to present images representing the causes of traffic congestion to drivers who drive on an oncoming lane by using an in-vehicle …
- NAID 170000087747
- 渋滞検知のためのオプティカルフローによる対向車速推定手法
- 進藤 瞭,白石 陽
- 研究報告モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信(MBL) 2014-MBL-73(16), 1-9, 2014-11-13
- … ス内のデータを用いて補間関数を作成する.本研究では,対向車のフロー長を補間関数に与えることで得られる相対車速から,GPS センサによって得られる自車の速度を減算することで対向車速を推定するアプリケーションを作成し,実際に対向車線が渋滞している道路を走行し対向車速推定実験を行った.This study aims to present images representing the causes of traffic congestion to drivers who drive on an oncoming lane by using an in-vehicle …
- NAID 170000087719
- 渋滞検知のためのオプティカルフローによる対向車速推定手法
- 進藤 瞭,白石 陽
- 情報処理学会研究報告. ITS, [高度交通システム] 2014-ITS-59(16), 1-9, 2014-11-13
- 本研究は,対向車線の渋滞の原因 (渋滞原因) をカメラ画像によって取得し,対向車線を走行する運転手に直感的な情報として提示することを目的としている.対向車線の渋滞原因を画像で取得する際,対向車線の渋滞を検知する必要があり,そのためには対向車の速度 (対向車速) を把握する必要がある.そこで本研究では,カメラ画像を用いて対向車速を推定する手法を提案する.車載カメラによって撮影された画像系列から対向車 …
- NAID 110009843102
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