- offending against or breaking a law or rule; "contracts offending against the statute were canceled"
- not offending; "an unoffending motorist should not have been stopped"
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English Journal
- Chronic sinus formation using non absorbable braided suture following open repair of Achilles tendon.
- Ahluwalia R, Zourelidis C, Guo S, Dega R.SourceDept of Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, Wexham Park Hospital, Wexham Street, Slough SL2 4HL, UK.
- Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.Foot Ankle Surg.2013 Jun;19(2):e7-9. doi: 10.1016/j.fas.2012.11.003. Epub 2013 Jan 3.
- This study reports a case of a 34 year old man who sustained an Achilles tendon rupture which was surgically repaired using a non-absorbable suture that was complicated by a deep sinus and chronic infection. Despite antibiotics, surgical debridement and skin grafting, his condition did not resolve.
- PMID 23548461
- Pharmacologic treatment of sex offenders with paraphilic disorder.
- Garcia FD, Delavenne HG, Assumpção Ade F, Thibaut F.SourceDepartment of Psychiatry, INCT - de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
- Current psychiatry reports.Curr Psychiatry Rep.2013 May;15(5):356. doi: 10.1007/s11920-013-0356-5.
- Sexual offending is both a social and a public health issue. Evidence demonstrates that a combination of pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches may reduce or even eliminate deviant sexual behavior in sex offenders with paraphilic disorders. In this article, we will review pharmacological t
- PMID 23572328
- The relationship between ADHD symptoms, mood instability, and self-reported offending.
- Gudjonsson GH, Sigurdsson JF, Adalsteinsson TF, Young S.Source1King's College London, United Kingdom.
- Journal of attention disorders.J Atten Disord.2013 May;17(4):339-46. doi: 10.1177/1087054711429791. Epub 2012 Jan 30.
- Objective: To investigate the relative importance of ADHD symptoms, mood instability, and antisocial personality disorder traits in predicting self-reported offending. Method: A total of 295 Icelandic students completed two scales of offending behavior and measures of ADHD symptoms, mood instability
- PMID 22290695
Japanese Journal
- 刑の一部の執行猶予判断における刑事責任の位置づけに関する考察
- 高橋 有紀
- 一橋法学 14(1), 211-237, 2015-03
- … Article 27-2 of the Penal Code in Japan requires that `partial suspension of execution of the sentence' should be judged in view of `the necessity and appropriateness of preventing re-offending'. …
- NAID 120005593924
- 性犯罪受刑者の釈放と再犯防止 : 保護観察以外の取組みを中心として (安冨潔教授退職記念号)
- 女児に対する性的興味を容認する態度と性的加害経験,個人要因および児童ポルノ使用経験との関連
- 田口 真二
- 日本法科学技術学会誌 20(2), 175-183, 2015
- We selected a group of men who acknowledged sexual interest in prepubescent girls based on the Sexual Desire Scale for Males (SDS-M). Subjects were members of the general population aged 18 years an …
- NAID 130005088363
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