- 〈U〉がん固さ,強情;〈C〉がん呼な行為(言葉) / 〈U〉(病気の)治りにくいこと
English Journal
- [What is an emergency situation in palliative care?].
- Burnod A.SourceUnité soins de supports et soins palliatifs, Institut Curie, Paris, France.
- Revue de l'infirmière.Rev Infirm.2013 Jan;(187):14-6.
- The emergency doctor, faced with a patient receiving palliative care, must adapt treatment and care approach in a well-proportioned way. He assesses the situation, finding out about the care approach put in place and questioning the patient, his or her family and the caregivers, in order to avoid un
- PMID 23379092
- Pierre-Joseph Macquer an eighteenth-century artisanal-scientific expert.
- Lehman C.SourceUniversity of Paris-Ouest, Nanterre, France.
- Annals of science.Ann Sci.2012 Jul;69(3):307-33.
- Pierre-Joseph Macquer (1718-1784) is well known as one of the major chemists in the eighteenth century as a theoretician and a teacher. He is also known for his works on dyeing. This paper presents a new face of Macquer. He proposed a theory on mordants in dyeing as early as 1775. Besides his activi
- PMID 23057215
- Looking for treasure in stereochemistry-land. A path marked by curiosity, obstinacy, and serendipity.
- Juaristi E.SourceDepartamento de Química, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Apartado Postal 14-740, 07000 México, DF, Mexico.
- The Journal of organic chemistry.J Org Chem.2012 Jun 1;77(11):4861-84. doi: 10.1021/jo300195m. Epub 2012 Apr 4.
- Over the past 40 years, much of my research has evolved around various topics of conformational analysis and asymmetric synthesis. This Perspective describes some of my salient contributions in eight different areas of organic stereochemistry: (1) conformational analysis of six-membered rings, (2) e
- PMID 22439876
Japanese Journal
- 西尾 浩二
- 西洋古典學研究 53, 92-102, 2005-03-08
- … Reeve) I think this interpretation is convincing, on the ground that the concept of the "ideal self-image" has a poweiful and consistent explanatory force for phenomena which Plato attributes to the spirited part, such as anger, love of honor, love of victory, shame, envy, obstinacy, and the like Anger, for example, is provoked against a background of some "ideal self-image" So is shame Indeed, this interpretation may not explain fully Plato's observation that even small children and animals are full of spirit (441a7-b3), since they presumably have no …
- NAID 110007386008
- 柴崎 全弘,石田 雅人
- 大阪教育大学紀要. IV, 教育科学 53(2), 17-36, 2005-02-21
- … Prevailing views about amphibians in the studies of comparative learning psychology are that the animals reveal obstinacy in adjusting to experimental operation, perhaps due to their highly variable response style and our limited information about feasible reinforcers. …
- NAID 120001059626
- 柴崎 全弘,石田 雅人
- 大阪教育大学紀要. IV, 教育科学 53(2), 17-36, 2005-02-21
- 比較学習心理学において両生類は,反応が安定しないことや適切な強化子をみつけることが難しいといった理由力から,訓練が困難な動物であるといわれてきた。初期の両生類研究では電気ショックを強化子とした回避条件づけ訓練が中心であったが,電気ショックは両生類から運動抑制を誘発してしまうことがあり,訓練は容易ではなかった。しかし最近では,水から離れて生活することができないという両生類の性質を利用し,水を強化子と …
- NAID 110004500510
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