- purchasable without a doctors prescription; "nonprescription drugs"; "an over-the-counter cold remedy" (同)over-the-counter
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English Journal
- Double-Blind, Randomized, Pilot Study Assessing the Resolution of Postburn Pruritus.
- Nedelec B, Rachelska G, Parnell LK, Lasalle L.SourceFrom the *School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University; †Centre de recherche, Centre hospitalier de l'Universite de Montreal; ‡Hopital de readaptation Villa Medica, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; and §Precision Consulting, Missouri City, Texas.
- Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association.J Burn Care Res.2011 Oct 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- The objective of this study was to evaluate whether ProvaseR, a nonprescription moisturizer with a blend of protease enzymes, would reduce postburn itching in adult burn survivors relative to a control moisturizer. This was a prospective, single-center, double-blinded, pilot study where 23 burn sur
- PMID 21979845
- Interactions between parents/carers of pre-school children and pharmacy staff when buying non-prescription medicines.
- Boardman HF, Gray NJ, Symonds BS.SourceSchool of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK, helen.boardman@nottingham.ac.uk.
- International journal of clinical pharmacy.Int J Clin Pharm.2011 Oct;33(5):832-41. Epub 2011 Aug 20.
- OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the interactions between pharmacy staff and parents/carers who buy nonprescription medicines for children. Responsibility for choice and administration of children's medicines falls to the parent/carer. Pharmacy advice should support safe and effective use of medicin
- PMID 21858544
Japanese Journal
- 離島における一般用医薬品のインターネット購入に関する意識調査—インターネットを使用する居住者を対象として—
- 平山 匡彦,田中 秀和,鈴木 慎太郎,大村 平自,永瀬 正義,作元 誠司,菅原 正典,北原 敏弘,宮﨑 長一郎,山下 登,吉谷 清光,三木 晶子,佐藤 宏樹,堀 里子,澤田 康文
- YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 131(5), 783-799, 2011
- … The revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Act that came into force in June 2009 prohibits the sales of nonprescription drugs by mail. … However, as a provisional measure, regular users and inhabitants of remote islands that do not have pharmacies or drug stores would be able to purchase nonprescription drugs by mail for two years. …
- NAID 130000678861
- 睡眠改善薬に関する消費者の現状および販売時における薬剤師のかかわり
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- nonprescription adj. Sold legally without a physician's prescription; over-the- counter: nonprescription.
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- 非処方箋
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- nonprescription
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- non-prescription drug、OTC、OTC drug、over-the-counter drug、patent medicine