- 〈C〉取るに足りない人(物) / 〈C〉実在しない物,架空の物 / 〈U〉実在しないこと
English Journal
- Dual antiplatelet agent failure: a new syndrome or clinical nonentity?
- Barnes GD1, Li J, Kline-Rogers E, Vedre A, Armstrong DF, Froehlich JB, Eagle KA, Gurm HS.Author information 1University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.AbstractBACKGROUND: Aspirin resistance is a well-documented laboratory finding, but the effects of clinical aspirin (ASA) failure on patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) have been debated. Likewise, there is recognition of clopidogrel resistance, but the clinical effects of clopidogrel failure are not well understood. We sought to determine the 6-month outcomes of patients who developed an ACS while on ASA or dual antiplatelet agents.
- American heart journal.Am Heart J.2007 Oct;154(4):732-5.
- BACKGROUND: Aspirin resistance is a well-documented laboratory finding, but the effects of clinical aspirin (ASA) failure on patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) have been debated. Likewise, there is recognition of clopidogrel resistance, but the clinical effects of clopidogrel failure are no
- PMID 17893001
- Sustainable business makes dollars and sense.
- Fields S.AbstractThe last decade has marked a radical change in the business of sustainability, say environmental activists and industrialists alike. On the wane are "greenwashing" campaigns in which corporations promote dubious environmental accomplishments to draw attention away from environmentally damaging practices. On the rise are corporate investments in sustainability programs, new types of environmental markets, and public demand for green products and investments. Once an afterthought, an annoyance, or a nonentity, sustainability is now often a focal point for businesses. No longer thought of as a business cost, environmentally benign practices are now viewed as a competitive advantage as companies seek to win both stockholders and customers.
- Environmental health perspectives.Environ Health Perspect.2002 Mar;110(3):A142-5.
- The last decade has marked a radical change in the business of sustainability, say environmental activists and industrialists alike. On the wane are "greenwashing" campaigns in which corporations promote dubious environmental accomplishments to draw attention away from environmentally damaging pract
- PMID 11882490
- Epstein E.Author information Department of Land, Air and Water Resources-Soils and Biogeochemistry, University of California at Davis, Davis, California 95616-8627; e-mail: eqepstein@ucdavis.eduAbstractSilicon is present in plants in amounts equivalent to those of such macronutrient elements as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, and in grasses often at higher levels than any other inorganic constituent. Yet except for certain algae, including prominently the diatoms, and the Equisetaceae (horsetails or scouring rushes), it is not considered an essential element for plants. As a result it is routinely omitted from formulations of culture solutions and considered a nonentity in much of plant physiological research. But silicon-deprived plants grown in conventional nutrient solutions to which silicon has not been added are in many ways experimental artifacts. They are often structurally weaker than silicon-replete plants, abnormal in growth, development, viability, and reproduction, more susceptible to such abiotic stresses as metal toxicities, and easier prey to disease organisms and to herbivores ranging from phytophagous insects to mammals. Many of these same conditions afflict plants in silicon-poor soils-and there are such. Taken together, the evidence is overwhelming that silicon should be included among the elements having a major bearing on plant life.
- Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology.Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol.1999 Jun;50:641-664.
- Silicon is present in plants in amounts equivalent to those of such macronutrient elements as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, and in grasses often at higher levels than any other inorganic constituent. Yet except for certain algae, including prominently the diatoms, and the Equisetaceae (horseta
- PMID 15012222
Japanese Journal
- 死後の非在と生誕前の非在を較べることは可能か : 時間と世界の形而上学からの検討
- 医学哲学医学倫理 = Annals of the Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches of Medicine (33), 30-40, 2015
- NAID 110010039580
- 図形指導における図形概念の理念性と客観性の認識について
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