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- 連鎖;関係 / (文法で)主語述語関係
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/31 07:59:48」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ネクサス(英語: nexus)は、「連結」「連鎖」「繋がり」などを意味する名詞。
- 1 学術用語
- 2 企業名・製品名
- 3 作品名
- 4 映画・テレビドラマの登場人物など
- 5 団体名・グループ名
- 6 コンピュータ・IT
- 生物学で細胞間の結合様式の一つ。ギャップ・ジャンクション (Gap Junction)。
- 言語学で文中成分同士に成立する関係の一つ。ジャンクションの対概念(詳細は「英語」を参照)。
- ネクサス (プロダクション) - TV制作プロダクション、株式会社ネクサス。
- NEXUS - 中学生・高校生対象の大学受験対策塾の旧名称。現名称はY-SAPIX。
- 旧社名で大阪府のインターネット関連商社。現社名はパイオン (商社)。
- シマノ・NEXUS - シマノの自転車用パーツ。
- NEXUS - カナダ=アメリカ合衆国国境渡航優遇プログラム。
- NEXUS ― ヤマザキマザックのマシニングセンターの名称
- ネクサス - 福岡地所が海外の建築家等を起用して開発した集合住宅のシリーズ名。ネクサスワールドなど。
- NEXUS - イベントコンパニオン・モデル業等を行う事務所。有限会社ゼロプロモーションネクサス事業部。
- NEXUS (パチンコチェーン) - 群馬県高崎市に本社を置く、「D'STATION」の店名でチェーン展開しているパチンコホール。
- ネクサスホールディングス - 静岡県浜松市のソフトウェア、機械、電気電子に関するアウトソーシング関連企業。
- マレーシア・コタキナバル郊外にあるリゾートホテルの名称。ネクサスリゾート。
- ネクサス - ヘンリー・ミラーの小説。「プレクサス」、「セクサス」と薔薇色の十字架三部作をなす。
- アーマード・コア ネクサス - ビデオゲーム「アーマード・コア」シリーズの第8作目。
- NEXUS 4/SHINE - L'Arc〜en〜Cielの35thシングル。
- nexus (ClariSの曲) - ClariSの3rdシングル。
- Nexus (アルバム) - ストレイテナーの5thアルバム。
- ウルトラマンネクサス - 円谷プロのウルトラシリーズの一つ。
- ネクサス6型 - フィリップ・K・ディックのSF小説『アンドロイドは電気羊の夢を見るか?』、および同作品を原作とする映画『ブレードランナー』に登場するアンドロイド(映画ではレプリカントと呼称)の型名。
- 映画『スタートレック ジェネレーションズ』に登場する異世界。
- 『バトルスピリッツ』(ゲーム/アニメ)シリーズで用いられる設置型魔法及びその効果を持つカード群。カードのテキスト欄には亀甲文字フォントの"n"の文字がバックに書かれている。破壊されるまでの永続効果を持つので他のTCGでは例えば遊戯王OCGにおいてのフィールド魔法と同様の効果と意義を持つ。
- ネクサス (プロレス) - アメリカのプロレス団体WWEにおいてNXT出身の新人によって結成されたユニット。
- ネクサス(打楽器グループ) - カナダの打楽器グループ。武満徹作曲のフロム・ミー・フローズ・ホワット・ユー・コール・タイムを初演した。
- Google Nexus - 米Google社が販売するAndroidを搭載したスマートフォン等のブランド名。
- Nexus One(HTC製造)
- Nexus S(サムスン電子製造)
- Galaxy Nexus(同上)
- Nexus 4(LGエレクトロニクス製造)
- Nexus 5(LGエレクトロニクス製造)
- Nexus 6(モトローラ製造)
- Nexus 7(タブレット、ASUS製造)
- Nexus 9(HTC製造)
- Nexus 10(タブレット、サムスン電子製造)
- Nexus Q(ネットワークメディアプレーヤー)
- Nexus - 世界最初のウェブブラウザ「WorldWideWeb」の改名後の名称。
- NEXUS - 日本音楽制作者連盟が運営する音楽情報Webサイトの名称。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up nexus in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Nexus may refer to:
- 1 Fiction and film
- 2 Gaming
- 3 Music
- 3.1 Studios
- 3.2 Albums
- 3.3 Groups
- 3.4 Songs
- 4 Publishing
- 5 Science
- 6 Technology
- 7 Transport
- 8 Other
- 9 See also
Fiction and film
- Nexus, the final novel in The Rosy Crucifixion trilogy by Henry Miller
- The Nexus, the central plot element in the film Star Trek Generations
- Nexus (Charmed), a place equidistant from the five elements in the TV series Charmed
- Nexus (comics), an American comic book series by Mike Baron and Steve Rude in 1981
- Ultraman Nexus, the eponymous alien superhero
- The Nexus series of replicants in Blade Runner and androids in the book the film was inspired by, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- The Nexus, a secret organization in The Power of Five series by Anthony Horowitz
- Nexus (book), a 2012 novel by Ramez Naam
- Multiversal Nexus, the center of the DC Multiverse
- NexusMods, an online modding community
- Nexus: The Jupiter Incident, a 2004 science fiction themed real-time tactics computer game
- Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds, a 1996 Pay to Play MMORPG
- The Nexus, a central hub used to bind together various worlds in the game Demon's Souls
- The Nexus, the main base of the Protoss race in StarCraft and StarCraft II
- The Nexus, a communications complex in Quake 4
- The Nexus, a safe haven area in Realm of the Mad God
- Dragonlance Nexus, a fansite that was created in 1996 as "Dragon Realm"
- Nexus, a large, insect-like Necromorph in the game Dead Space 3
- Nexus, a structure at the starting point of each team in League of Legends that the other team must destroy in order to win
- The Nexus, the name of the setting of Heroes of the Storm
- Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus, a platform game developed by Insomniac Games
- Planet Nexus, the main setting for the MMORPG WildStar
- Nexus Audio Recording Studio in Oakland, California
- Nexus (Argent album), 1974
- Nexus (Another Level album), 1999
- Nexus (Gene Harris album), 1975
- Nexus (Sarah Fimm album), 2004
- The Nexus (album), by Aramanthe, 2013
- Nexus (Argentine band), a progressive rock band from Argentina
- Nexus (ensemble), a Toronto-based percussion ensemble that performs jazz, world music, and western avantgarde music
- Nexus (Estonian band), an Estonian pop band formed in 2003 which split up in 2006
- Nexus (Greek band), a Greek industrial rock band formed by vocalist/keyboardist Mike Pougounas
- "Nexus 4/Shine", a 2008 single by L'Arc-en-Ciel
- "Nexus", a song from Bethlehem's 1998 album Sardonischer Untergang im Zeichen irreligiöser Darbietung
- "Nexus", a song from Dan Fogelberg's 1981 album The Innocent Age
- "Nexus", a song from Opshop's 2004 album You Are Here
- "Nexus" (ClariS song)
- "The Nexus", a composition from Astral Projection's 2002 album Amen
- "The Nexus", the first single from Amaranthe's 2013 album The Nexus
- Nexus (magazine), a bi-monthly alternative news magazine
- Nexus (student magazine), the weekly students' magazine of the Waikato Students Union at the University of Waikato, New Zealand
- Daily Nexus, the university newspaper for the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
- 2C-B (or Nexus), a psychedelic drug of the 2C family
- Gap junction (or nexus), a specialized intercellular connection between a multitude of animal cell-types
- NEXUS (rocket), a reusable rocket concept design created in the 1960s
- Cisco Nexus (introduced 2008), modular network switches designed for data centers
- Nexus 1000v virtual switch
- Nexus 2000 fabric extender
- Nexus 3000 series
- Nexus 4001 IBM Blade Center switch
- Nexus 5000 series
- Nexus 7000 series modular datacenter switches
- Google Nexus (released 2010), a line of Android Devices produced, in part, by Google:
- Nexus One smartphone, manufactured by HTC, released January 2010
- Nexus S smartphone, manufactured by Samsung, released December 2010
- Galaxy Nexus smartphone, manufactured by Samsung, released in November 2011
- Nexus Q, a media-streaming entertainment device, released June 2012
- The first Nexus 7 tablet, manufactured by Asus, released July 2012
- The second generation Nexus 7 tablet, manufactured by Asus, released July 2013
- Nexus 4 smartphone, manufactured by LG, released November 2012
- Nexus 10 tablet, manufactured by Samsung, released November 2012
- Nexus 5 smartphone, manufactured by LG, released October 2013
- Nexus 6 smartphone, manufactured by Motorola, released November 2014
- Nexus 9 tablet, manufactured by HTC, released November 2014
- Nexus Player digital media player, manufactured by Asus, released November 2014
- WorldWideWeb (later Nexus), the first web browser and editor
- NeXus (data format), a common data format for neutron, X-ray, and muon science
- Nexus file, a widely used file format used in bioinformatics
- Nexus (standard), a standard debugging interface for embedded systems
- Nexus (software), a Reservoir Simulation Software
- Nexus Telecom, a Swiss telecom management systems company
- GT Nexus, an enterprise integration solutions provider
- Nexus (Process integration and optimization), multidisciplinary optimization software
- Sonatype Nexus, an artifact repository manager
- Nexus Automotive, an importer and manufacturer in Pakistan
- NEXUS (frequent traveler program), a program to allow low-risk travelers to cross the US-Canada border quickly
- Nexus Mustang, a two place homebuilt aircraft
- Shimano Nexus, a brand of bicycle components
- Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive (brandname Nexus), the Passenger Transport Executive for the Tyne and Wear region of North East England
- Nexus, a person in debt bondage in ancient Rome; see nexum
- Nexus, a technical symposium of Electronics and Communication Engineering Association of Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
- NEXUS, an annual cultural festival of Sri Venkateswara College
- Nexus, an aspect of state income tax code in the United States; see State income tax#Nexus
- The Nexus (professional wrestling), a defunct professional wrestling stable in the WWE
- Nexus grammar, a system of analysing text which was first used in Denmark
- Nexus (process philosophy), a term coined by Alfred North Whitehead to show the network actual entity from universe
- Water, energy and food security nexus
- Nexus of contracts, a legal theory
- Nexus Place, a building in London owned by Tishman Speyer
- Nexus Productions, an animation and film production company
- Nexus Solicitors, law firm based in the North West England
- North East Conference on Science and Skepticism (NCSS, pronounced Nexus), ran by the New England Skeptical Society
See also
- Nexxus, a line of hair care products
- Nexis, a.k.a. LexisNexis
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English Journal
- Cumulus Cell Transcripts Transit to the Bovine Oocyte in Preparation for Maturation.
- Macaulay AD1, Gilbert I1, Scantland S1, Fournier E1, Ashkar F2, Bastien A1, Saadi HA1, Gagné D1, Sirard MA3, Khandjian ÉW3, Richard FJ1, Hyttel P4, Robert C5.
- Biology of reproduction.Biol Reprod.2016 Dec;94(1):16. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.114.127571. Epub 2015 Nov 19.
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- Anomalous Inner-Gap Structure in Transport Characteristics of Superconducting Junctions with Degraded Interfaces.
- Zhitlukhina E1, Devyatov I2,3, Egorov O4, Belogolovskii M5, Seidel P6.
- Nanoscale research letters.Nanoscale Res Lett.2016 Dec;11(1):58. doi: 10.1186/s11671-016-1285-0. Epub 2016 Feb 3.
- Quantitative description of charge transport across tunneling and break-junction devices with novel superconductors encounters some problems not present or not as severe for traditional superconducting materials. In this work, we explain unexpected features in related transport characteristics as an
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- Interleukin 1alpha-induced disruption of the Sertoli cell cytoskeleton affects gap junctional communication.
- Chojnacka K1, Bilinska B2, Mruk DD3.
- Cellular signalling.Cell Signal.2016 May;28(5):469-80. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2016.02.003. Epub 2016 Feb 13.
- Gap junctions (GJ) are transmembrane channels that connect the cytoplasms of adjacent cells, thereby facilitating the rapid exchange of ions, second messengers, and metabolites smaller than 1kDa. Connexin 43, the best-studied GJ protein, is a component of the Sertoli cell barrier/blood-testis barrie
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Japanese Journal
- 屋内歩行センシングコーパスHASC-IPSC利用のすすめ
- 梶克彦 ,渡辺穂高 ,坂涼司 ,河口信夫
- 情報処理学会研究報告. MBL, [モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信研究会研究報告] 2014-MBL-72(8), 1-2, 2014-08-20
- … て選定した建物は,名古屋大学 IB 電子情報館の北棟 (B1F-5F),中棟 (B1F-2F),南棟 (1F-3F) の 3 つの建物である.これらの建物は互いに隣接しており,中庭や地下通路を通じて行き来できる (図1).被験者は Android 端末 2 台 (Nexus 4,Garaxy S3) を装着して建物内の様々な経路を移動する.この際被験者には普段と同様の歩行を心がけてもらい,通路中央の歩行,ドアを自分自身で開ける,階段を 1 段ずつ昇降するよう指示している.センサデータ …
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- Japan's revenue-expenditure nexus
- Takimoto Taro,Sakamoto Naoki
- Discussion paper series 2014(3), 1-46, 2014-07
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- Towards adequately framing sustainability goals in research projects : the case of land use studies
- Wuelser Gabriela
- Sustainability science : official journal of the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science 9(3), 263-276, 2014-07
- NAID 40020134534
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