- 関
- neurotransmitter
- a neurochemical that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse
English Journal
- Improved Cholinergic Transmission is Detrimental to Behavioural Plasticity in Honeybees (Apis mellifera).
- Guez D1, Zhu H2, Zhang SW3.
- Biology.Biology (Basel).2012 Oct 16;1(3):508-20. doi: 10.3390/biology1030508.
- Unravelling the role of neuromessenger processes in learning and memory has long interested researchers. We investigated the effects of an acetylcholinesterase blocker, Methyl Parathion (MeP), on honeybee learning. We used visual and olfactory tasks to test whether MeP had a detrimental effect on th
- PMID 24832506
- Cannabinoid regulation in identified synapse of terrestrial snail.
- Lemak MS1, Bravarenko NI, Bobrov MY, Bezuglov VV, Ierusalimsky VN, Storozhuk MV, Malyshev AY, Balaban PM.
- The European journal of neuroscience.Eur J Neurosci.2007 Dec;26(11):3207-14.
- In the terrestrial snail a direct monosynaptic glutamatergic connection between the primary sensory neuron and a premotor interneuron involved in withdrawal behaviour can be functionally identified using electrophysiological techniques. We investigated the involvement of cannabinoids in regulation o
- PMID 18028114
- Occurrence of serotonin immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and midgut of adult female Tabanus nigrovittatus (Diptera: Tabanidae).
- Haselton AT1, Yin CM, Stoffolano JG Jr.
- Journal of medical entomology.J Med Entomol.2006 Mar;43(2):252-7.
- Serotonin is an important neuromessenger used in a variety of signaling pathways throughout the animal kingdom. In insects, serotonin has been demonstrated to mediate feeding and feeding-related behaviors. In this study, serotonin antibody was localized in cells and processes throughout the central
- PMID 16619607
Japanese Journal
- Inhibitory mechanisms in hypoxic respiratory depression studied in an in vitro preparation
- KATO Toshiya,HAYASHI Fumiaki,TATSUMI Koichiro,KURIYAMA Takayuki,FUKUDA Yasuichiro
- Neuroscience research : the official journal of the Japan Neuroscience Society 38(3), 281-288, 2000-11-00
- NAID 10006159252
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- 1. Prog Brain Res. 1998;118:281-91. The neuromessenger platelet-activating factor in plasticity and neurodegeneration. Bazan NG(1). Author information: (1)Louisiana State University Medical Center, School of Medicine ...
- Page 1 UNCORRECTED PROOF Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Retzius v. 8, S-171 77 Stockholm, SWEDEN e-mail: tomas.hokfelt@ki.se Chapter 1 Coexistence of Neuromessenger Molecules –A Perspective
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