- in a neglectful manner
- 怠慢な,ほったらかしの;(…を)投げやりにしている《+『of』+『名』》(careless)
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English Journal
- Mechanisms of change: Testing how preventative interventions impact psychological and physiological stress functioning in mothers in neglectful families.
- Toth SL1, Sturge-Apple ML1, Rogosch FA1, Cicchetti D1.
- Development and psychopathology.Dev Psychopathol.2015 Nov;27(4 Pt 2):1661-74. doi: 10.1017/S0954579415001017.
- The present study applies a multilevel approach to an examination of the effect of two randomized preventive interventions with mothers in neglectful families who are also contending with elevated levels of impoverishment and ecological risk. Specifically, we examined how participation in either chi
- PMID 26535951
- Examining the relationship between marijuana use, medical marijuana dispensaries, and abusive and neglectful parenting.
- Freisthler B1, Gruenewald PJ2, Wolf JP2.
- Child abuse & neglect.Child Abuse Negl.2015 Oct;48:170-8. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.07.008. Epub 2015 Jul 18.
- The current study extends previous research by examining whether and how current marijuana use and the physical availability of marijuana are related to child physical abuse, supervisory neglect, or physical neglect by parents while controlling for child, caregiver, and family characteristics in a g
- PMID 26198452
- Authors' Response to "Parental Cannabis Abuse and Accidental Intoxication in Children: Prevention by Detecting Neglectful Situations and At-Risk Families".
- Zarider NS1, Phelps JB, Berman AJ, Hoffman RS.
- Pediatric emergency care.Pediatr Emerg Care.2015 Oct;31(10):e10. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000000566.
- PMID 26427950
Japanese Journal
- 通達・回答 「自動車等による業務上過失傷害等事件に係る司法警察職員捜査書類基本書式例の特例として用いられる書式について」の一部改正について
- 伊藤 慎弐
- 社会科学 77, 1-16, 2006-09
- … But,it is not only simply neglectful of front line worker's duties or slack. …
- NAID 110006197830
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- neglectfulとは。意味や和訳。[形]((形式))怠慢な,怠りがちな,ずぼらな,投げやりな,(…に)不注意な,かまわない((of ...))neglectful of ones appearance [studies]身なりに無頓着な[勉学に怠慢な].ne・glect・ful・ly[副] - goo辞書は ...
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