- someone who refuses to do what is asked or does the opposite of what is asked
English Journal
- [Evaluation of children's emotional profile for ambulatory dental and oral surgery].
- Burlea L, Voroneanu M.SourceFacultatea de Medicină Dentară, Disciplina de Anesteziologie, sedare si urgenţă medicală in medicina dentară, Universitatea de Medicină si Farmacie "Gr.T. Popa" Iaşi.
- Revista medico-chirurgicală̆ a Societă̆ţ̜ii de Medici ş̧i Naturaliş̧ti din Iaş̧i.Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi.2008 Jul-Sep;112(3):821-3.
- Oral surgery interventions are for a child patient a stressfull moment, full of strangers, with large mental load and neuro-vegetative dystonia.MATERIAL AND METHOD: 236 patients with oral surgery problems treated in the Maxilo-facial Surgery Clinic in the 1.10.2006 - 1.01. 2008 were investigated for
- PMID 20201274
- Consulting a complementary and alternative medical practitioner: a systematic inventory of motives among French patients.
- Cottencin A, Mullet E, Sorum PC.SourceEcole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, France.
- Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.).J Altern Complement Med.2006 Oct;12(8):791-8.
- OBJECTIVES: To classify people's motives for seeking care from complementary and alternative medicine practitioners. Participants were asked about a wide variety of motives representing all eight motivational states described in Reversal Theory (RT): telic, paratelic, conformist, negativist, mastery
- PMID 17034285
- [Hyperactivity in preschoolers: a clinical description].
- Vaquerizo-Madrid J.SourceHospital Materno-Infantil, 37900 Badajoz, Espana.
- Revista de neurologia.Rev Neurol.2005 Jan 15;40 Suppl 1:S25-32.
- INTRODUCTION: Hyperactivity is a behavioural development disorder characterised by disruptive motor activity that prevents the individual from establishing adequate social ties and normal communication, which are an essential part of a child's overall development. It is an unspecific symptom of seve
- PMID 15736088
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- neg·a·tiv·ism / ˈnɛg ə tɪˌvɪz əm / Show Spelled [neg-uh-ti-viz-uh m] Show IPA noun 1. a negative or pessimistic attitude. 2. Psychology. a tendency to resist external commands, suggestions, or expectations, or internal stimuli, as ...
- World English Dictionary negativism (ˈnɛɡətɪvˌɪzəm) —n 1. a tendency to be or a state of being unconstructively critical 2. any sceptical or derisive system of thought 3. psychiatry refusal to do what is expected or suggested or ...
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