- the property of being narrow; having little width; "the narrowness of the road"
- a restriction of range or scope; "the problem with achievement tests is the narrowness they impose on students"; "the attraction of the book is precisely its narrowness of focus"; "frustrated by the narrowness of peoples horizons"
- (幅が)狭いこと / (範囲などが)限られていること
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- 1. 正常な状態における胸水のターンオーバー機序mechanisms of pleural liquid turnover in the normal state [show details]
…anatomy similar to that in humans. Studies of normal liquid turnover have been hampered by the narrowness of the pleural space and its sensitivity to inflammation. Most experiments, therefore, have relied…
- 2. ライム病の微生物学microbiology of lyme disease [show details]
…the surface. B. burgdorferi is 8 to 30 microns in length and about 0.2 microns in width. Their narrowness accounts for the inability to see unstained or Gram-stained spirochetes by standard light microscopy…
- 3. ツェンカー憩室zenkers diverticulum [show details]
…limitation of the stapling device is that it may be difficult to be placed correctly due to the narrowness of the pharyngeal tube. One report suggested that the risk of incorrect placement of the stapler…
English Journal
- Construct Validity and Cross Validity of a Test Battery Modeling Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Mice.
- Roubertoux PL, Tordjman S, Caubit X, di Cristopharo J, Ghata A, Fasano L, Kerkerian-Le Goff L, Gubellini P, Carlier M.
- Behavior genetics. 2019 Sep;().
- Modeling in other organism species is one of the crucial stages in ascertaining the association between gene and psychiatric disorder. Testing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mice is very popular but construct validity of the batteries is not available. We presented here the first factor analysis
- PMID 31542842
- What should we be careful of ankle arthroscopy?
- Ahn JH, Park D, Park YT, Park J, Kim YC.
- Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong). ;27(3)2309499019862502.
- Ankle arthroscopy has been used as a standard tool by foot and ankle surgeons. To overcome the narrowness of ankle joint, a noninvasive distraction technique is used for the successful visualization in ankle arthroscopy. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence and type of complication
- PMID 31359846
- A3-A3 Bypass Surgery for Aneurysm: Technical Nuances.
- Grigore FN, Amin-Hanjani S.
- Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.). 2019 Sep;17(3)277-285.
- Cerebral bypass remains important for the treatment of complex cerebral aneurysms including dissecting, giant, and fusiform aneurysms not amenable to endovascular treatment or simple clip ligation. For such aneurysms involving the anterior communicating artery complex or its branches, distal anterio
- PMID 30576562
Japanese Journal
- スラバヤ,インドネシアにおけるルーマー・ススンの共用空間の使われ方に関する考察
- 古田 莉香子,山岸 輝樹,篠崎 健一,広田 直行,布野 修司
- 日本建築学会計画系論文集 (760), 1333-1340, 2019-06
- … Kitchen ( dapur ) and even bathing space ( kamar mandi ) tends to be installed in private dwelling unit and, but common space is used variably by compensating the narrowness of dwelling space. … This article suggests several points to be considered for the new model of Rusun, for examples, how to overcome the narrowness of the dwelling unit, how to design space formation to accept addition and reform, how to deal with the needs of personalization of kitchen and toilet-bath room, how to design common space and so on.</p> …
- NAID 130007670366
- 津波避難タワーにおける避難行動要支援者の垂直避難支援及び避難誘導に関する研究
- 田中 宏幸,北後 明彦,ピニェイロ アベウ タイチ コンノ,大津 暢人,李 知香
- 日本建築学会計画系論文集 (756), 415-424, 2019-02
- … But, in case of disaster, there is a risk of being crowd with many evacuees due to the narrowness of transport route width and the slow transport velocity. …
- NAID 130007605427
- フィンガリング不安定性が狭い空間における燃え拡がり挙動に及ぼす影響
- 船島 康史,飯塚 洋行,桑名 一徳,櫛田 玄一郎
- 日本燃焼学会誌 61(197), 250-257, 2019
- … Three-dimensional basic equations are first developed and then reduced to two-dimensional ones considering the narrowness of the domain. …
- NAID 130007690596
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- 逆に集中できていない時にもNarrownessは現れます。いろんなことに手を出しすぎたり、興味が散漫になっていませんか?ひとつのことに集中して深めていくことで、新しい段階の気づきが訪れます。技能をマスターしたり、より高度の気づきが
- Many translated example sentences containing "narrowness" – Japanese-English dictionary and search engine for Japanese translations. ... ベンチャー・キャピタル業務を行う子会社では、革新 的な技術やビジネスモデルを 有する投 資候 補先 ...
- To this narrowness Burns, with all his faults of style, was a stranger. It is here that the narrowness of the mind of woman is revealed in all its meanness. The narrowness serves to concentrate the strength and accelerate the work.
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