- make mysterious; "mystify the story"
- make less mysterious or remove the mystery from; "lets demystify the event by explaining what it is all about"
- …‘を'惑わせる,煙に巻く / …‘を'神秘化する,なぞめかす
- …‘の'なぞを解く
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Mystify may refer to:
In Film
- Mystify: Michael Hutchence, a 2019 documentary about the life of Michael Hutchence, lead singer of INXS.
In Music
- Mystify: A Musical Journey with Michael Hutchence, a 2019 album by Michael Hutchence.
- "Mystify" (song), 1989 single by INXS
- "Mystify" (Saving Abel song), a 2013 single
See also
- Mystification (disambiguation)
- Mysticism
English Journal
- Historical documents on epilepsy: From antiquity through the 20th century.
- Panteliadis CP1, Vassilyadi P2, Fehlert J3, Hagel C3.
- Brain & development.Brain Dev.2017 Jun;39(6):457-463. doi: 10.1016/j.braindev.2017.02.002. Epub 2017 Feb 27.
- PMID 28249737
- A Strange Fire: an exploration of psycho-spiritual development aided by Jungian analysis and Vedanta.
- Sagar D1, West M2.
- The Journal of analytical psychology.J Anal Psychol.2016 Nov;61(5):625-646. doi: 10.1111/1468-5922.12260.
- PMID 27763661
- The mysterious Zika virus: Adding to the tropical flavivirus mayhem.
- Mishra B1, Behera B1.
- Journal of postgraduate medicine.J Postgrad Med.2016 Oct-Dec;62(4):249-254. doi: 10.4103/0022-3859.191006.
- PMID 27763483
Japanese Journal
- 木村 雅昭
- アジア・アフリカ地域研究 5(1), 1-20, 2005
- … </p><p>In spite of its ideology, Hindu Revivalism represents the secular political trend, and as such it lacks the potential to glorify the Indian state as well as mystify its political values. …
- NAID 130007535027
- 1917年バリ大地震--植民地状況における文化形成の政治学
- 永淵 康之
- 国立民族学博物館研究報告 19(2), p259-310, 1994
- … Consequently the government produced an authentic historicalvision, which in turn concealed the radical transformation it had created.The association between power and knowledge in the colonial situationserved to mystify the real processes at work. …
- NAID 110000448213
- 末石 冨太郎
- 環境問題シンポジュウム講演論文集 15(0), 15-20, 1987
- … A symposium to de-mystify NIMBY syndrome was held in 1983 at York University with participants from various parties. …
- NAID 130004409264
Related Links
- Lyrics to "Mystify" song by INXS: All veils and misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill divine Some silken moment Goes on foreve...
- tr.v. mys·ti·fied, mys·ti·fy·ing, mys·ti·fies. 1. To confuse or puzzle mentally. See Synonyms at puzzle. 2. To make obscure or mysterious. [French mystifier : mystère, mystery (from Latin myst rium; see mystery1) + -fier, -fy.] mys ti·fi er n. mys ti·fy ...
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