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- multicenter、multicentre、multicentricity
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English Journal
- Reliability and validity of the SPAID-G checklist for detecting psychiatric disorders in adults with intellectual disability.
- Bertelli M, Scuticchio D, Ferrandi A, Lassi S, Mango F, Ciavatta C, Porcelli C, Bianco A, Monchieri S.SourceCREA (A.M.G. Research and Evolution Centre), Florence, Italy; Social Co-operative WORK 2000, Arezzo, Italy.
- Research in developmental disabilities.Res Dev Disabil.2012 Mar;33(2):382-90. Epub 2011 Nov 24.
- SPAID (Psychiatric Instrument for the Intellectually Disabled Adult) is the first Italian tool-package for carrying out psychiatric diagnosis in adults with Intellectual Disabilities (ID). It includes the "G" form, for general diagnostic orientation, and specific checklists for all groups of syndrom
- PMID 22119685
- Morphology, cytogenetics, and survival in myelodysplasia with del(20q) or ider(20q): a multicenter study.
- Mullier F, Daliphard S, Garand R, Dekeyser M, Cornet Y, Luquet I, Talmant P, Richebourg S, Jamar M, Dogné JM, Chatelain C, Michaux L, Chatelain B.SourceLaboratory of Hematology, Namur Thrombosis and Hemostasis Center (NTHC), Namur Research Institute for LIfe Sciences (NARILIS), UCL Mont-Godinne, Avenue Gaston Therasse 1, 5530, Yvoir, Belgium, mullierfrancois@gmail.com.
- Annals of hematology.Ann Hematol.2012 Feb;91(2):203-13. Epub 2011 Jul 9.
- Isochromosome of the long arm of chromosome 20 with interstitial loss of material [ider(20q)] is a rare cytogenetic abnormality reported in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), with neither specific morphological pattern nor clear prognostic significance. The aim of this retrospective multicentric study
- PMID 21744002
Japanese Journal
- 研究・症例 血球貪食を伴った多中心型キャッスルマン病の1例
- 松尾 拓,中村 由紀子,鈴木 恒治,王 玉来,平田 慎也,大江 倫太郎,刑部 光正
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 57(4), 1158-1163, 2015
- 症例は81歳女性.腹痛と貧血の精査のため入院.検査の結果,胃から直腸の消化管ほぼ全域にわたり多発する赤色から暗赤色調の扁平隆起性病変を認め,十二指腸からの生検で血管肉腫と診断した.すでに多発性骨転移とリンパ節転移があり,全身状態不良であったため十分な治療はできなかった.消化管に発生する血管肉腫は転移性,原発性ともに非常に稀であり,今後の早期診断と治療を考える上で示唆に富む症例と思われ,報告する.
- NAID 130005067281
- CD14+ follicular dendritic cells in lymphoid follicles may play a role in the pathogenesis of IgG4-related disease
- , , , , , , , , , , ,
- Biomedical Research 36(2), 143-153, 2015
- … Pathological findings of tissue samples from patients with IgG4-RD (n = 22), reactive hyperplasia (n = 3), multicentric Castleman's disease (n = 3), and Sjögren's syndrome (n = 13) were analyzed. …
- NAID 130005065277
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