- 1 概要
- 2 特徴
- 2.1 高等動物
- 2.2 陸上植物
- 2.3 特徴的な生物
- 3 コドン表
- 4 伝達様式
- 5 ミトコンドリアDNAを利用した研究
- 6 関連項目
- 7 出典
- 8 参考文献
ミトコンドリアDNA は、ミトコンドリアの持つたんぱく質などに関する情報が主に含まれており、ミトコンドリアが分裂する際に複製が行われる。ミトコンドリアに必要な情報の一部は核DNAに含まれており、ミトコンドリアは細胞の外で単体では存在できない。また逆に細胞が必要とするエネルギーを、酸素を利用して取り出せるのはミトコンドリアの働きによっており、細胞それ自体もミトコンドリアなしには生存できない。これらのことはミトコンドリアが細胞内共生由来であるという仮説の傍証となっている。
一般にミトコンドリア病と呼ばれるミトコンドリアの異常によって起こる疾病も、ミトコンドリアDNAの異常に起因するものと、核DNAの異常に起因するものとがある。 ミトコンドリアDNAの遺伝子多型は、肥満しやすさの個体差に関係していると考えられている。 さらに、近年ではミトコンドリアDNAにおける変異が、がんの転移能に影響を与えているという報告もある。(Hayashi et al, 2008)
遺伝子地図などではミトコンドリアDNAが環状に表現されることが多い。しかし物理的に環状のミトコンドリアDNAを持つ生物は、高等動物やキネトプラスト類などごく一部に限られる。多くの生物ではDNA分子が、環状の基本構造からトイレットペーパーを引き出すかのように連続的に複製され、その結果ミトコンドリアDNAの全ての部位が二重螺旋構造であり、大部分が基本単位が何度も繰り返す線状反復構造になっている。また少数派ではあるが、常に線状のミトコンドリアDNAを持つ生物も存在している。 [1]
ヒトを含む高等動物のミトコンドリアDNAはいずれも比較的似通っており、大きさ16 kb前後の単一の環状DNAで構成されている。遺伝子は37あり、その内訳は、呼吸鎖複合体のサブユニットが13、tRNAが22、rRNAが2となっている。遺伝子の配置は多種多様であるが、脊椎動物では魚類から哺乳類まで基本的には同じ配置になっている。線形動物、二枚貝などは遺伝子の種類がわずかに異なり、刺胞動物はゲノムが線状であるなど例外的である。 [2]
シラミ類のミトコンドリアゲノムは全く異なる構成をしており、それぞれが1ないし3の遺伝子を持つ3-4kbという小さな環状DNAが18種も存在している。 [3]
陸上植物のミトコンドリアDNAは数多くの反復配列を含んでおり、相同組換えによって様々な構造のDNA分子が生じている。しかし制限酵素を用いた解析によって再構築した「マスターサークル」分子を元来のミトコンドリアDNAと考えることができる。マスターサークルの大きさは最小でも200 kb前後と大きく、最大のものでは2400 kbにもなっている。高等動物のミトコンドリアDNAに含まれている遺伝子以外に、リボソームのタンパク質サブユニットをコードする遺伝子が10以上含まれており、合計の遺伝子数は100弱にもなる。また遺伝子中にグループ2イントロンが多く見出されることが特徴的である。 [4]
レクリノモナス(Reclinomonas americana)は、原始的なミトコンドリアDNAを持っていることで有名になった原生生物である。およそ70kbの環状DNAにタンパク質とRNAを合わせて98遺伝子があり、そのうち18は他のミトコンドリアDNAには全く見付からない。特に細菌と同様のRNAポリメラーゼ遺伝子群が存在する点は特徴的である。
これまで知られている限り最も小さなミトコンドリアDNAを持つ生物は、マラリア原虫やピロプラズマを含むアピコンプレックス門の原虫である。大きさわずか6 kbの線状ゲノムであり、電子伝達系に関わる3つのタンパク質遺伝子と、断片化されたリボソームRNA遺伝子群のみが存在している。tRNAはミトコンドリアDNA上には全く存在しないため、すべてが細胞質から輸送されていると考えられている。
第1塩基 |
第2塩基 |
第3塩基 |
U |
C |
A |
G |
U |
フェニルアラニン |
セリン |
チロシン |
システイン |
U |
C |
ロイシン |
終止コドン |
終止コドン |
A |
終止コドン |
トリプトファン |
G |
C |
プロリン |
ヒスチジン |
アルギニン |
U |
C |
グルタミン |
A |
G |
A |
イソロイシン |
トレオニン |
アスパラギン |
セリン |
U |
C |
イソロイシン |
リジン |
アルギニン |
A |
メチオニン(開始コドン) |
アルギニン |
G |
G |
バリン |
アラニン |
アスパラギン酸 |
グリシン |
U |
C |
グルタミン酸 |
A |
G |
有名なものにはブライアン・サイクス著『イヴの七人の娘たち(原題The Seven Daughters of Eve)』 がある。現代のヨーロッパ人はほぼ7つのクラスター(群)に分けることができ、理論的にそのクラスターの元となる配列をもたらしたのは、旧石器時代の7人の女性だと考えられる。 更にアジアやアフリカ人の遺伝子も検証したところ、現代に生きる世界中の人々の母系先祖はアフリカの1人の女性であると推定することができるという、いわゆるミトコンドリア・イブの理論も同様の分析に基づくものである。
また、Svante Pääboらは、ヨーロッパのイヌの先祖を追いかけて母系の4系統へとさかのぼる研究を発表している[8]。
ミトコンドリアによる系譜の研究がすすめられた時期は「遺伝的刷り込み」と呼ばれる現象が遺伝学的にまだ考慮されていなかったため、ミトコンドリア遺伝子が「母親由来のゲノムからのみ発現する遺伝子群(Maternally expressed genes、MEG)」であるとすれば、男性の身体では単に非発現状態で休眠しているだけであり、この論は齟齬を含んでいるのではないかという人があるが、父親と母親から一つずつ一対の遺伝子を受け継ぐことになっている核DNAで、一方の遺伝情報を発現させるために起こる遺伝的刷り込みが、環状のミトコンドリアDNAに対してどう関係するのかという疑問がある。
- 細胞
- ミトコンドリア
- ミトコンドリアDNAハプログループ
- ^ Gray, M.W., Lang, B.F., and Burger, G. (2004). “Mitochondria of protists”. Ann. Rev. Genet. 38: 477-524. PMID 15568984.
- ^ Jeffrey L. Boore (1999). “Animal mitochondrial genomes”. Nucleic Acids Res. 27 (8): 1767-1780. PMID 10101183. http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/27/8/1767.
- ^ Shao R, Kirkness EF, Barker SC (2009). “The single mitochondrial chromosome typical of animals has evolved into 18 minichromosomes in the human body louse, Pediculus humanus”. Genome Res. 19 (5): 904-12. PMID 19336451. http://genome.cshlp.org/content/19/5/904.full.pdf.
- ^ Wolstenholme, D.R. and Fauron, C.M.R.. “Mitochondrial genome organization”. In Levings, C.S. and Vasil, I.K.. The molecular biology of plant mitochondria. Advances in cellular and molecular biology of plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0792332245.
- ^ 黒岩常祥著 『ミトコンドリアはどこからきたか』 日本放送出版 2000年6月30日第1刷発行 ISBN 4140018879
- ^ Schwartz, Marianne, and John Vissing (2002). “Paternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA”. New England Journal of Medicine 347 (8): 576-580. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa020350.
- ^ Sutovsky, Peter, et al. (1999). “Development: ubiquitin tag for sperm mitochondria”. Nature 402: 371-372. doi:10.1038/46466.
- ^ Thalmann, O., et al. (2013). “Complete mitochondrial genomes of ancient canids suggest a European origin of domestic dogs” (PDF). Science 342: 871-874. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel_Loponte/publication/258529165_Complete_Mitochondrial_Genomes_of_Ancient_Canids_Suggest_a_European_Origin_of_Domestic_Dogs/links/0deec52966c4b5229c000000.pdf 2015年12月17日閲覧。.
- ^ 『DNA』J・D・ワトソン/B・アンドリュー著・青木薫訳、講談社。
- Hayashi, J., et. al. "ROS-generating mitochondrial DNA mutations can regulate tumor cell metastasis." Science. 2008 May 2;320(5876):661-4.[2]
核酸 |
構成要素 |
核酸塩基 · ヌクレオシド · ヌクレオチド
リボ核酸 |
mRNA (pre-mRNA/hnRNA) · tRNA · rRNA · aRNA · gRNA · miRNA · ncRNA · piRNA · shRNA · siRNA · snRNA · snoRNA · stRNA · ta-siRNA · tmRNA
デオキシリボ核酸 |
cDNA · cpDNA · gDNA · msDNA · mtDNA
核酸アナログ |
GNA · LNA/BNA · PNA · TNA · モルホリノ
クローニングベクター |
ファージミド · プラスミド · ラムダファージ · コスミド · P1ファージ · フォスミド · BAC · YAC · HAC
- 主要な生体物質
- 炭水化物
- アルコール
- 糖タンパク質
- 配糖体
- 脂質
- エイコサノイド
- 脂肪酸/脂肪酸の代謝中間体
- リン脂質
- スフィンゴ脂質
- ステロイド
- 核酸
- 核酸塩基
- ヌクレオチド代謝中間体
- タンパク質
- タンパク質を構成するアミノ酸/アミノ酸の代謝中間体
- テトラピロール
- ヘムの代謝中間体
Mitochondrial DNA is the small circular chromosome found inside mitochondria. These organelles found in cells have often been called the powerhouse of the cell.
[1] The mitochondria, and thus mitochondrial DNA, are passed only from mother to offspring through egg cell.
Human mitochondrial DNA with the 37 genes on their respective H- and L-strands.
Electron microscopy reveals mitochondrial DNA in discrete foci. Bars: 200 nm. (A) Cytoplasmic section after immunogold labelling with anti-DNA; gold particles marking mtDNA are found near the mitochondrial membrane. (B) Whole mount view of cytoplasm after extraction with CSK buffer and immunogold labelling with anti-DNA; mtDNA (marked by gold particles) resists extraction. From Iborra et al., 2004.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA or mDNA)[3] is the DNA located in mitochondria, cellular organelles within eukaryotic cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a eukaryotic cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus and, in plants and algae, also in plastids such as chloroplasts.
In humans, the 16,569 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA encode for only 37 genes.[4] Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of the human genome to be sequenced. In most species, including humans, mtDNA is inherited solely from the mother.[5]
Since animal mtDNA evolves faster than nuclear genetic markers,[6][7][8] it represents a mainstay of phylogenetics and evolutionary biology. It also permits an examination of the relatedness of populations, and so has become important in anthropology and biogeography.
- 1 Origin
- 2 Mitochondrial inheritance
- 2.1 Female inheritance
- 2.2 The mitochondrial bottleneck
- 2.3 Male inheritance
- 2.4 Mitochondrial donation
- 3 Structure
- 3.1 Circular versus linear
- 3.2 In mammals
- 3.3 In plants
- 3.4 In protists
- 4 Genome diversity
- 4.1 Animals
- 4.2 Plants and fungi
- 4.3 Protists
- 5 Replication
- 6 Transcription
- 7 Mutations and disease
- 7.1 Susceptibility
- 7.2 Genetic illness
- 7.3 Use in disease diagnosis
- 7.4 Relationship with aging
- 7.5 Relationship with non-B (non-canonical) DNA structures
- 8 Use in identification
- 9 History
- 10 Mitochondrial sequence databases
- 11 Mitochondrial mutation databases
- 12 See also
- 13 References
Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA are thought to be of separate evolutionary origin, with the mtDNA being derived from the circular genomes of the bacteria that were engulfed by the early ancestors of today's eukaryotic cells. This theory is called the endosymbiotic theory. Each mitochondrion is estimated to contain 2–10 mtDNA copies.[9] In the cells of extant organisms, the vast majority of the proteins present in the mitochondria (numbering approximately 1500 different types in mammals) are coded for by nuclear DNA, but the genes for some of them, if not most, are thought to have originally been of bacterial origin, having since been transferred to the eukaryotic nucleus during evolution.[10]
The reasons why mitochondria have retained some genes are debated. The existence in some species of mitochondrion-derived organelles lacking a genome[11] suggests that complete gene loss is possible, and transferring mitochondrial genes to the nucleus has several advantages.[12] The difficulty of targeting remotely-produced hydrophobic protein products to the mitochondrion is one hypothesis for why some genes are retained in mtDNA;[13] colocalisation for redox regulation is another, citing the desirability of localised control over mitochondrial machinery.[14] Recent analysis of a wide range of mtDNA genomes suggests that both these features may dictate mitochondrial gene retention.[10]
Mitochondrial inheritance
In most multicellular organisms, mtDNA is inherited from the mother (maternally inherited). Mechanisms for this include simple dilution (an egg contains on average 200,000 mtDNA molecules, whereas a healthy human sperm was reported to contain on average 5 molecules[15][16] ), degradation of sperm mtDNA in the male genital tract, in the fertilized egg, and, at least in a few organisms, failure of sperm mtDNA to enter the egg. Whatever the mechanism, this single parent (uniparental inheritance) pattern of mtDNA inheritance is found in most animals, most plants and in fungi as well.
Female inheritance
In sexual reproduction, mitochondria are normally inherited exclusively from the mother; the mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed by the egg cell after fertilization. Also, most mitochondria are present at the base of the sperm's tail, which is used for propelling the sperm cells; sometimes the tail is lost during fertilization. In 1999 it was reported that paternal sperm mitochondria (containing mtDNA) are marked with ubiquitin to select them for later destruction inside the embryo.[17] Some in vitro fertilization techniques, particularly injecting a sperm into an oocyte, may interfere with this.
The fact that mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited enables genealogical researchers to trace maternal lineage far back in time. (Y-chromosomal DNA, paternally inherited, is used in an analogous way to determine the patrilineal history.) This is usually accomplished on human mitochondrial DNA by sequencing the hypervariable control regions (HVR1 or HVR2), and sometimes the complete molecule of the mitochondrial DNA, as a genealogical DNA test.[18] HVR1, for example, consists of about 440 base pairs. These 440 base pairs are then compared to the control regions of other individuals (either specific people or subjects in a database) to determine maternal lineage. Most often, the comparison is made to the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence. Vilà et al. have published studies tracing the matrilineal descent of domestic dogs to wolves.[19] The concept of the Mitochondrial Eve is based on the same type of analysis, attempting to discover the origin of humanity by tracking the lineage back in time.
mtDNA is highly conserved, and its relatively slow mutation rates (compared to other DNA regions such as microsatellites) make it useful for studying the evolutionary relationships—phylogeny—of organisms. Biologists can determine and then compare mtDNA sequences among different species and use the comparisons to build an evolutionary tree for the species examined. However, due to the slow mutation rates it experiences, it is often hard to distinguish between closely related species to any large degree, so other methods of analysis must be used.
The mitochondrial bottleneck
Entities undergoing uniparental inheritance and with little to no recombination may be expected to be subject to Muller's ratchet, the accumulation of deleterious mutations until functionality is lost. Animal populations of mitochondria avoid this buildup through a developmental process known as the mtDNA bottleneck. The bottleneck exploits stochastic processes in the cell to increase in the cell-to-cell variability in mutant load as an organism develops: a single egg cell with some proportion of mutant mtDNA thus produces an embryo where different cells have different mutant loads. Cell-level selection may then act to remove those cells with more mutant mtDNA, leading to a stabilisation or reduction in mutant load between generations. The mechanism underlying the bottleneck is debated,[20][21][22][23] with a recent mathematical and experimental metastudy providing evidence for a combination of random partitioning of mtDNAs at cell divisions and random turnover of mtDNA molecules within the cell.[24]
Male inheritance
Main article: Paternal mtDNA transmission
Doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA is observed in bivalve mollusks. In those species, females have only one type of mtDNA (F), whereas males have F type mtDNA in their somatic cells, but M type of mtDNA (which can be as much as 30% divergent) in germline cells.[25] Paternally inherited mitochondria have additionally been reported in some insects such as fruit flies,[26][27] honeybees,[28] and periodical cicadas.[29]
Male mitochondrial inheritance was recently discovered in Plymouth Rock chickens.[30] Evidence supports rare instances of male mitochondrial inheritance in some mammals as well. Specifically, documented occurrences exist for mice,[31][32] where the male-inherited mitochondria were subsequently rejected. It has also been found in sheep,[33] and in cloned cattle.[34] It has been found in a single case in a human male.[35]
Although many of these cases involve cloned embryos or subsequent rejection of the paternal mitochondria, others document in vivo inheritance and persistence under lab conditions.
Mitochondrial donation
Main article: Mitochondrial donation
An IVF technique known as mitochondrial donation or mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT) results in offspring containing mtDNA from a donor female, and nuclear DNA from the mother and father. In the spindle transfer procedure, the nucleus of an egg is inserted into the cytoplasm of an egg from a donor female which has had its nucleus removed, but still contains the donor female's mtDNA. The composite egg is then fertilized with the male's sperm. The procedure is used when a woman with genetically defective mitochondria wishes to procreate and produce offspring with healthy mitochondria.[36] The first known child to be born as a result of mitochondrial donation was a boy born to a Jordanian couple in Mexico on 6 April 2016.[37]
Circular versus linear
In most multicellular organisms, the mtDNA - or mitogenome - is organized as a circular, covalently closed, double-stranded DNA. But in many unicellular (e.g. the ciliate Tetrahymena or the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) and in rare cases also in multicellular organisms (e.g. in some species of Cnidaria ) the mtDNA is found as linearly organized DNA. Most of these linear mtDNAs possess telomerase independent telomeres (i.e. the ends of the linear DNA) with different modes of replication, which have made them interesting objects of research, as many of these unicellular organisms with linear mtDNA are known pathogens.[38]
In mammals
For human mitochondrial DNA (and probably for that of metazoans in general), 100-10,000 separate copies of mtDNA are usually present per somatic cell (egg and sperm cells are exceptions). In mammals, each double-stranded circular mtDNA molecule consists of 15,000-17,000[39] base pairs. The two strands of mtDNA are differentiated by their nucleotide content, with a guanine-rich strand referred to as the heavy strand (or H-strand) and a cytosine-rich strand referred to as the light strand (or L-strand). The heavy strand encodes 28 genes, and the light strand encodes 9 genes for a total of 37 genes.[4] Of the 37 genes, 13 are for proteins (polypeptides), 22 are for transfer RNA (tRNA) and two are for the small and large subunits of ribosomal RNA (rRNA).[40] The human mitogenome contains overlapping genes (ATP8 and ATP6 as well as ND4L and ND4: see the human mitochondrial genome map), a feature that is rare in animal genomes.[citation needed] The 37-gene pattern is also seen among most metazoans, although in some cases one or more of these genes is absent and the mtDNA size range is greater.
The 37 genes of the Cambridge Reference Sequence for human mitochondrial DNA and their locations[40]
Gene |
Type |
Product |
in the mitogenome |
Strand |
protein coding |
ATP synthase, Fo subunit 8 (complex V) |
08,366-08,572 (overlap with MT-ATP6) |
H |
protein coding |
ATP synthase, Fo subunit 6 (complex V) |
08,527-09,207 (overlap with MT-ATP8) |
H |
MT-CO1 |
protein coding |
Cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 1 (complex IV) |
05,904-07,445 |
H |
MT-CO2 |
protein coding |
Cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 2 (complex IV) |
07,586-08,269 |
H |
MT-CO3 |
protein coding |
Cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 3 (complex IV) |
09,207-09,990 |
H |
protein coding |
Cytochrome b (complex III) |
14,747-15,887 |
H |
MT-ND1 |
protein coding |
NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 1 (complex I) |
03,307-04,262 |
H |
MT-ND2 |
protein coding |
NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 2 (complex I) |
04,470-05,511 |
H |
MT-ND3 |
protein coding |
NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 3 (complex I) |
10,059-10,404 |
H |
protein coding |
NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 4L (complex I) |
10,470-10,766 |
H |
MT-ND4 |
protein coding |
NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 4 (complex I) |
10,760-12,137 (overlap with MT-ND4L) |
H |
MT-ND5 |
protein coding |
NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 5 (complex I) |
12,337-14,148 |
H |
MT-ND6 |
protein coding |
NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 6 (complex I) |
14,149-14,673 |
L |
protein coding |
Humanin |
— |
— |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Alanine (Ala or A) |
05,587-05,655 |
L |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Arginine (Arg or R) |
10,405-10,469 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Asparagine (Asn or N) |
05,657-05,729 |
L |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Aspartic acid (Asp or D) |
07,518-07,585 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Cysteine (Cys or C) |
05,761-05,826 |
L |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Glutamic acid (Glu or E) |
14,674-14,742 |
L |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Glutamine (Gln or Q) |
04,329-04,400 |
L |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Glycine (Gly or G) |
09,991-10,058 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Histidine (His or H) |
12,138-12,206 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Isoleucine (Ile or I) |
04,263-04,331 |
H |
MT-TL1 |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Leucine (Leu-UUR or L) |
03,230-03,304 |
H |
MT-TL2 |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Leucine (Leu-CUN or L) |
12,266-12,336 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Lysine (Lys or K) |
08,295-08,364 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Methionine (Met or M) |
04,402-04,469 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Phenylalanine (Phe or F) |
00,577-00,647 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Proline (Pro or P) |
15,956-16,023 |
L |
MT-TS1 |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Serine (Ser-UCN or S) |
07,446-07,514 |
L |
MT-TS2 |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Serine (Ser-AGY or S) |
12,207-12,265 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Threonine (Thr or T) |
15,888-15,953 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Tryptophan (Trp or W) |
05,512-05,579 |
H |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Tyrosine (Tyr or Y) |
05,826-05,891 |
L |
transfer RNA |
tRNA-Valine (Val or V) |
01,602-01,670 |
H |
ribosomal RNA |
Small subunit : SSU (12S) |
00,648-01,601 |
H |
ribosomal RNA |
Large subunit : LSU (16S) |
01,671-03,229 |
H |
In plants
Great variation in mtDNA gene content and size exists among fungi and plants, although there appears to be a core subset of genes that are present in all eukaryotes (except for the few that have no mitochondria at all).[10] Some plant species have enormous mitochondrial genomes, with Silene conica mtDNA containing as many as 11,300,000 base pairs.[41] Surprisingly, even those huge mtDNAs contain the same number and kinds of genes as related plants with much smaller mtDNAs.[42] The genome of the mitochondrion of the cucumber (Cucumis sativus) consists of three circular chromosomes (lengths 1556, 84 and 45 kilobases), which are entirely or largely autonomous with regard to their replication.[43]
In protists
The smallest mitochondrial genome sequenced to date is the 5967 bp mtDNA of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum.[44]
Genome diversity
There are six main genome types found in mitochondrial genomes. These genome types were classified by “Kolesnikov & Gerasimov (2012)" and differ in various ways such as a circular versus linear genome, genome size, the presence of introns or plasmid like structures, and whether the genetic material is a singular molecule or collection of homogeneous or heterogeneous molecules.[45]
There is only one mitochondrial genome type found in animal cells. This genome contains one circular molecule with between 11-28kbp of genetic material (type 1).[45]
Plants and fungi
There are three different genome types found in plants and fungi. The first type is a circular genome that has introns (type 2) and may range from 19-1000kpb in length. The second genome type is a circular genome (about 20–1000kbp) that also has a plasmid-like structure (1kb) (type 3). The final genome type that can be found in plant and fungi is a linear genome made up of homogeneous DNA molecules (type 5).
Protists contain the most diverse mitochondrial genomes, with five different types found in this kingdom. Type 2, type 3 and type 5 mentioned in the plant and fungal genomes also exists in some protist, as well as two unique genome types. The first of these is a heterogeneous collection of circular DNA molecules (type 4) and the final genome type found in protists is a heterogeneous collection of linear molecules (type 6). Genome types 4 and 6 both range from 1–200kbp in size.
Endosymbiotic gene transfer, the process of genes that were coded in the mitochondrial genome being transferred to the cell's main genome likely explains why more complex organisms, such as humans, have smaller mitochondrial genomes than simpler organisms, such as protists.
Genome Type[45] |
Kingdom |
Introns |
Size |
Shape |
Description |
1 |
Animal |
No |
11–28kbp |
Circular |
Single molecule |
2 |
Fungi, Plant, Protista |
Yes |
19–1000kbp |
Circular |
Single molecule |
3 |
Fungi, Plant, Protista |
No |
20–1000kbp |
Circular |
Large molecule and small plasmid like structures |
4 |
Protista |
No |
1–200kbp |
Circular |
Heterogeneous group of molecules |
5 |
Fungi, Plant, Protista |
No |
1–200kbp |
Linear |
Homogeneous group of molecules |
6 |
Protista |
No |
1–200kbp |
Linear |
Heterogeneous group of molecules |
Mitochondrial DNA is replicated by the DNA polymerase gamma complex which is composed of a 140 kDa catalytic DNA polymerase encoded by the POLG gene and two 55 kDa accessory subunits encoded by the POLG2 gene.[46] The replisome machinery is formed by DNA polymerase, TWINKLE and mitochondrial SSB proteins. TWINKLE is a helicase, which unwinds short stretches of dsDNA in the 5′ to 3′ direction.[47]
During embryogenesis, replication of mtDNA is strictly down-regulated from the fertilized oocyte through the preimplantation embryo.[48] The resulting reduction in per-cell copy number of mtDNA plays a role in the mitochondrial bottleneck, exploiting cell-to-cell variability to ameliorate the inheritance of damaging mutations.[24] At the blastocyst stage, the onset of mtDNA replication is specific to the cells of the trophectoderm.[48] In contrast, the cells of the inner cell mass restrict mtDNA replication until they receive the signals to differentiate to specific cell types.[48]
In animal mitochondria, each DNA strand is transcribed continuously and produces a polycistronic RNA molecule. Between most (but not all) protein-coding regions, tRNAs are present (see the human mitochondrial genome map). During transcription, the tRNAs acquire their characteristic L-shape that gets recognized and cleaved by specific enzymes. With the mitochondrial RNA processing, individual mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA sequences are released from the primary transcript.[49] Folded tRNAs therefore act as secondary structure punctuations.[50]
Mutations and disease
Human mitochondrial DNA with groups of protein-, rRNA- and tRNA-encoding genes.
The involvement of mitochondrial DNA in several human diseases.
The concept that mtDNA is particularly susceptible to reactive oxygen species generated by the respiratory chain due to its proximity remains controversial.[51] mtDNA does not accumulate any more oxidative base damage than nuclear DNA.[52] It has been reported that at least some types of oxidative DNA damage are repaired more efficiently in mitochondria than they are in the nucleus.[53] mtDNA is packaged with proteins which appear to be as protective as proteins of the nuclear chromatin.[54] Moreover, mitochondria evolved a unique mechanism which maintains mtDNA integrity through degradation of excessively damaged genomes followed by replication of intact/repaired mtDNA. This mechanism is not present in the nucleus and is enabled by multiple copies of mtDNA present in mitochondria [55] The outcome of mutation in mtDNA may be an alteration in the coding instructions for some proteins,[56] which may have an effect on organism metabolism and/or fitness.
Genetic illness
Further information: Mitochondrial disease
Mutations of mitochondrial DNA can lead to a number of illnesses including exercise intolerance and Kearns–Sayre syndrome (KSS), which causes a person to lose full function of heart, eye, and muscle movements. Some evidence suggests that they might be major contributors to the aging process and age-associated pathologies.[57] Particularly in the context of disease, the proportion of mutant mtDNA molecules in a cell is termed heteroplasmy. The within-cell and between-cell distributions of heteroplasmy dictate the onset and severity of disease [58] and are influenced by complicated stochastic processes within the cell and during development.[24][59]
Mutations in mitochondrial tRNAs can be responsible for severe diseases like the MELAS and MERRF syndromes.[60]
Mutations in nuclear genes that encode proteins that mitochondria use can also contribute to mitochondrial diseases. These diseases do not follow mitochondrial inheritance patterns, but instead follow Mendelian inheritance patterns.[61]
Use in disease diagnosis
Recently a mutation in mtDNA has been used to help diagnose prostate cancer in patients with negative prostate biopsy.[62][63]
Relationship with aging
Though the idea is controversial, some evidence suggests a link between aging and mitochondrial genome dysfunction.[64] In essence, mutations in mtDNA upset a careful balance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and enzymatic ROS scavenging (by enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and others). However, some mutations that increase ROS production (e.g., by reducing antioxidant defenses) in worms increase, rather than decrease, their longevity.[51] Also, naked mole rats, rodents about the size of mice, live about eight times longer than mice despite having reduced, compared to mice, antioxidant defenses and increased oxidative damage to biomolecules.[65] Once, there was thought to be a positive feedback loop at work (a 'Vicious Cycle'); as mitochondrial DNA accumulates genetic damage caused by free radicals, the mitochondria lose function and leak free radicals into the cytosol. A decrease in mitochondrial function reduces overall metabolic efficiency.[66] However, this concept was conclusively disproved when it was demonstrated that mice, which were genetically altered to accumulate mtDNA mutations at accelerated rate do age prematurely, but their tissues do not produce more ROS as predicted by the 'Vicious Cycle' hypothesis.[67] Supporting a link between longevity and mitochondrial DNA, some studies have found correlations between biochemical properties of the mitochondrial DNA and the longevity of species.[68] Extensive research is being conducted to further investigate this link and methods to combat aging. Presently, gene therapy and nutraceutical supplementation are popular areas of ongoing research.[69][70] Bjelakovic et al. analyzed the results of 78 studies between 1977 and 2012, involving a total of 296,707 participants, and concluded that antioxidant supplements do not reduce all-cause mortality nor extend lifespan, while some of them, such as beta carotene, vitamin E, and higher doses of vitamin A, may actually increase mortality.[71]
Relationship with non-B (non-canonical) DNA structures
Deletion breakpoints frequently occur within or near regions showing non-canonical (non-B) conformations, namely hairpins, cruciforms and cloverleaf-like elements.[72] Moreover, there is data supporting the involvement of helix-distorting intrinsically curved regions and long G-tetrads in eliciting instability events. In addition, higher breakpoint densities were consistently observed within GC-skewed regions and in the close vicinity of the degenerate sequence motif YMMYMNNMMHM.[73]
Use in identification
For use in human identification, see Human mitochondrial DNA.
Unlike nuclear DNA, which is inherited from both parents and in which genes are rearranged in the process of recombination, there is usually no change in mtDNA from parent to offspring. Although mtDNA also recombines, it does so with copies of itself within the same mitochondrion. Because of this and because the mutation rate of animal mtDNA is higher than that of nuclear DNA,[74] mtDNA is a powerful tool for tracking ancestry through females (matrilineage) and has been used in this role to track the ancestry of many species back hundreds of generations.
The rapid mutation rate (in animals) makes mtDNA useful for assessing genetic relationships of individuals or groups within a species and also for identifying and quantifying the phylogeny (evolutionary relationships; see phylogenetics) among different species. To do this, biologists determine and then compare the mtDNA sequences from different individuals or species. Data from the comparisons is used to construct a network of relationships among the sequences, which provides an estimate of the relationships among the individuals or species from which the mtDNAs were taken. mtDNA can be used to estimate the relationship between both closely related and distantly related species. Due to the high mutation rate of mtDNA in animals, the 3rd positions of the codons change relatively rapidly, and thus provide information about the genetic distances among closely related individuals or species. On the other hand, the substitution rate of mt-proteins is very low, thus amino acid changes accumulate slowly (with corresponding slow changes at 1st and 2nd codon positions) and thus they provide information about the genetic distances of distantly related species. Statistical models that treat substitution rates among codon positions separately, can thus be used to simultaneously estimate phylogenies that contain both closely and distantly related species[60]
Mitochondrial DNA was admitted into evidence for the first time ever in 1996 during State of Tennessee v. Paul Ware.[75]
In the 1998 court case of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Patricia Lynne Rorrer,[76] mitochondrial DNA was admitted into evidence in the State of Pennsylvania for the first time.[77][78] The case was featured in episode 55 of season 5 of the true crime drama series Forensic Files (season 5).[citation needed]
Mitochondrial DNA was first admitted into evidence in California in the successful prosecution of David Westerfield for the 2002 kidnapping and murder of 7-year-old Danielle van Dam in San Diego: it was used for both human and dog identification.[79] This was the first trial in the U.S. to admit canine DNA.[80]
Mitochondrial DNA was discovered in the 1960s by Margit M. K. Nass and Sylvan Nass by electron microscopy as DNase-sensitive threads inside mitochondria,[81] and by Ellen Haslbrunner, Hans Tuppy and Gottfried Schatz by biochemical assays on highly purified mitochondrial fractions.[82]
Mitochondrial sequence databases
Several specialized databases have been founded to collect mitochondrial genome sequences and other information. Although most of them focus on sequence data, some of them include phylogenetic or functional information.
- MitoSatPlant: Mitochondrial microsatellites database of viridiplantae.[83]
- MitoBreak: the mitochondrial DNA breakpoints database.[84]
- MitoFish and MitoAnnotator: a mitochondrial genome database of fish.[85] See also Cawthorn et al.[86]
- MitoZoa 2.0: a database for comparative and evolutionary analyses of mitochondrial genomes in Metazoa.[87] (no longer available)
- InterMitoBase: an annotated database and analysis platform of protein-protein interactions for human mitochondria.[88] (apparently last updated in 2010, but still available)
- Mitome: a database for comparative mitochondrial genomics in metazoan animals[89] (no longer available)
- MitoRes: a resource of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes and their products in metazoa[90] (apparently no longer being updated)
Mitochondrial mutation databases
Several specialized databases exist that report polymorphisms and mutations in the human mitochondrial DNA, together with the assessment of their pathogenicity.
- MITOMAP: A compendium of polymorphisms and mutations in human mitochondrial DNA [3].
- MitImpact: A collection of pre-computed pathogenicity predictions for all nucleotide changes that cause non-synonymous substitutions in human mitochondrial protein coding genes [4].
See also
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mitochondrial DNA. |
- Archaeogenetics of the Near East
- Clade
- CoRR hypothesis
- Haplogroup
- Heteroplasmy
- Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup
- Human mitochondrial genetics
- Mitochondrial disease
- Mitochondrial DNA (journal)
- Mitochondrial Eve
- Mitochondrial rCRS
- Paternal mtDNA transmission
- Single origin theory
- Supercluster (genetic)
- TIM/TOM complex
- Genetic history of Africa
- Genetic history of Europe
- Genetic history of the British Isles
- Genetic history of the Iberian Peninsula
- Genetic history of indigenous peoples of the Americas
- Genetic history of Italy
- Genetic history of North Africa
- Genetics and archaeogenetics of South Asia
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Types of nucleic acids
Constituents |
- Nucleobases
- Nucleosides
- Nucleotides
- Deoxynucleotides
Ribonucleic acids
(coding, non-coding) |
Translational |
- Messenger
- precursor, heterogenous nuclear
- Transfer
- Ribosomal
- Transfer-messenger
Regulatory |
- Interferential
- Micro
- Small interfering
- Piwi-interacting
- Antisense
- Processual
- Small nuclear
- Small nucleolar
- Small Cajal Body RNAs
- Enhancer RNAs
Others |
- Guide
- Ribozyme
- Small hairpin
- Small temporal
- Trans-acting small interfering
- Subgenomic messenger
Deoxyribonucleic acids |
- Complementary
- Chloroplast
- Deoxyribozyme
- Genomic
- Multicopy single-stranded
- Mitochondrial
Analogues |
- Xeno
- Locked
- Peptide
- Morpholino
Cloning vectors |
- Phagemid
- Plasmid
- Lambda phage
- Cosmid
- Fosmid
- Artificial chromosomes
- P1-derived
- Bacterial
- Yeast
- Human
Mitochondrial proteins
Outer membrane |
fatty acid degradation |
- Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I
- Long-chain-fatty-acid—CoA ligase
tryptophan metabolism |
monoamine neurotransmitter
metabolism |
Intermembrane space |
- Adenylate kinase
- Creatine kinase
Inner membrane |
oxidative phosphorylation |
- Coenzyme Q – cytochrome c reductase
- Cytochrome c
- NADH dehydrogenase
- Succinate dehydrogenase
pyrimidine metabolism |
- Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
mitochondrial shuttle |
- Malate-aspartate shuttle
- Glycerol phosphate shuttle
other |
- Glutamate aspartate transporter
- Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
- ATP synthase
- Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II
- Uncoupling protein
Matrix |
citric acid cycle |
- Citrate synthase
- Aconitase
- Isocitrate dehydrogenase
- Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
- Succinyl coenzyme A synthetase
- Fumarase
- Malate dehydrogenase
anaplerotic reactions |
- Aspartate transaminase
- Glutamate dehydrogenase
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
urea cycle |
- Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I
- Ornithine transcarbamylase
- N-Acetylglutamate synthase
alcohol metabolism |
Other/to be sorted |
steroidogenesis |
- Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme
- Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase
- Aldosterone synthase
- Frataxin
- Mitochondrial membrane transport protein
- Mitochondrial permeability transition pore
- Mitochondrial carrier
Mitochondrial DNA |
Complex I |
- MT-ND1
- MT-ND2
- MT-ND3
- MT-ND4
- MT-ND5
- MT-ND6
Complex III |
Complex IV |
ATP synthase |
tRNA |
- MT-TL1
- MT-TL2
- MT-TS1
- MT-TS2
see also mitochondrial diseases