- the quantity that can be held in the mouth
- 口1杯(分の…),1口(分の…)《+『of』+『名』》;(口にはいる程度の)少量 / 《話》難しく言いにくい文句 / 《話》長々しくてもっともらしく聞こえること
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English Journal
- Texture, not flavor, determines expected satiation of dairy products.
- Hogenkamp PS, Stafleu A, Mars M, Brunstrom JM, de Graaf C.SourceTop Institute Food and Nutrition, PO Box 557, NL-6700 AN, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Appetite.Appetite.2011 Dec;57(3):635-41. Epub 2011 Aug 17.
- Consumers' expectations about the satiating capacity of a food may differ markedly across a broad range of food products, but also between foods within one product category. Our objective is to investigate the role of sensory attributes and means of consumption in the expected satiation of dairy pro
- PMID 21871509
- Description of chewing and food intake over the course of a meal.
- Ioakimidis I, Zandian M, Eriksson-Marklund L, Bergh C, Grigoriadis A, Södersten P.SourceKarolinska Institutet, NVS, Section of Applied Neuroendocrinology and Mandometer and Mandolean Clinics Sweden, Department of Dental Medicine, Mando Group AB, Novum, S-141 04, Huddinge, Sweden. ioannis.ioakimidis@ki.se
- Physiology & behavior.Physiol Behav.2011 Oct 24;104(5):761-9. Epub 2011 Jul 23.
- While the average frequency of chewing and food intake have been reported before, a detailed description of the pattern of chewing and the cumulative intake of food over the course of a meal have not. In order to achieve this goal, video recording of the maxillary-mandibular region of women eating f
- PMID 21807012
Japanese Journal
- Effects of food diameter on bite size per mouthful and chewing behavior
- Thorough Mastication Prior to Swallowing Increases Postprandial Satiety and the Thermic Effect of a Meal in Young Women
- Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 62(5), 288-294, 2016
- NAID 130005179348
- 食事内容の工夫が咀嚼回数および食事時間や咀嚼行動に対する意識に及ぼす影響
- 長崎国際大学論叢 = Nagasaki International University review 16, 159-168, 2016
- NAID 120005772192
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- 1: as much as the mouth will hold <a mouthful of water> 2: the amount put into the mouth at one time <Dr. Ziemer was chewing a mouthful of his sandwich … — Oliver Butterworth, The Enormous Egg> <Take another mouthful.> 3: a word or phrase that is very long or difficult to say
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