- =molding
- 〈U〉型で作ること,形作ること / 〈C〉型で作られたもの,塑像(そぞう),鋳造物 / 《しばしば複数形で》くり形,モールディング 《軒じゃばら・抱(だ)き石・家具などの突出部を装飾する輪郭部》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/02/14 03:32:04」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Molding or moulding may refer to:
- Molding (decorative), feature formed from marble, plaster, wood, etc. and used in interior design
- Molding (process), process used in manufacturing to shape materials
- Car body molding
- The temporary reshaping of the fetal head as it passes through the birth canal during childbirth, Childbirth#The mechanics of vaginal birth.
See also
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- 1. 新生児の神経学的検査 neurologic examination of the newborn
English Journal
- Orientation of human osteoblasts on hydroxyapatite-based microchannels.
- Holthaus MG, Stolle J, Treccani L, Rezwan K.SourceUniversity of Bremen, Advanced Ceramics, Am Biologischen Garten 2, 28359 Bremen, Germany.
- Acta biomaterialia.Acta Biomater.2012 Jan;8(1):394-403. Epub 2011 Aug 2.
- The effect of calcium phosphate-based microchannels on the growth and orientation of human osteoblast cells is investigated in this study. As substrates, hydroxyapatite-based microchannels with high contouring accuracy were fabricated by a novel micro-moulding technique. Microchannels obtained by th
- PMID 21855660
- Engineering of adult human neural stem cells differentiation through surface micropatterning.
- Béduer A, Vieu C, Arnauduc F, Sol JC, Loubinoux I, Vaysse L.SourceCNRS-LAAS, 7avenue du colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, France.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2012 Jan;33(2):504-14. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
- Interaction between differentiating neural stem cells and the extracellular environment guides the establishment of cell polarity during nervous system development. Developing neurons read the physical properties of the local substrate in a contact-dependent manner and retrieve essential guidance cu
- PMID 22014459
Japanese Journal
- 婚姻移住の増加と郊外化する「ホーム」 : オーストラリア、西シドニー地域における日本人女性婚姻移住者の事例より
- 濱野 健
- オーストラリア研究 (26), 49-67, 2013-03-20
- … Emphasising the fact that suburban life is sharply divided between the public and private spheres, and that migrant women are most likely to be situated in the latter space for the sake of the family, this paper will consider both the advantages and the drawbacks of the process of moulding of gendered selves engaged in by these women. …
- NAID 110009597039
- 板垣 英治
- 日本海域研究 = Bulletin of the Japan Sea Research Institute, Kanazawa University (43), 35-44, 2012
- NAID 40019239182
- 中谷 隼人,高坂 達郎,逢坂 勝彦 [他],吉田 淳,澤田 吉裕
- 材料 61(3), 286-291, 2012
- An experimental investigation of fabricating biodegradable composite pipes by filament winding (FW) method using ramie yarn as continuous fibre reinforcements is conducted. Though ramie fibres are dis …
- NAID 130002085025
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- We want to ensure a multilateral development of society, the thriving of all sides of social life, economy, science and culture, the improvement of management, the moulding of the new man and the promotion of socialist ethics and ...
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