- something hideous or frightful; "they regarded the atom bomb as a monstrosity"
- 〈U〉奇怪さ,怪異さ / 〈C〉巨大(怪異)な物(人)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/25 18:54:00」(JST)
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Monstrosity may refer to:
- Monstrosity (band), a death metal band from Florida
- Monstrosity (film), a science fiction film from 1964
- Monstrosity!, a 1988 album by the California State University, Los Angeles Jazz Ensemble
See also
English Journal
- ["Raw and charred flesh": the experience of burned women in Northeast Brazil].
- Arruda CN, Braide AS, Nations M.
- Cadernos de saúde pública.Cad Saude Publica.2014 Oct;30(10):2057-67.
- In Northeast Brazil, death from burns is a widespread, pervasive threat to poor women. This anthropological study describes the experience of personal suffering among female burn patients. In 2009, six "information-rich" cases were investigated at the Burn Center in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil.
- PMID 25388309
- Falsehood on the move. The Aztec children and science in the second half of the 19th century.
- Podgorny I.
- Medicina nei secoli.Med Secoli.2014;26(1):223-44.
- Allegedly kidnapped from a secret city in Central America, the "Aztec children" began a showman's career in the early-1850s. They died around 1900, after being observed by countless pathologists and ethnologists from Europe and the US. Most of the literature on the "Aztec children" has emphasized ra
- PMID 25702387
- Semantics of monstrosity in the ninenteenth century.
- Nestawal S.
- Medicina nei secoli.Med Secoli.2014;26(1):167-95.
- The emphasis of the normal, the human aspect and feature in monstrosities is a leitmotif that becomes prevalent in the scientific debate on teratological phenomena in the nineteenth century. The discourse highlights the organisation of the civilising process with regard to creating an antithesis bet
- PMID 25702385
Japanese Journal
- 永遠の他者 : 絵画・美学用語で読むメアリー・シェリーの『フランケンシュタイン』(関西英文学研究)
- 岡 隼人
- 英文学研究. 支部統合号 6, 277-287, 2014-01-20
- … The first chapter shows how sublime becomes dangerous and close to monstrosity if it lacks the "keeping" of beauty. …
- NAID 110009817035
- Anatomie der Industrierevolution : Watt, Dalton und Gay-Lussac in Goethes Wahlverwandtschaften
- MATSUI Takaoki,松井 尚興
- 19世紀学研究 (7), 139-157, 2013-03
- … she admits the monstrosity [das Ungeheure] of her own as well as of ciane's conduct (cf. …
- NAID 120005327015
- 劇場型社会の犯罪物語とジェンダー--和歌山カレー事件を中心に
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- monstrosityとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 [U]奇怪[醜怪]さ;奇形.2 怪物,奇怪な[奇形の,巨大な]物an architectural monstrosity巨大な建物. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
- Monstrosity definition, the state or character of being monstrous. See more. Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account Log Out Log In follow Dictionary ...
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