- 誤解,思い違い
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English Journal
- Communicating risk in prenatal screening: the consequences of Bayesian misapprehension.
- Navarrete G1, Correia R2, Froimovitch D3.
- Frontiers in psychology.Front Psychol.2014 Nov 6;5:1272. eCollection 2014.
- PMID 25414688
- Normative preconditions for the assessment of mental disorder.
- Stier M.
- Frontiers in psychology.Front Psychol.2013 Sep 9;4:611. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00611.
- The debate about the relevance of values for the concept of a mental disorder has quite a long history. In the light of newer insights into neuroscience and molecular biology it is necessary to re-evaluate this issue. Since the medical model in previous decades was more of a confession rather than e
- PMID 24058357
- Does heterogeneity of depression diagnosis harm those with severe mood disorders?
- Snyder R1, Liebman LS, Simon AB, Kellner CH.
- Medical hypotheses.Med Hypotheses.2013 Aug;81(2):316-8. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2013.04.011. Epub 2013 May 13.
- The range of symptoms and clinical syndromes subsumed under the rubric "depression" is remarkably large. It covers the lay use of the word to describe transient sad feelings on the one hand and a devastating biological illness on the other. In consequence, society has failed to grasp that severe moo
- PMID 23679999
Japanese Journal
- G1100-1-1 機械要素としての圧電素子の考察([G1100-1]機素潤滑設計部門一般講演(1))
- 田中 道彦
- 年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting 2010(4), 143-144, 2010-09-04
- … Especially ,accelerometer is wrongly misused for the unfit purpose,"Innocent misapprehension of jerk, the rate at which acceleration changes". …
- NAID 110008700209
- 正義の二つの原理の両立の可能性--J・ロールズの正義の理論に対するサンデルの批判と誤解
- 竹田 治美
- 人間文化研究科年報 20, 335-342, 2005-03-31
- … The meaning differs from nuances in many cases and the same Chinese character notation also often causes misapprehension. … In order to promote exchange, such as culture exchange between Japan and China in trade, the misapprehension of words should be prevented in the daytime and exact translation is required. …
- NAID 110008667545
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- [名][U][C]((形式))思い違い, 勘違いbeyond misapprehension|誤解の余地のないほどunder a misapprehension|思い違いをして.migrave;s・appreheacute;nsive... ... この辞書の凡例を見る 編集主幹:國廣哲彌、安井稔、堀内克明 編集 ...
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