- produced by metamorphosis; "most insects are metamorphic as witness the stages as a butterfly develops from a caterpillar"
English Journal
- Bioconcentration kinetics of PCBs in various parts of the lifecycle of the tadpoles Xenopus laevis.
- Zhao RB1, Sun DY, Fu S, Wang XF, Zhao RS.
- Journal of environmental sciences (China).J Environ Sci (China).2007;19(3):374-84.
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Xenopus laevis have been reported only for a few congeners. Additionally, there is very little information on the ability of Xenopus laevis to bioconcentrate PCBs. To address these issues, the tadpole Xenopus laevis was exposed to Aroclor1254 mixtures in water at
- PMID 17918604
- Human development x: Explanation of macroevolution--top-down evolution materializes consciousness. The origin of metamorphosis.
- Hermansen TD1, Ventegodt S, Merrick J.
- TheScientificWorldJournal.ScientificWorldJournal.2006 Dec 15;6:1656-66.
- In this paper, we first give a short discussion of the macroevolution viewing life as information-directed, complex, dynamic systems. On this basis, we give our explanation of the origin of life and discuss the top-down evolution of molecules, proteins, and macroevolution. We discuss these subjects
- PMID 17173183
- Human development I: twenty fundamental problems of biology, medicine, and neuro-psychology related to biological information.
- Hermansen TD1, Ventegodt S, Rald E, Clausen B, Nielsen ML, Merrick J.
- TheScientificWorldJournal.ScientificWorldJournal.2006 Jul 6;6:747-59.
- In a new series of papers, we address a number of unsolved problems in biology today. First of all, the unsolved enigma concerning how the differentiation from a single zygote to an adult individual happens has been object for severe research for decades. By uncovering a new holistic biological para
- PMID 16830046
Japanese Journal
- チェッラッタンマンは誰か? : 関係的神性、本質的神性、変態する存在者(<特集>動くアッサンブラージュを人類学する)
- 内山田 康
- 文化人類学 76(1), 53-76, 2011-06-30
- ミーナークシー寺院の北門を守るチェッラッタンマンは、偉大な神に否定された卑しい女神なのか。菜食の神々と肉食の神々の関係は、カースト間関係と相同のロジックを持ち、両者は相補的で階層的な関係にあるとするデュモン、ビアドゥー、フラーらの構造的な思考からこぼれ落ちたパーソンの過剰を本稿は取り上げる。パーソンは階層的に差異化した存在者ではない。パーソンは変態する。パーソンは他のパーソンの中に現れる。私は本稿 …
- NAID 110008672897
- Metamorphous "Liang Shan Love Song": a case study on the protection of cultural properties of indigenous peoples in Taiwan (Special issue: The 2009 international symposium of minority studies: judicature and minorities: aspects of rights of minorities in trials)
- The development of glomerular capillary tufts of the bullfrog kidney from a straight interstitial vessel to an anastomosed capillary network. A scanning electron microscopic study of vascular casts.
- 内藤 一郎
- Archivum histologicum japonicum 47(4), 441-456, 1984
- … Blood vascular tufts of immature glomeruli of the post-metamorphous bullfrog kidney were reproduced by a resin casting medium and observed by scanning electron microscopy. …
- NAID 130004779948
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