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Malakoplakia |
Classification and external resources |
Micrograph showing the characteristic finding of malakoplakia (Michaelis-Gutmann bodies). H&E stain. |
DiseasesDB |
29128 |
eMedicine |
derm/872 |
MeSH |
D008287 |
Malakoplakia is a rare inflammatory condition which makes its presence known as a papule, plaque[disambiguation needed] or ulceration that usually affects the genitourinary tract.[1]:274 However, it may also be associated with other bodily organs. It was initially described in the early 1900s as soft yellowish plaques found on the mucosa of the urinary bladder. Microscopically it is characterized by the presence of foamy histiocytes with basophilic inclusions called Michaelis-Gutmann bodies.
It usually involves gram negative bacteria.[2]
- 1 Causes
- 2 Treatment
- 3 See also
- 4 References
Malakoplakia is thought to result from the insufficient killing of bacteria by macrophages. Therefore, the partially digested bacteria accumulate in macrophages and leads to a deposition of iron and calcium. The impairment of bactericidal activity manifests itself as the formation of an ulcer, plaque or papule.
Malakoplakia is associated with patients with a history of immunosuppression due to lymphoma, diabetes mellitus, renal transplantation, or because of long-term therapy with systemic corticosteroids.
Today, antibiotics are used for treatment of malakoplakia.
See also
- List of inclusion bodies that aid in diagnosis of cutaneous conditions
- ^ James, William D.; Berger, Timothy G.; et al. (2006). Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: clinical Dermatology. Saunders Elsevier. ISBN 0-7216-2921-0.
- ^ Liang Cheng; David G. Bostwick (2006). Essentials of anatomic pathology. Springer. pp. 1180–. ISBN 978-1-58829-461-6. Retrieved 15 May 2010.
Urinary system · Pathology · Urologic disease / Uropathy (N00–N39, 580–599)
Abdominal |
Minimal change · Focal segmental · Membranous
Mesangial proliferative · Endocapillary proliferative Membranoproliferative/mesangiocapillary
By condition
Diabetic · Amyloidosis
Type I RPG/Type II hypersensitivity
Goodpasture's syndrome
Type II RPG/Type III hypersensitivity
Post-streptococcal · Lupus (DPN) · IgA/Berger's
Type III RPG/Pauci-immune
Wegener's granulomatosis · Microscopic polyangiitis · Churg-Strauss Syndrome
RTA (RTA 2) · Fanconi syndrome
Thick ascending
Bartter syndrome
Distal convoluted
Gitelman syndrome
Collecting duct
Liddle's syndrome · RTA (RTA 1) · Diabetes insipidus (Nephrogenic)
Renal papilla
Renal papillary necrosis
Major calyx/pelvis
Hydronephrosis · Pyonephrosis · Reflux nephropathy
Acute tubular necrosis
Interstitial nephritis (Pyelonephritis, Danubian endemic familial nephropathy)
General syndromes
Renal failure (Acute renal failure, Chronic renal failure) · Uremic pericarditis · Uremia
Renal artery stenosis · Renal Ischemia · Hypertensive nephropathy · Renovascular hypertension · Renal Cortical Necrosis
Analgesic nephropathy · Renal osteodystrophy · Nephroptosis · Abderhalden-Kaufmann-Lignac syndrome
Ureteritis · Ureterocele · Megaureter
Pelvic |
Cystitis (Interstitial cystitis, Hunner's ulcer, Trigonitis, Hemorrhagic cystitis) · Neurogenic bladder · Bladder sphincter dyssynergia · Vesicointestinal fistula · Vesicoureteral reflux
Urethritis (Non-gonococcal urethritis) · Urethral syndrome · Urethral stricture/Meatal stenosis · Urethral caruncle
Any/all |
Obstructive uropathy · Urinary tract infection · Retroperitoneal fibrosis · Urolithiasis (Bladder stone, Kidney stone, Renal colic) · Malacoplakia · Urinary incontinence (Stress, Urge, Overflow)
noco/acba/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, urte
proc/itvp, drug (G4B), blte, urte
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English Journal
- Quiz page January 2014: Cachexia, urinary tract infection, nephromegaly, and kidney failure.
- Storm A1, Bhasin B2, Rangachari D3, Sperati CJ2.
- American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation.Am J Kidney Dis.2014 Jan;63(1):A18-21. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2013.07.027.
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- Successful treatment of malakoplakia of the bladder in a kitten.
- Rutland BE1, Nimmo J, Goldsworthy M, Simcock JO, Simpson KW, Kuntz CA.
- Journal of feline medicine and surgery.J Feline Med Surg.2013 Aug;15(8):744-8. doi: 10.1177/1098612X12471663. Epub 2013 Jan 8.
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- Malakoplakia in a healthy young female patient.
- Hyun KH1, Shin HD, Kim DH.
- The Korean journal of internal medicine.Korean J Intern Med.2013 Jul;28(4):475-80. doi: 10.3904/kjim.2013.28.4.475. Epub 2013 Jul 1.
- Malakoplakia is a rare granulomatous disease that occurs commonly in the urinary tract and secondarily in the gastrointestinal tract. Most reported cases of malakoplakia are associated with immunosuppressive diseases or chronic prolonged illness. Here, we report a rare case of malakoplakia in a youn
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Japanese Journal
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- 日向 泰樹,中村 成伸,石野 外志勝 [他],川上 一雄
- 日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 102(3), 591-594, 2011-05-20
- 患者は66歳,男性.糖尿病にてインスリン療法中であった.2009年10月24日右腹部腫瘤,右腰部痛を主訴に当院受診,腹部造影CTにて右腎下極に122×90×87mm大の多房性嚢胞性腫瘤を認め,疼痛管理,加療目的にて入院となった.腫瘤は腸腰筋,上行結腸,十二指腸など広範囲に癒着,浸潤が疑われた.CTでの嚢胞内のdensityの上昇,炎症反応高値,発熱を認め,嚢胞性腎細胞癌の感染が考えられたが,広範囲 …
- NAID 110008661932
- 田口 功,寺川 智章,常森 寛行 [他],今西 治,山中 望,近藤 武史,伊藤 利江子
- 日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 98(7), 839-842, 2007-11-20
- 症例は69歳女性.左腎腫瘤を指摘され当科受診した.腹部CTでは左腎上極に内部が不均一に造影される50mm大の腫瘤を認めた.画像検査からは原発性腎悪性腫瘍を疑ったが,病歴および腫瘍マーカーからは転移性腫瘍の可能性も否定できず,経皮的CTガイド下針生検を行った.生検組織標本は炎症性肉芽腫の像であった,一部の組織球の細胞質内にMichaelis-Gutmann小体を認め,腎実質性マラコプラキアの診断に至 …
- NAID 110006531495
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- 英
- malacoplakia、malakoplakia
- 同
- 軟斑性膀胱カタル
- 関
- 膀胱マラコプラキア vesical malacoplakia
- suffix meaning "a plate or flat plane, usually on a mucous membrane"
- 関
- malacoplakia