- the spreading of a disease (especially cancer) to another part of the body
- (癌(がん)などの)転移
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English Journal
- The role of lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis in tumor metastasis.
- Paduch R1,2.
- Cellular oncology (Dordrecht).Cell Oncol (Dordr).2016 Oct;39(5):397-410. Epub 2016 Apr 28.
- BACKGROUND: Metastasis is the main cause of mortality in cancer patients. Two major routes of cancer cell spread are currently being recognized: dissemination via blood vessels (hematogenous spread) and dissemination via the lymphatic system (lymphogenous spread). Here, our current knowledge on the
- PMID 27126599
- VEGF-D-enhanced lymph node metastasis of ovarian cancer is reversed by vesicular stomatitis virus matrix protein.
- Qi X1, Du L2, Chen X3, Chen L3, Yi T1, Chen X3, Wen Y3, Wei Y3, Zhao X1.
- International journal of oncology.Int J Oncol.2016 Jul;49(1):123-32. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2016.3527. Epub 2016 May 17.
- Lymphatic metastasis is a poor prognostic factor in ovarian cancer, which correlates to the majority of cancer deaths. Matrix protein (MP) of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) exhibits potent antitumor and antiangiogenic activities through inducing apoptosis and inhibiting angiogenesis. In this study
- PMID 27211072
- Functional state of the Hsp27 chaperone as a molecular marker of an unfavorable course of larynx cancer.
- Kaigorodova EV1,2,3, Zavyalova MV1,2,3, Bychkov VA1, Perelmuter VM1,3, Choynzonov EL1,3.
- Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers.Cancer Biomark.2016 Jun 24;17(2):145-53. doi: 10.3233/CBM-160625.
- BACKGROUND: The small heat shock protein 27 kDA (Hsp27) acts as an ATP-independent chaperone in protein folding, but is also implicated in architecture of the cytoskeleton, cell migration, metabolism, cell survival, growth/differentiation, mRNA stabilization, and tumor progression.OBJECTIVE: To stud
- PMID 27540972
Japanese Journal
- <Original>A basic study of intraoperative photodynamic therapy for lung cancer: photodynamic therapy for lymphogenous metastases in nude rats
- Mizutani Eiki,Inoue Hidenori,Shimada Osamu,Matsubara Hirochika,Kobayashi Masami,Matsumoto Masahiko
- 山梨医科学雑誌 26(1), 15-22, 2013
- NAID 110009550244
- ICG蛍光法ガイド下に鼠径リンパ節郭清を施行した3症例
- 丸山 陽子,元村 尚嗣
- Skin Cancer 27(1), 78-82, 2012
- 鼠径リンパ節郭清手術は,下肢や臍の高さ以下の躯幹に発生した皮膚悪性腫瘍のリンパ行性の腫瘍転移ならびに予防的な治療を目的として行われている。鼠径部のリンパ節の解剖が明らかになり,郭清範囲は標準化されたが,皮膚切開デザインや挙上layerについては,いまだ確立されていない。 我々は鼠径部リンパ節郭清を要した皮膚悪性腫瘍3例に対してICG蛍光ガイド下に皮弁挙上を行い,より確実なリンパ節郭清を試みた。し …
- NAID 130002149473
- 気管支鏡所見とカプセル内視鏡所見を認めた悪性黒色腫の1例
- 吉岡 大介,石井 寛,雨宮 由佳,岡 宏亮,大谷 哲史,門田 淳一
- 気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 32(4), 356-360, 2010-07-25
- 背景.悪性黒色腫はリンパ行性・血行性に転移しやすく,早期から遠隔転移をきたす極めて悪性度の高い予後不良な疾患である.症例.56歳の男性.左側腹部痛,全身倦怠感のため近医を受診したところ,腹部超音波検査で後腹膜の腫瘤性病変を,胸部単純X線写真で異常陰影を認めたため紹介となった.精査にて両肺,左側頭葉,両側副腎,甲状腺両葉に腫瘤を認めた.悪性腫瘍の多臓器転移が疑われ,経気管支肺生検,経皮的甲状腺針生検 …
- NAID 110007682441
Related Links
- metastasis [mĕ-tas´tah-sis] 1. the transfer of disease from one organ or part to another not directly connected with it. It may be due either to the transfer of pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., tubercle bacilli) or to the transfer of cells, as ...
- Define lymphogenous metastasis. lymphogenous metastasis synonyms, lymphogenous metastasis pronunciation, lymphogenous metastasis translation, English dictionary definition of lymphogenous metastasis. n. pl. me·tas·ta ...
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- 英
- lymph node metastasis、lymph node metastases、lymphatic metastasis、lymphogenous metastasis
- 関
- 転移。リンパ節転移、リンパ性転移
- 関
- lymphogenic、lymphotropic
- 同
- meta, ガン転移