- so as to produce a delightful taste; "I bought some more of these deliciously sweet peaches" (同)deliciously, scrumptiously
- おいしい,甘美な / (感覚・心に)快適な,うっとりさせる
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Luscious may refer to:
- Luscious Jackson, a rock band formed in 1991
- Luscious Pink, a brand of perfume
- Luscious, alternate name used by Ali Forney
See also
English Journal
- Comparison of antioxidant capacity and phenolic composition of peel and flesh of some apple varieties.
- Karaman S1, Tütem E, Başkan KS, Apak R.
- Journal of the science of food and agriculture.J Sci Food Agric.2013 Mar 15;93(4):867-75. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.5810. Epub 2012 Aug 6.
- BACKGROUND: Apples contain a large concentration of phenolic compounds, dependent on factors such as cultivar, harvest, storage conditions, and processing. This study aims to identify the essential phenolic compounds present in various apple varieties, to measure their total antioxidant capacity (TA
- PMID 22886366
- [Analysis and countermeasures of adverse drug reactions of traditional Chinese medicine injections in children].
- Zhang XL1, Li M, Rong P, Ma R.
- Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi = Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi = China journal of Chinese materia medica.Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi.2012 Sep;37(18):2807-9.
- OBJECTIVE: We aimed to analyse the adverse drug reactions (ADR) in children due to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) injections and the related factors, and explored the rational use of medicines and safty countermeasures in clinical.METHOD: We preformed statistical analyses on data from the CNKI a
- PMID 23285940
- Interface: reflections of an ethnic toygirl.
- Yue A1.
- Journal of homosexuality.J Homosex.1999;36(3-4):113-34.
- This essay interrogates the colonial modernity of Anglo-Australian lesbian hegemony through an experimental text which plays with the aesthetics of cyberspace. Mobilizing the hypertext mark up language (HTML) form of the Internet, it spatializes the creative, the erotic, and the political that lands
- PMID 10197549
Japanese Journal
- 『ジァコモ・ジョイス』における反ユダヤ主義と反フェミニズム
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