- Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506) (同)Christopher Columbus, Cristoforo Colombo, Cristobal Colon
- the state capital of Ohio; located in the center of the state; site of Ohio State University (同)capital of Ohio
- a city in western Georgia on the Chattahoochee River; industrial center
- a town in eastern Mississippi near the border with Alabama
- a legal holiday commemorating the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (同)Discovery Day, 40828
- コロンブス(『Christopher ~』;1446?‐1506;イタリアの航海者;1492年にアメリカ大陸を発見) / コロンバス(Ohio州の州都)
English Journal
- Evaluating the introduction of joint crisis plans into routine clinical practice in four community mental health services.
- Williams TM1, Smith GP2, Lumbus AM3.
- Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.Australas Psychiatry.2014 Oct;22(5):476-80. doi: 10.1177/1039856214546172. Epub 2014 Aug 21.
- OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to evaluate the implementation of joint crisis planning into routine clinical practice in community mental health services in Western Australia.METHOD: Four community mental health services, two metropolitan and two country based, were invited to participate in a 1-year pilot
- PMID 25147314
- Mesenchymal stem cells inhibit multiple myeloma cells via the Fas/Fas ligand pathway.
- Atsuta I, Liu S, Miura Y, Akiyama K, Chen C, An Y, Shi S, Chen FM.
- Stem cell research & therapy.Stem Cell Res Ther.2013;4(5):111.
- INTRODUCTION: Cell-based therapy represents a new frontier in the treatment of a wide variety of human diseases traditionally associated with morbidity outcomes, including those involving inflammation, autoimmunity, tissue damage, and cancer. However, the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to trea
- PMID 24025590
- [Clinical analysis of the adolescent patients with multi-segments intramedullary spinal cord tumors].
- Sun JJ1, Sun ZY, Li ZD, Xie JC, Chen XD, Ma CC, Liu B, Zhang J, Yu T, Lin GZ.
- Beijing da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Peking University. Health sciences.Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao.2012 Aug 18;44(4):599-601.
- OBJECTIVE: To prospectively analyze the clinical features and characteristics of multi-segments intramedullary spinal cord tumors in adolescent patients.METHODS: In our study, 25 consecutive adolescent patients with multi-segments intramedullary spinal cord tumors were recruited, who underwent mic
- PMID 22898855
Japanese Journal
- 平田 結衣,幾井 宣行,森脇 真一,橋本 隆,清金 公裕
- 皮膚の科学 6(3), 250-254, 2007
- 77歳,男性。4年前に尋常性乾癬と診断され近医にて加療中であった。経過は良好であったが,2006年1月より全身に紅斑,水疱が出現したため当科を受診した。病理組織学的に表皮下水疱を認め,蛍光抗体直接法で表皮基底膜部にIgGの線状沈着がみられた。蛍光抗体間接法でIgG抗表皮基底膜部抗体が陽性で,1M生理食塩水剥離皮膚では真皮側に反応した。抗p200類天疱瘡が強く疑われたが,免疫ブロット法,ELISA法 …
- NAID 130004547242
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- lumbus /lum·bus/ (lum´bus) [L.] loin. lum·bus (lŭm′bəs) n. pl. lum·bi (-bī) The loin. lumbus [L.] loin. loin (loyn), The part of the side and back between the ribs and the pelvis. Synonym(s): lumbus [Fr. longe; E. lumbus] loin (loyn) The ...
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