- make a lord of someone
- 貴族らしい,堂々たる / 尊大な,いばった
- 〈C〉『主人』,支配者;(封建時代の)『君主』,領主 / 〈U〉《the Lord, our Lord》『主』)しゅ) / 《Lord》《呼びかけや感嘆の表現に用いて》 / 〈C〉『貴族』;《Lords》(英国の)上院議員たち / 〈U〉《Lord》…卿(きょう)(英国の貴族および高位の官職の尊称)
English Journal
- School Gardens: Cultivating Food Security in Nova Scotia Public Schools?
- Carlsson L MSc Ahn PDt1,2, Williams PL PhD PDt3, Hayes-Conroy JS PhD1, Lordly D PhD PDt1, Callaghan E PhD2,4.
- Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research : a publication of Dietitians of Canada = Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en dietetique : une publication des Dietetistes du Canada.Can J Diet Pract Res.2016 Sep;77(3):119-124. Epub 2016 Feb 26.
- PURPOSE: A small but growing body of peer-reviewed research suggests that school gardens can play a role in building community food security (CFS); however, to date little research exploring the role of school gardens in supporting CFS is available. This paper begins to address this gap in the liter
- PMID 26916844
- Males in Dietetics, What Can Be Learned from the Nursing Profession? A Narrative Review of the Literature.
- Gheller B1,2, Lordly D3.
- Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research : a publication of Dietitians of Canada = Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en diététique : une publication des Diététistes du Canada.Can J Diet Pract Res.2015 Dec;76(4):166-71. doi: 10.3148/cjdpr-2015-016. Epub 2015 Aug 17.
- In Canada 95% of dietitians are female despite serving a sex-diverse population. Literature examining why there are so few male dietitians is limited. However, nursing, like dietetics, is female dominated but has a large body of literature examining sex diversity within the profession. Therefore, a
- PMID 26280979
- A Review of Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating amongst Nutrition Students and Dietetic Professionals.
- Mahn HM1, Lordly D1.
- Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research : a publication of Dietitians of Canada = Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en diététique : une publication des Diététistes du Canada.Can J Diet Pract Res.2015 Mar;76(1):38-43. doi: 10.3148/cjdpr-2014-031.
- The diet industry and media have a powerful influence over women, leading many to believe that they must modify their appearance for societal acceptance. Dietetics, as one of many predominantly female professions, may be particularly vulnerable to these pressures. An integrative review process was u
- PMID 26067246
Japanese Journal
- Vaporis Constantine N.
- Nichibunken Japan Review (17), 3-54, 2005-00-00
- NAID 40006693677
- 松平 千秋
- 西洋古典學研究 16, 1-12, 1968-03-30
- … That Xerxes was endowed with royal dignity as well as lordly generosity, is well illustrated by episodes in the Histories: he is not inferior to his predecessor in this respect. … The lordly figure of the Great King, with his immense host behind him, is really that of a tragic hero, who proudly stands on the summit of happiness, not knowing what fate awaits him at the next moment. …
- NAID 110007382046
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- Of, relating to, or characteristic of a lord. 2. Very dignified and noble: a lordly and charitable enterprise. 3. Pretentiously arrogant and overbearing. adv. 1. In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord. 2. In a pretentiously ...
- Synonyms for lordly at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
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