- the act of making something less tight (同)laxation
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English Journal
- Immediate placement and provisionalization of single-tooth implants involving a definitive individual abutment: a clinical and radiographic retrospective study.
- Hartlev J, Kohberg P, Ahlmann S, Gotfredsen E, Andersen NT, Isidor F, Schou S.SourceDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, Health, Aarhus University, and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Clinical oral implants research.Clin Oral Implants Res.2013 Jun;24(6):652-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2012.02442.x. Epub 2012 Mar 12.
- AIM: To assess with a mean follow-up period of 33 months (median: 31 month, range: 11-89 month) the treatment outcome after immediate placement and provisionalization of single-tooth oral implants involving a definitive individual abutment and a provisional crown followed by later placement of a
- PMID 22409733
- Emerging Ideas: Instability-induced Periprosthetic Osteolysis Is Not Dependent on the Fibrous Tissue Interface.
- Nam D, Bostrom MP, Fahlgren A.SourceDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Division, Hospital for Special Surgery, 535 E 70th Street, New York, NY, 10021, USA, namd@hss.edu.
- Clinical orthopaedics and related research.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2013 Jun;471(6):1758-62. doi: 10.1007/s11999-013-2896-8. Epub 2013 Mar 6.
- BACKGROUND: Stable initial fixation of a total joint arthroplasty implant is critical to avoid the risk of aseptic loosening and premature clinical failure. With implant motion, a fibrous tissue layer forms at the bone-implant interface, leading to implant migration and periprosthetic osteolysis. At
- PMID 23463289
- State-dependent changes of prefrontal-posterior coupling in the context of affective processing: Susceptibility to humor.
- Papousek I, Reiser EM, Weiss EM, Fink A, Samson AC, Lackner HK, Schulter G.SourceDepartment of Psychology, Biological Psychology Unit, Karl-Franzens University, Univ.-Platz 2, 8010, Graz, Austria, ilona.papousek@uni-graz.at.
- Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience.Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci.2013 Jun;13(2):252-61. doi: 10.3758/s13415-012-0135-5.
- The aim of the present study was to examine whether interindividual differences in the coupling or decoupling of prefrontal and posterior cortices during the exposure to social-emotional information may predict an individual's positive emotional responsiveness. Susceptibility to humor was assessed i
- PMID 23208750
Japanese Journal
- イメージベース力学解析による脊椎固定術用スクリューの緩み抑制を目指した固定ロッドの設計指針の検討 (特集 人体のモデル化)
- 田原 大輔,辻上 哲也,岡本 義之 [他]
- 設計工学 = Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering : 日本設計工学会誌 49(3), 120-127, 2014-03
- NAID 40020015213
- 病気について知りたい! 臨床講座(62)統合失調症
- 小島 芳之,太田 岳洋
- 応用地質 54(6), 251-263, 2014
- 地圧を受ける山岳トンネルの変状対策法を確立することは,トンネルの維持管理を的確に行うために重要な課題である. 本稿では,塑性圧と地山の緩みによる鉛直圧の作用による山岳トンネルの変状に対する対策の基本的な考え方を論じた.すなわち,(1)鉄道トンネルの変状事例を分析し,(2)2種類のトンネル覆工模型実験装置を用いてトンネル覆工の変形挙動特性を評価し,(3)時間依存の地盤強度低下モデルを用いたトンネル …
- NAID 130003396182
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- 5 Nov 2010 ... Hip replacement implants may loosen over time, a process called osteolysis. If this is the case, hip replacement revision surgery may be necessary. New hip replacement implants are being developed to avoid the problem of ...
- v. loos·ened, loos·en·ing, loos·ens. v.tr. 1. To untie or make looser. 2. To free from restraint, pressure, or strictness. 3. To free (the bowels) from constipation. v.intr. To become loose or looser.
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