- free from artificiality; "a lifelike pose"; "a natural reaction" (同)natural
- 生きているような,生き写しの
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English Journal
- Using simulation to assess chemotherapy competency.
- Muehlbauer PM, Parr MB, Perkins AK.SourceVeterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, California.
- Clinical journal of oncology nursing.Clin J Oncol Nurs.2013 Aug 1;17(4):392-6. doi: 10.1188/13.CJON.392-396.
- Simulation with lifelike mannequins is used in schools of nursing and hospital-based education as a method of teaching clinical content, enhancing clinical skills, applying theory to practice, and validating competency. It provides a safe learning environment to enhance nurses' clinical judgment and
- PMID 23899977
- A transcervical chorionic villus sampling model for teaching.
- Iruretagoyena JI, Trampe B, Stewart K, Droste S.SourceDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 202 S Park St, Madison, WI 53715-1599 USA. iruretagoyen@wisc.edu.
- Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.J Ultrasound Med.2013 Aug;32(8):1489-92. doi: 10.7863/ultra.32.8.1489.
- We sought to create a transcervical chorionic villus sampling model for teaching that would mimic a lifelike model. A model was created using silicone resembling the maternal interface. A cervix with an endocervical canal able to accommodate a catheter and a vagina was also created. Tap water was us
- PMID 23887961
- Mnemonic Networks in the Hippocampal Formation: From Spatial Maps to Temporal and Conceptual Codes.
- Milivojevic B, Doeller CF.AbstractThe hippocampal formation has been associated with a wide variety of functions including spatial navigation and planning, memory encoding and retrieval, relational processing, novelty detection, and imagination. These functions are dissimilar in terms of their behavioral consequences and modality of representation. Consequently, theoretical standpoints have focused on explaining the role of the hippocampal formation in terms of either its spatial or nonspatial functions. Contrary to this dichotomy, we propose that it is essential to look beyond these traditional boundaries between mnemonic and spatial functions and focus instead on the processes that these functions have in common. In this framework, we use electrophysiology data from the spatial domain to predict effects on the systems level, both in spatial and nonspatial domains. We initially outline the results of studies that have used findings from spatial navigation in rodents to predict the patterns of brain activity observable in people who are exploring virtual environments. We discuss how certain properties of space-defining neurons enable space to be represented as a mental map of interconnected locations, which are expressed at multiple spatial scales in separate modules in the hippocampal formation. We then suggest that memories are also organized in networks, characterized by mnemonic and temporal hierarchies. We finish by discussing how virtual-reality techniques can be used to create novel lifelike episodes allowing us to look at episodic memory processes while multivariate analysis tools can be used to explore the organizational structure of mnemonic networks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved).
- Journal of experimental psychology. General.J Exp Psychol Gen.2013 Jul 22. [Epub ahead of print]
- The hippocampal formation has been associated with a wide variety of functions including spatial navigation and planning, memory encoding and retrieval, relational processing, novelty detection, and imagination. These functions are dissimilar in terms of their behavioral consequences and modality of
- PMID 23875564
Japanese Journal
- 片上 大輔,小林 優,大澤 博隆,稲葉 通将,篠田 孝祐,鳥海 不二夫
- ゲームプログラミングワークショップ2014論文集 2014, 133-134, 2014-10-31
- NAID 170000087229
- 近代医学と人形 : ドレスデン国際衛生博覧会(1911)に出展された日本の生人形(いきにんぎょう)と節句人形
- 単純な表情描画による感情表出が人の利他行動に与える影響(コミュニケーション支援及びヒューマン情報処理一般)
- 竹内 力,寺田 和憲,伊藤 昭
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HCS, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎 113(72), 7-12, 2013-05-23
- 本研究では,利他行動を指標として,ロボットが顔表情によって人に感情的な影響を与えることができるかどうかを調べた.実験は2人の参加者がインタフェースを介してネットワーク越しに最後通牒ゲームを行うという設定で行った.実験参加者は全員提案者に割り当てられ,1分以内にスライダーバーの位置を制御することで,提案額を決定するように求められた.その際に相手の反応が単純な線画による顔で実験参加者に示された.実際に …
- NAID 110009768866
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