- moving slowly and gently; "up a lazy river"; "lazy white clouds"; "at a lazy pace"
- a lazy person
- long chain stitches arranged in flower patterns
- the syllable naming the sixth (submediant) note of a major or minor scale in solmization (同)lah
- (人動物が)『怠惰な』,無精な,物ぐさな / (物事が)(人の)怠惰を誘う,けだるい,ものうげな / 動きがのろい / 《名詞的に;the lazy》怠け者[たち]
- レイジー・スーザン:回転式食卓・回転盆(底に小さな車輪が付いており、円形の卓上に乗せて使う盆。中華料理店の円卓の中央にあり、その上に料理を乗せてクルクル回せるようになっているもの)
- 怠け者,無精者
- ラ(全音階の第6音)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/27 18:09:45」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
日本のバンドLAZYについては「レイジー」を、その他の用法については「レイジー (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。 |
- 曲のタイトル
- Lazy (TWINZERの曲) - TWINZERのシングル
- Lazy (上原あずみの曲) - 上原あずみの4枚目のシングル。
このページは曖昧さ回避のためのページです。一つの語句が複数の意味・職能を有する場合の水先案内のために、異なる用法を一覧にしてあります。お探しの用語に一番近い記事を選んで下さい。このページへリンクしているページを見つけたら、リンクを適切な項目に張り替えて下さい。 |
[Wiki en表示]
Look up Lazy in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Lazy may refer to:
- Laziness, a lack of desire to expend effort
- Lazy (Orlová), a former village now part of the town of Orlová in the Czech Republic
In music:
- Lazy (band), a Japanese rock band
- Lazy, an American band featuring former members of the Supreme Beings of Leisure
- Lazy (album), an album by The Hot Monkey
- "Lazy" (Deep Purple song)
- "Lazy" (Irving Berlin song)
- "Lazy" (Suede song)
- "Lazy", a song by Love & Rockets from Earth, Sun, Moon
- "Lazy", a song by X-Press 2 feat. David Byrne from Muzikizum
- "The Lazy Song", by Bruno Mars
- Lazy Lester (born 1933), American blues harmonica player
See also
- Lazy evaluation, an evaluation strategy in programming language theory
- Łazy (disambiguation), several towns and villages in Poland
- All pages beginning with "Lazy"
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English Journal
- Does this Tweet make me look fat? A content analysis of weight stigma on Twitter.
- Lydecker JA1,2, Cotter EW3,4, Palmberg AA3, Simpson C3, Kwitowski M3, White K3, Mazzeo SE3.
- Eating and weight disorders : EWD.Eat Weight Disord.2016 Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: Weight stigma involves stereotyping individuals based on body size. Individuals with obesity face weight stigma in many areas of their lives, and consequences can include impairment of mental and physical health, relationships, and academic performance. Weight-stigmatizing messages are perv
- PMID 27068174
- Essential light chain S195 phosphorylation is required for cardiac adaptation under physical stress.
- Scheid LM1, Mosqueira M1, Hein S2, Kossack M2, Juergensen L2, Mueller M2, Meder B2, Fink RH1, Katus HA2, Hassel D3.
- Cardiovascular research.Cardiovasc Res.2016 Mar 24. pii: cvw066. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIMS: Regulatory proteins of the sarcomere are pivotal for normal heart function and when affected by mutations are frequently causing cardiomyopathy. The exact function of these regulatory proteins and how mutations in these translate into distinct cardiomyopathy phenotypes remains poorly understoo
- PMID 27013636
- Lateral wedge osteotomy for pediatric post-traumatic cubitus varus: Kirschner-wires or locking angular plate?
- Persiani P1, Noia G, de Cristo C, Graci J, Gurzì MD, Villani C.
- Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B.J Pediatr Orthop B.2016 Mar 24. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study aimed to evaluate and compare two types of internal fixation, locking angular plate (group 1) and Kirschner-wires (group 2), for post-traumatic cubitus varus. The parameters used were Laupattarakasem's criteria (for range of motion in extension/flexion, correction of carrying angle, and t
- PMID 27014946
- Halo Effects in Trait Assessment Depend on Information Valence: Why Being Honest Makes You Industrious, but Lying Does Not Make You Lazy.
- Gräf M1, Unkelbach C2.
- Personality & social psychology bulletin.Pers Soc Psychol Bull.2016 Mar;42(3):290-310. doi: 10.1177/0146167215627137. Epub 2016 Jan 25.
- We propose stronger halo effects in trait assessments from positive information relative to negative information. Due to positive information's higher similarity, positive information should foster both indirect (from a global impression to traits) and direct halo effects (from traits to traits). Ne
- PMID 26811437
Japanese Journal
- Implementing Data-Flow Fusion DSL on Clojure
- Public-Key Encryption with Lazy Parties
- IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E99.A(2), 590-600, 2016
- NAID 130005121513
- Lazy workers are necessary for long-term sustainability in insect societies
- Lazy Transfer Learning (情報論的学習理論と機械学習)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115(112), 75-80, 2015-06-23
- NAID 40020524422
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