- 〈U〉格子作り(細工,模様) / 〈C〉格子
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For other uses of "lattice", see Lattice (disambiguation).
Mashrabiya screen on display in the British Museum
Latticework is a framework consisting of a criss-crossed pattern of strips of building material, typically wood or metal. The design is created by crossing the strips to form a network.[1] Latticework can be purely ornamental, or can be used as a truss structure such as a lattice girder bridge.[2]
In India, the house of a rich or noble person may be built with a baramdah or verandah surrounding every level leading to the living area. The upper floors often have balconies overlooking the street that are shielded by jalis (latticed screens) carved in stone latticework that keeps the area cool and gives privacy.[3]
Lattice screen at Amber Fort
Latticework window in Iran
Eiffel Tower latticework detail
Lattice truss bridge in Vermont
See also
- Brise soleil
- Jali
- Lattice tower
- Lattice truss bridge
- Lattice stool
- Mashrabiya
- Mesh
- Pergola
- Trellis (architecture)
- Truss
- ^ Ching, Francis D.K. (1995). A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 27. ISBN 0-471-28451-3.
- ^ "Latticework". Retrieved 2007-02-27.
- ^ Thapar, Binda (2004). Introduction to Asian Architecture. Singapore: Periplus Editions. pp. 16–17. ISBN 0-7946-0011-5.
External links
English Journal
- Osseointegration: the slow delivery of BMP-2 enhances osteoinductivity.
- Hunziker EB, Enggist L, Küffer A, Buser D, Liu Y.SourceCenter of Regenerative Medicine for Skeletal Tissues, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Clinical Research, University of Bern, Switzerland.
- Bone.Bone.2012 Jul;51(1):98-106. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2012.04.004. Epub 2012 Apr 13.
- Although the placement of dental and orthopedic implants is now generally a safe, reliable and successful undertaking, the functional outcome is less assured in patients whose bone-healing capacity is compromised. To enhance peri-implant osteogenesis in these individuals, BMP-2 could be locally admi
- PMID 22534475
- Multimodal fundus imaging in choroidal osteoma.
- Navajas EV, Costa RA, Calucci D, Hammoudi DS, Simpson ER, Altomare F.SourceDepartment of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- American journal of ophthalmology.Am J Ophthalmol.2012 May;153(5):890-895.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2011.10.025. Epub 2012 Jan 21.
- PURPOSE: To describe the morphologic features of calcified and decalcified choroidal osteomas using multimodal imaging and correlate these findings with a previous histopathologic study.DESIGN: Retrospective observational case series.METHODS: Three patients with choroidal osteoma underwent complete
- PMID 22265155
- The astrocyte-expressed integrin αvβ8 governs blood vessel sprouting in the developing retina.
- Hirota S, Liu Q, Lee HS, Hossain MG, Lacy-Hulbert A, McCarty JH.SourceDepartment of Cancer Biology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA.
- Development (Cambridge, England).Development.2011 Dec;138(23):5157-66. doi: 10.1242/dev.069153.
- The mouse retina is vascularized after birth when angiogenic blood vessels grow and sprout along a pre-formed latticework of astrocytes. How astrocyte-derived cues control patterns of blood vessel growth and sprouting, however, remains enigmatic. Here, we have used molecular genetic strategies in mi
- PMID 22069187
Japanese Journal
- A13 メトフルトリンを含有した常温揮散製剤の蚊に対する空間忌避効果に関する検討 (8) : タンザニア・バガモヨの民家におけるハマダラカ群を対象とした新樹脂製剤の残効性試験(第59回日本衛生動物学会大会特集)
- 川田 均,Temu Emmanuel A.,Minjas Japhet N.,松本 修,岩崎 智則,都野 展子,高木 正洋
- 衞生動物 58(Supplement), 32, 2007-04-01
- NAID 110006293376
- A12 メトフルトリンを含有した常温揮散製剤の蚊に対する空間忌避効果に関する検討 (7) : ベトナム・ハイフォン市ドソンの民家におけるネッタイシマカを対象とした新樹脂製剤の残効性試験(第59回日本衛生動物学会大会特集)
- 川田 均,比嘉 由紀子,Nguyen Thi Yen,Nguyen Thuy Hoa,Nguyen Thuy Hoa,Truong Minh Sang,Nguyen Van Dan,Pham Ngoc Dinh,Pham Ngoc Dinh,高木 正洋
- 衞生動物 58(Supplement), 31, 2007-04-01
- NAID 110006293375
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- It sprayed them through the porous shelter of the vines and latticework so that they could not sit on the bench.
- Define latticework. latticework synonyms, latticework pronunciation, latticework translation, English dictionary definition of latticework. n. 1. A lattice or latticelike structure. 2. An open, crisscross pattern or weave. n. 1. work ? ...
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