- an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; an optical device that produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light (同)optical maser
- レーザー(強力な可視光線を発生させる;医療,通信,軍事用)
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- 1. 開放隅角緑内障:治療open angle glaucoma treatment [show details]
…argon laser trabeculoplasty is comparable with initial medical therapy for open-angle glaucoma . The report found no literature to establish the superiority of newer forms of laser trabeculoplasty over …
- 2. 肌の若返りのためのレーザーによる皮膚の再生ablative laser resurfacing for skin rejuvenation [show details]
… ablative laser resurfacing for skin rejuvenation will be discussed here. The basic principles of laser therapy for cutaneous lesions are reviewed separately. Technology for ablative laser resurfacing …
- 3. 成人の気道疾患のマネージメントにおける気管支鏡下レーザーbronchoscopic laser in the management of airway disease in adults [show details]
… may be subjected to laser resection, if necessary. Similarly, patients with CAO from a cartilaginous disorder (eg, tracheobronchomalacia) are not suitable for laser. Since laser is a thermally ablative …
- 4. 肥厚性瘢痕およびケロイドのレーザー治療laser therapy for hypertrophic scars and keloids [show details]
… discussed separately. The principles of laser therapy and the use of laser for the treatment of other skin conditions are also discussed separately. Lasers are focused beams of light energy …
- 5. 共焦点レーザー内顕微鏡検査および超拡大内視鏡confocal laser endomicroscopy and endocytoscopy [show details]
… Confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) is based upon the principle of illuminating a tissue with a low-power laser and then detecting fluorescent light reflected from the tissue . The laser is focused at …
English Journal
- Device-modified trabeculectomy for glaucoma.
- Wang X1, Khan R, Coleman A.
- The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2015 Dec 1;12:CD010472. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Glaucoma is an optic neuropathy that leads to vision loss and blindness. It is the second most common cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. The main treatment for glaucoma aims to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) in order to slow or prevent further vision loss. IOP can be lowered w
- PMID 26625212
- Fornix-based versus limbal-based conjunctival trabeculectomy flaps for glaucoma.
- Al-Haddad C1, Abdulaal M, Al-Moujahed A, Ervin AM.
- The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2015 Nov 25;11:CD009380. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009380.pub2.
- BACKGROUND: Glaucoma is one of the leading largely preventable causes of blindness in the world. It usually is addressed first medically with topical intraocular pressure-lowering drops or by laser trabeculoplasty. In cases where such treatment fails, glaucoma-filtering surgery is considered, most c
- PMID 26599668
Japanese Journal
- 緑内障に対する選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術の既往がリパスジル点眼の眼圧下降効果に及ぼす影響 (第70回 日本臨床眼科学会講演集(3))
- Laser Trabeculoplasty (LTP) (特集 眼科におけるレーザー治療)
Related Links
- la·ser tra·bec·u·lo·plas·ty (LTP), an operation for glaucoma in which laser energy is applied to the trabecular meshwork. Investigations into laser treatments of open-angle glaucoma began in the early 1970s, but not until the late 1980s ...
- Laser trabeculoplasty uses a very focused beam of light to treat the drainage angle of the eye. How this type of treatment improves fluid drainage from the drainage canals (trabecular meshwork) is not entirely clear.
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- 英
- laser trabeculoplasty
- 同
- レーザー線維柱帯形成術
- 関
- trabeculectomy、trabeculotomy