- ぐずぐずする人,のろま / 遅い,のろい
English Journal
- Community treatment adoption of contingency management: A conceptual profile of U.S. clinics based on innovativeness of executive staff.
- Hartzler B, Rabun C.SourceAlcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA.
- The International journal on drug policy.Int J Drug Policy.2012 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Community adoption of contingency management (CM) varies considerably, and executive innovativeness may help explain variance due to its presumed influence on clinic decision-making.METHODS: Sixteen U.S. opioid treatment programs (OTPs) were visited, with ethnographic interviewing used i
- PMID 22940140
- The political economy of health promotion: part 1, national commitments to provision of the prerequisites of health.
- Raphael D.SourceHealth Policy and Management, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Health promotion international.Health Promot Int.2011 Nov 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- Canada is a leader in developing health promotion concepts of providing the prerequisites of health through health-promoting public policy. But Canada is clearly a laggard in implementing these concepts. In contrast, France is seen as a nation in which health promotion concepts have failed to gain m
- PMID 22052114
- Chaos synchronization in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers with asymmetrical bias currents.
- Deng T, Xia GQ, Wu ZM, Lin XD, Wu JG.SourceSchool of Physics, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
- Optics express.Opt Express.2011 Apr 25;19(9):8762-73. doi: 10.1364/OE.19.008762.
- We experimentally and numerically investigated the chaos synchronization characteristics of mutually coupled semiconductor lasers (MCSLs) with asymmetrical bias currents. Experimental results show that, asymmetrical bias current level of two MCSLs has obvious influence on chaos synchronization betwe
- PMID 21643128
Japanese Journal
- Clastogenic and mito-inhibitory effect of heavy metals in root meristems of Vicia faba
- ,
- Chromosome Botany 10(1), 23-29, 2015
- … The chromosomal abnormalities comprising C-mitosis, scattering, stickiness, precocious movement, laggard, bridges etc. …
- NAID 130005075162
- 低周波不規則振動で同期した半導体レーザカオスにおけるLeader-Laggard関係の定常解解析 (非線形問題)
- 菅野 円隆,樋田 拓也,内田 淳史
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 113(383), 93-98, 2014-01-21
- NAID 40019982351
- 低周波不規則振動で同期した半導体レーザカオスにおけるLeader-Laggard関係の定常解解析
- 菅野 円隆,樋田 拓也,内田 淳史
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 113(383), 93-98, 2014-01-14
- 時間遅延された相互結合半導体レーザの低周波不規則振動状態における同期への過渡ダイナミクスを,伝搬時間に相当する時系列の相互相関とレーザの平衡点の定常解解析を用いて調査した.2つのレーザが平衡点を変遷する過程で同期と非同期を繰り返し,同期過程で先行振動するレーザが時間的に入れ替わることが分かった.またレーザの平衡点の分布の変化から,レーザの光周波数が先行振動するレーザを決定するメカニズムを明らかにし …
- NAID 110009825483
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- Laggard definition, a person or thing that lags; lingerer; loiterer. See more. Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Favorites My Account Log Out Log In Take our ...
- lag·gard (lăg′ərd) n. One that lags; a straggler. adj. Slow or delayed in action. See Synonyms at slow. lag′gard·ly adv. lag′gard·ness n. laggard (ˈlæɡəd) n 1. a person who lags behind 2. a dawdler or straggler adj rare sluggish, slow ...
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