labium minus pudendi



  1. on the negative side or lower end of a scale; "minus 5 degrees"; "a grade of B minus"
  2. involving disadvantage or harm; "minus (or negative) factors" (同)negative
  3. a liplike structure that bounds a bodily orifice (especially any of the four labiate folds of a womans vulva)


  1. …を引くと,を減ずると / 《話》…なしで,を失って,のない(without) / 『マイナスの』,負の(negative) / 《名詞の後にのみ用いて》…より少し低い(小さい,劣る) / ゼロ以下の / (また『minus sign』)負号,マイナス記号 / 負数
  2. くちびる;くちびる状の物 / 《複数形で》陰唇

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English Journal

  • Bulbocavernosus muscle flap in the repair of complicated vesicovaginal fistula.
  • Xu Z, Fu Q.SourceDepartment of Urology, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan, China.
  • International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association.Int J Urol.2005 Dec;12(12):1037-40.
  • AIM: To investigate the transposition of the bulbocavernosus muscle flap for repairing complicated vesicovaginal fistulas.METHODS: Vesicovaginal fistulas were repaired via combined abdominal and perineal approaches. Through an abdominal approach, the fistula and surrounding scar tissue were excised
  • PMID 16409606
  • [The labium tertium pudendi feminae. A prospective study of 1,180 patients].
  • Göttlicher S.SourceAbt-Wolfram-Ring 6, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
  • Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie.Zentralbl Gynakol.1994;116(7):419-21.
  • About a third labium (labium tertium pudendi feminae). In a half years investigation the question was studied, how often you may find variations from the well known pattern of the vulva: In 5.3% of 1180 Patients we found between the labium majus and minus a third labium, located ventral in the rima
  • PMID 7941809

Japanese Journal

  • 左下肢の発赤と腫脹を主訴に来院した進行期乳房外 Paget 癌の1例
  • 石澤 俊幸,紺野 隆之
  • Skin cancer : official organ of the Japanese Society for Skin Cancer = 皮膚悪性腫瘍研究会機関誌 17(3), 234-237, 2002-12-27
  • … Physical examination revealed an 8×5××2cm in diameter on the left labia majus and minus pudendi, and a 3×2×1cm in diameter on the right labium minus pudendi. …
  • NAID 10025716949
  • Development of External Genitalia in Swine Fetuses
  • 猪股 智夫,井上 聖也,押田 敏雄,中村 経紀
  • 家畜繁殖学雑誌 35(4), 228-233, 1989
  • … The female urogenital fold, budding from a region on either side of the genital tubercle, gradually extended to the tip of the genital tubercle on day 82 of gestation and then began to ensheathe it with the corresponding fold on the other side, thus forming the labium pudendi which is homologous to the labium minus pudendi of the human. …
  • NAID 130004214228
  • ウシ胎仔外生殖器の発達について
  • 猪股 智夫 [他],江口 保暢,山本 雅子,浅利 昌男,鹿野 胖,望月 公子
  • 日本獸醫學雜誌 44(3), 489-496, 1982-06-25
  • ウシ胎仔外生殖器, とくに陰唇の形成と外生殖器の性分化について, 実体顕微鏡を用いて観察した. 陰唇の形成について-尿生殖ヒダは, 体長(CRL) 33cmぐらいの時期までに, 生殖結節をほとんど被うように発達して陰唇 (ヒ卜でいう小陰唇に相当) となった. 生殖隆起, すなわち, ヒトでいう大陰唇となるものは, 体長の増加にともなって頭方へ移動し, 体長が 10cm になるころに生殖結節の頭方, …
  • NAID 110003917067

Related Links

Labium minus pudendi. Human, fixation with formalin, embedding with celloidin, H-E stain, x 12. This is a transverse section of the Labium minus pudendi, that is the skin-----folds limiting right and left of the vestibulum vaginae ...
One of two narrow longitudinal folds of skin enclosed in the pudendal cleft within the labia majora; posteriorly, they gradually merge into the labia majora and join to form the frenulum labiorum pudendi of labia minora (fourchette ...
Labium minus pudendi information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Introduction: Labium minus pudendi Description of Labium minus pudendi Labium minus ...

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labium minus (N,Z), labium minus pudendi, nympha
  • 図:N.359 KA.362
  • 大陰唇のすぐ内側にある皮膚ヒダ

Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.



  • 陰唇