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- keratolytic
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English Journal
- Leung AK1, Barankin B2.
- The Journal of pediatrics.J Pediatr.2015 Nov;167(5):1165. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.07.056. Epub 2015 Aug 24.
- PMID 26316369
- Pitted keratolysis: successful management with mupirocin 2% ointment monotherapy.
- Greywal T, Cohen PR1.
- Dermatology online journal.Dermatol Online J.2015 Aug 15;21(8). pii: 13030/qt6155v9wk.
- BACKGROUND: Pitted keratolysis is a benign dermatosis that occurs on plantar skin.PURPOSE: We describe a man with pitted keratolysis that was successfully treated with mupirocin 2% ointment monotherapy.METHODS AND MATERIALS: We reviewed PubMed for the following terms: mupirocin, ointment, pitted ker
- PMID 26437161
- Apoptosis in Rat Cornea After In Vivo Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation at 300 nm.
- Kronschläger M1, Talebizadeh N, Yu Z, Meyer LM, Löfgren S.
- Cornea.Cornea.2015 Aug;34(8):945-9. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000000498.
- PURPOSE: Peak toxicity for in vivo ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure to the lens is in the 300-nm wavelength region. However, little is known about corneal cell damage at 300 nm. The purpose of the study was to determine the time evolution of apoptosis in the cornea after in vivo exposure to 300-
- PMID 26075458
Japanese Journal
- 足の悪臭の原因は? (特集 最近のトピックス2014 Clinical Dermatology 2014) -- (皮膚科医のための臨床トピックス)
- 局所多汗症に対するボツリヌス菌毒素を用いた補助療法
- 村上 義之,高梨 真教,湧川 基史
- 西日本皮膚科 = The Nishinihon journal of dermatology 66(1), 53-59, 2004-02-01
- … 足底の多汗症と足臭, pitted keratolysisを認め, 腰部交感神経ブロックを受ける前にBTX-A試行を目的に来院。 … BTX-A注入にて一過性ではあるものの発汗の減少 (VAS : 100 → 31), 足臭とpitted keratolysisは消失した。 …
- NAID 10019000712
- The role of matrix metalloproteinase in ulcerative keratolysis associated with perioperative diclofenac use
Related Links
- keratolysis / ˌkɛr əˈtɒl ə sɪs / Show Spelled [ker-uh-tol-uh-sis] Show IPA noun 1. the loosening or shedding of the horny layer of the epidermis. 2. Pathology. a skin disorder characterized by periodic shedding of the epidermis. Origin: ...
- keratolysis /ker·a·tol·y·sis/ (ker″ah-tol´ĭ-sis) softening and separation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. pitted keratolysis , keratolysis planta´re sulca´tum a tropical disease marked by thickening and deep fissuring of the skin ...
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- keratolysis、keratolytic agent
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- keratolysis、keratolytic
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