- cut into long thin strips; "julienne the potatoes"
- a vegetable cut into thin strips (usually used as a garnish) (同)julienne vegetable
- a clear soup garnished with julienne vegetables
- (野菜などを)千切りにした / 千切り野菜入りコンソメスープ
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/09/06 14:22:30」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Julienne, Francophone given name, may refer to:
- People
- Julienne Bušić (born 1948), American writer, political activist, and airplane hijacker
- Julienne Mavoungou Makaya, African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council official
- Julienne Mathieu, early French silent film actress
- Rémy Julienne (born 1930), French driving stunt performer and coordinator, assistant director, and champion driver
- Other
- Julienning, a technique of shredding food into long, thin strips
- Julienne, Charente, a commune of the Charente département in France
- Julienne (crater), on the Moon
English Journal
- How to make a red flower: the combinatorial effect of pigments.
- Ng J1, Smith SD2.
- AoB PLANTS.AoB Plants.2016 Mar 23;8. pii: plw013. doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plw013. Print 2016.
- Red flowers have evolved repeatedly across angiosperms and are frequently examined in an ecological context. However, less is known about the biochemical basis of red colouration in different taxa. In this study, we examine the spectral properties, anthocyanin composition and carotenoid expression o
- PMID 26933150
- Training of hysteroscopic skills in residency program: the Dutch experience.
- Janse JA1, Driessen SR2, Veersema S3, Broekmans FJ4, Jansen FW2, Schreuder HW4.
- Journal of surgical education.J Surg Educ.2015 Mar-Apr;72(2):345-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2014.09.003. Epub 2014 Oct 23.
- STUDY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether hysteroscopy training in the Dutch gynecological residency program is judged as sufficient in daily practice, by assessment of the opinion on hysteroscopy training and current performance of hysteroscopic procedures. In addition, the extent of progress in compari
- PMID 25439181
- Embryonic stem cell specific "master" replication origins at the heart of the loss of pluripotency.
- Julienne H1, Audit B1, Arneodo A1.
- PLoS computational biology.PLoS Comput Biol.2015 Feb 6;11(2):e1003969. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003969. eCollection 2015.
- Epigenetic regulation of the replication program during mammalian cell differentiation remains poorly understood. We performed an integrative analysis of eleven genome-wide epigenetic profiles at 100 kb resolution of Mean Replication Timing (MRT) data in six human cell lines. Compared to the organiz
- PMID 25658386
- Cognitive function after the initiation of adjuvant endocrine therapy in early-stage breast cancer: an observational cohort study.
- Ganz PA1, Petersen L2, Castellon SA2, Bower JE2, Silverman DH2, Cole SW2, Irwin MR2, Belin TR2.
- Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.J Clin Oncol.2014 Nov 1;32(31):3559-67. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2014.56.1662. Epub 2014 Sep 29.
- PURPOSE: This report examines cognitive complaints and neuropsychological (NP) testing outcomes in patients with early-stage breast cancer after the initiation of endocrine therapy (ET) to determine whether this therapy plays any role in post-treatment cognitive complaints.PATIENTS AND METHODS: One
- PMID 25267747
Japanese Journal
- 24aRB-13 ^<88>Srスピン禁制遷移の光会合分光(24aRB 量子エレクトロニクス(原子のBEC・冷却原子実験),領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- 井戸 哲也,Zelevinsky T.,Boyd M.,Ludlow A.,Ye J.,Ciurylo R.,Naidon P.,Julienne P.
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 61(2-2), 96, 2006-08-18
- NAID 110007178517
- 百瀬 洋夫,高橋 朝海,松沢 有里子,石川 聡美
- 実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 42, 36-38, 2005-03-25
- … To find out main lactic acid bacteria working in aging process of Ayu-Sushi (traditional sushi made of salted sweetfishes, julienne Japanese radish and rice), lactic acid bacteria were isolated from Ayu-sushi prepared by a family living in town Kamikawachi, Tochigi prefecture, and examined of their several characteristics. …
- NAID 110001837011
- 鈴木 洋子
- 日本家政学会誌 55(9), 733-741, 2004-09-15
- 学校教育の限られた時間内に効率よく安全に包丁技能を習得させることを目的に,「きざみ:被切断物を包丁を手にしていない手指で押さえ,包丁の刃を押し出す様に切る切り方」練習に用いる披切断物の高さと幅を,寒天ゲルを用いたモデル実験により検討するとともに,参考として「包丁指導の際に用いる教材の配列」を家庭科担当者への調査を通して検討した結果,以下のことが明らかになった.1)「きざみ」時の包丁操作には,被切断 …
- NAID 110003167052
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- Madame Margot had never joined other folks in their profuse prophesies of future happiness when Andrè and julienne were wedded. ... kind of clear soup, 1841, from French, literally "(soup made) in the manner of Julien," the proper ...
- julienneとは。意味や和訳。[形]〈野菜などが〉千切りの. [名]千切り野菜(の(コンソメ)スープ).[フランス語] - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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