- lacking juice
English Journal
- Featured organism: pathogen special: Vibrio cholerae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Xylella fastidiosa.
- Wixon J1.
- Yeast (Chichester, England).Yeast.2000 Dec;17(4):307-13.
- One could almost say that it is the latest fashion to sequence a bacterial genome. However, this would belittle the efforts of those working on these important organisms, whose data will greatly help those working on the prevention of disease in the fields of medicine and agriculture. In this featur
- PMID 11119308
- Aspects of the antimicrobial efficacy of grapefruit seed extract and its relation to preservative substances contained.
- von Woedtke T1, Schlüter B, Pflegel P, Lindequist U, Jülich WD.
- Die Pharmazie.Pharmazie.1999 Jun;54(6):452-6.
- The antimicrobial efficacy as well as the content of preservative agents of six commercially available grapefruit seed extracts were examined. Five of the six extracts showed a high growth inhibiting activity against the test germs Bacillus subtilis SBUG 14, Micrococcus flavus SBUG 16, Staphylococcu
- PMID 10399191
Japanese Journal
- 高橋 ユリア,福田 真由美,下村 道子,吉松 藤子
- 調理科学 24(3), 222-227, 1991-08-20
- 新流通魚のテクスチャーを知ることにより,各々の魚に適した調理方法を探ることを目的とした。新流通魚13種と従来から日本人が食べている魚3種の魚肉について機器測定を行い,得られた測定値を多変量解析で分析し以下の結果を得た。1)カツオのテクスチャーに似ているものはチリマアジ,シマガツオ,アロツナスで,これらは加熱により身がしまり硬くなり,みずっぽさが少なくぱさぱさした口ざわりのものと考えられた。2)マア …
- NAID 110001802172
- 高橋 ユリア,福田 真由美,下村 道子,吉松 藤子
- 調理科学 24(3), 222-227, 1991
- … The hardness of them was high and their meat was juiceless. …
- NAID 130004400322
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- 2. juiceless - lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless; "a dry book"; "a dry lecture filled with trivial details"; "dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life"- John Mason Brown. dry · unexciting, unstimulating ...
- We found 20 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word juiceless: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "juiceless" is defined. General dictionaries General (16 matching dictionaries). juiceless: ...
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