- a sudden sharp increase in the relative numbers of a population
- a sudden violent entrance; a bursting in; "the recent irruption of bad manners"
- of igneous rock that has solidified beneath the earths surface; granite or diorite or gabbro (同)plutonic
- (…に)侵入する,突入する《+『into』+『名』》 / 〈動物などが〉急増する
- (突然の)侵入,突入
English Journal
- Determinants of lemming outbreaks.
- Ims RA, Yoccoz NG, Killengreen ST.Author information Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway. rolf.ims@uit.noAbstractPopulation outbreaks in tundra rodents have intrigued scientists for a century as a result of their spectacular appearances and their general lessons in ecology. One outstanding question that has led to competing hypotheses is why sympatric lemmings and voles differ in regularity and shape of their outbreaks. Lemming outbreaks may be lost for decades while vole populations maintain regular population cycles. Moreover, when lemming populations eventually irrupt, they do so more steeply than the vole populations. Norwegian lemmings exhibited a large-scale outbreak synchronously with gray-sided voles in Finnmark, northern Fennoscandia, during 2006 to 2007 for the first time in two decades. Analyses of spatial variability of this outbreak across altitudinal gradients allowed us to identify determinants of the contrasting lemming and vole dynamics. The steeper lemming outbreak trajectories were caused by breeding and population growth during winter, when nonbreeding vole populations consistently declined. The differently shaped lemming and vole outbreaks appear to result from a particular demographic tactic of lemmings that evolved as an adaptation to the long and cold Arctic-Alpine winters. The lemming outbreak amplitude increased with altitude and vole density, indicating that lemming outbreaks are jointly facilitated by low temperatures and apparent mutualism with voles mediated by shared predators. High sensitivity to variation in climate and predation is likely to be the reasons why lemmings have more erratic population dynamics than sympatric voles. The combination of continued climatic warming and dampened vole cycles is expected to further decrease the frequency, amplitude, and geographic range of lemming outbreaks in tundra ecosystems.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2011 Feb 1;108(5):1970-4. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1012714108. Epub 2011 Jan 18.
- Population outbreaks in tundra rodents have intrigued scientists for a century as a result of their spectacular appearances and their general lessons in ecology. One outstanding question that has led to competing hypotheses is why sympatric lemmings and voles differ in regularity and shape of their
- PMID 21245340
- Demographic study of two population outbreaks of Elasmoderus wagenknechti (Liebermann) (Orthoptera: Tristiridae) in the transitional desert of Chile.
- Cepeda-Pizarro J, Vega S, Vásquez H, Elgueta M, Pizarro-Araya J.Author information Lab. Entomología Ecológica, Depto. Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, Chile. jcepeda@userena.clAbstractUnder certain environmental conditions, several species of grasshoppers inhabiting rangeland areas (e.g., inter-valleys) of the Chilean transitional desert can irrupt demographically. One of them is Elasmoderus wagenknechti (Liebermann), an endemic species. We studied two outbreaks occurred in 1996 and 1999. The objectives of the research were to (i) estimate some demographic parameters associated with the aforementioned events, and (ii) compare between them the population parameters. The parameters we studied were density (ind/m(2)), sexual proportion, female fertility (i.e., eggs/female), and the relationship eggs/female versus female size. Density (ind/m(2)) ranged from 0.2 to 0.4 in 1996 and from 0.5 to 0.6 in 1999. ANOVA-tests registered differences in density among study sites and between years. In some of the study sites, females were more abundant than males (e.g., Lomas del Sauce). Females fertility ranged from 27 to 39 eggs per female, with significant differences among sites in 1996 but not in 1999. For females of 30-50 mm body size, a linear relationship was detected between egg number/female and body size. It is concluded that the E. wagenknechti outbreaks are site-specific in the study area and that the demographic parameters examined show a high variability among sites and between events.
- Neotropical entomology.Neotrop Entomol.2007 Jul-Aug;36(4):495-502.
- Under certain environmental conditions, several species of grasshoppers inhabiting rangeland areas (e.g., inter-valleys) of the Chilean transitional desert can irrupt demographically. One of them is Elasmoderus wagenknechti (Liebermann), an endemic species. We studied two outbreaks occurred in 1996
- PMID 17934610
- The mind of the analyst: from listening to interpretation.
- Baranger M.AbstractThe analyst demands two somewhat contradictory attitudes of himself: on the one hand, he listens and interprets on the basis of his theoretical knowledge, experiences and scheme of reference and, on the other, he must open himself to the new, the unforeseen and the surprising. His work, from listening to interpretation, is situated within a context that includes the history of the treatment as well as the history of the analysand, which is in the process of reconstruction. This context determines the moment of the interpretation (which may vary), i.e. the point ot urgency of a given session. This point denotes the moment when something emerges from the unconscious of the analysand and the analyst believes that it must be interpreted. It is something that occurs within the intersubjective field, which embraces both participants and has its own, partly unconscious, dynamics. This configuration or unconscious fantasy of the field constitutes the common source from which both the discourse of one partner and the other's interpretation spring. The moments of blockage in the dynamics of the field, the obstacles in the analytic process, invite every analyst to take a 'second look' at the field, focusing on the unconscious intersubjective relationship which determines it. Focused either on the analysand or on the field, the interpretation can perform its two dialectically complementary functions: it may irrupt into the disguises of the patient's unconscious, or it may allow him to synthesise and reconstruct his history and identity.
- The International journal of psycho-analysis.Int J Psychoanal.1993 Feb;74 ( Pt 1):15-24.
- The analyst demands two somewhat contradictory attitudes of himself: on the one hand, he listens and interprets on the basis of his theoretical knowledge, experiences and scheme of reference and, on the other, he must open himself to the new, the unforeseen and the surprising. His work, from listeni
- PMID 8454397
Japanese Journal
- Factors explaining the extension of the sika deer's range in Nikko, Japan
- Li Yuchun,Maruyama Naoki,Koganezawa Masaaki
- Biosphere conservation : for nature, wildlife, and humans 3(2), 55-69, 2001-07
- … The Nikko sika deer population began to irrupt, extending its distribution, after a mass die-off during winter 1984. …
- NAID 110001817323
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