- a form of untrustworthiness; the trait of lacking a sense of responsibility and not feeling accountable for your actions (同)irresponsibleness
- 無責任
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/21 21:01:56」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Responsibility may refer to:
- Collective responsibility
- Corporate social responsibility
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Diminished responsibility
- Duty
- Human responsibilities
- Legal liability
- Legal responsibility (disambiguation), various meanings
- Media responsibility
- Moral responsibility
- Obligation
- Professional responsibility
- Responsibility assumption in spirituality and personal-growth contexts
- Responsibility (song), a song by the Christian punk band MxPx
- Single responsibility principle
- Social responsibility
- The Westminster system constitutional conventions of:
- Cabinet collective responsibility
- Individual ministerial responsibility
See also
- Accountability
- Blame
- Moral hazard
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Non-Coronary Patients with Severe Chest Pain Show More Irrational Beliefs Compared to Patients with Mild Pain.
- Bahremand M1, Saeidi M2, Komasi S2.
- Korean journal of family medicine.Korean J Fam Med.2015 Jul;36(4):180-5. doi: 10.4082/kjfm.2015.36.4.180. Epub 2015 Jul 17.
- BACKGROUND: Despite providing insufficient medical evidence of the existence of a real cardiac condition, patients with non-coronary chest pain still interpret their pain incorrectly. The present study, therefore, sought to compare the irrational beliefs in non-coronary patients with mild chest pain
- PMID 26217482
- Adaptive and maladaptive personality traits in high-risk gamblers.
- Carlotta D1, Krueger RF2, Markon KE3, Borroni S, Frera F1, Somma A, Maffei C, Fossati A.
- Journal of personality disorders.J Pers Disord.2015 Jun;29(3):378-92. doi: 10.1521/pedi_2014_28_164. Epub 2014 Sep 23.
- Gambling Disorder (GD) is an addictive disorder resulting in significant impairment in occupational and social functioning. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship of GD risk to adaptive and maladaptive personality dimensions in a sample of nonreferred Italian gamblers. The
- PMID 25248017
- HIV positive men as fathers: Accounts of displacement, ir/responsibility and paternal emergence.
- Highton S1, Finn MD2.
- Health (London, England : 1997).Health (London).2015 Apr 23. pii: 1363459315583157. [Epub ahead of print]
- It is now apparent that socio-cultural constructions of masculinity variously impact men's experiences of their HIV positive status, yet how being a father can feature in this mix remains under-researched. This study employed in-depth semi-structured interviews and Foucauldian-informed discourse ana
- PMID 25908642
- Reducing Irrational Beliefs and Pain Severity in Patients Suffering from Non-Cardiac Chest Pain (NCCP): A Comparison of Relaxation Training and Metaphor Therapy.
- Bahremand M1, Moradi G2, Saeidi M3, Mohammadi S4, Komasi S3.
- The Korean journal of pain.Korean J Pain.2015 Apr;28(2):88-95. doi: 10.3344/kjp.2015.28.2.88. Epub 2015 Apr 1.
- BACKGROUND: Patients suffering from non-cardiac chest pain (NCCP) can interpret their chest pain wrongly despite having received a correct diagnosis. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of the relaxation method with metaphor therapy for reducing irrational beliefs and pain severi
- PMID 25852829
Japanese Journal
- 〈無責任の体系〉七〇年 : 象徴天皇制国家と「死者」たち (特集 敗戦後70年・原発震災後4年)
- 東京女子大学社会学年報 = Tokyo Women's Christian University annals of sociology (3), 45-56, 2015
- NAID 120005609949
- 海外文献抄録 DV加害者との協働的アプローチ : 加害男性のカウンセリングにおける言い訳の活用
- 構造災と責任帰属 : 制度化された不作為と事務局問題(<特集>複合過酷災害への応答-加害・被害の観点から)
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- ... many people see that kind of amplitude of girth as a sign of irresponsibility or lack of discipline or something. The Christie Girth Michael Tomasky December 13, 2012 Historical Examples I suppose you've heard a number of ...
- irresponsibilityとは。意味や和訳。[名] ⇒ir・re・spon・si・ble - 40万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 ... 音節 ìr • re • spòn • si • bíl • i • ty
- Synonyms for irresponsibility at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. ... Relevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonym ...
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- 英
- irresponsibility
- 関
- 心身耗弱
- 心神喪失とは、物事の道理は善悪の判断、およびその判断に従って行動する能力がない状態
- 心神喪失の場合は責任無能力とよばれ、刑罰は受けない(PSY.181)
- 英
- irresponsibility
- 関
- 責任能力、限定責任能力