- (行いなどが)非難の余地がない,申しぶんない
English Journal
- Ethics and meningiomas: From prudence to obstinacy? The position of the neurosurgeon (for treatment or insurance purposes) in the case of complaints concerning post-operative clinical deterioration.
- Brunon J1.
- Neuro-Chirurgie.Neurochirurgie.2015 Jan 16. pii: S0028-3770(14)00270-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuchi.2014.08.004. [Epub ahead of print]
- To treat or not to treat an asymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic benign meningioma, that is the question. And if treatment is necessary, what is the best technique: radical resection, sub-total resection or radiotherapy This question is also pertinent for meningiomas of the skull base, posterior part
- PMID 25599871
- [Quality assessment in urology].
- Cerantola Y1, Jichlinski P.
- Revue médicale suisse.Rev Med Suisse.2011 Dec 7;7(320):2382, 2384-7.
- Quality control (QuaCo) in urology is mandatory to standardize or even increase the level of care. While QuaCo is undertaken at every step in the clinical pathway, it should focus on the patient's comorbidities and on the urologist and its complication rate. Resulting from political and economical p
- PMID 22232866
- The evaluation of the PACA regional public health plan: reconciling the managerial, scientific and democratic finalities.
- Jabot F1, Turgeon J, Carbonnel L.
- Evaluation and program planning.Eval Program Plann.2011 Aug;34(3):196-205. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2011.02.011. Epub 2011 Mar 4.
- For more than a decade now, evaluation has developed considerably in France, thanks in particular to the Société Française de l'Évaluation, whose charter sets out a number of principles designed to guide the work of evaluators. This article examines how the evaluation process surrounding a regio
- PMID 21555043
Japanese Journal
- アリストテレスにおける感情と説得 : 『弁論術』における「聴き手に拠る説得」の内実
- 野津 悌
- 西洋古典學研究 50, 24-34, 2002-03-05
- … of public life arousing emotions must be prohibited Therefore, it is not inconsistent that he prohibits arousing emotions on the one hand and recommends it on the other He regards it, so to speak, as a necessary evil under real circumstances, to be used for morally irreproachable ends But this explanation is not persuasive in that arousing emotions is regarded as corrupting the hearers' judgements, and yet allowable only if it is used, as a necessary evil, for morally right ends I argue that Aristotle regards arousing emotions not only as …
- NAID 110007380985
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