- (parliament) a parliamentary procedure of demanding that a government official explain some act or policy
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/08 15:05:20」(JST)
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Interpellation may refer to:
- Interpellation (philosophy), the process by which ideology addresses the pre-ideological individual and produces him or her as a subject proper
- Interpellation (composition studies), the way in which a person is situation in relation to ideology
- Interpellation (law enforcement), interviewing with the goal of extracting a confession or obtaining information
- Interpellation (politics), the formal right of a parliament to submit formal questions to the government
See also
- Interpellator
- Interpolation (disambiguation)
English Journal
- Identities under construction: women hailed as addicts.
- Aston S.SourceUniversity of South Australia, Australia. saston@ns.sympatico.ca
- Health (London, England : 1997).Health (London).2009 Nov;13(6):611-28. doi: 10.1177/1363459309341865.
- Despite continuing investigations of the efficacy of Canadian addiction treatment services and supports across a range of health care settings and socio-cultural groups, many systemic, geographic and ideological barriers to service provision for women still exist. Determining how current services an
- PMID 19841022
- Desiring sameness: globalization, agency, and the Filipino gay imaginary.
- Benedicto B.SourceYork University. r.benedicto@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
- Journal of homosexuality.J Homosex.2008;55(2):274-311. doi: 10.1080/00918360802265735.
- This article grapples with the issues of sameness and difference in the context of the globalization of gay male identity, particularly in terms of the growing identification of upper class Filipinos with "global gayness." The figure of the global gay is investigated as a hegemonic, yet unstable, po
- PMID 18982574
- Designing families and solid citizens: the dialectic of modernity and the Matrimonial Causes Bill, 1959.
- Walter J.SourceGriffith University.
- Australian historical studies.Aust Hist Stud.2001;32(116):40-56.
- Policy-makers in the 1940s and 50s were intent on designing families which would produce solid citizens to engage in nation building. Historians offamilism treat it as an expression of modernism: a unifying, oppressive discourse now to be countered by the destabilising project of postmodernism. But
- PMID 18064780
Japanese Journal
- 依存・呼びかけ・受動性 : フェミニズムの政治学と攪乱する主体
- アジア太平洋研究 = Review of Asian and Pacific Studies (41), 159-167, 2016-11
- NAID 120006242229
- 在日コリアンに対するヘイトスピーチとイデオロギーへの呼びかけ : ジュディス・バトラーによる「主体化」論を手引きに
- 故郷で客死すること : 『中屋幸吉遺稿集 名前よ立って歩け』論
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- interpellationとは。意味や和訳。[名][U][C](議会での大臣に対する)質問, 説明要求. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
- interpellation = interrogation. フランス語 に 英語 オンライン辞書。スペルと文法をチェックします。 フランス語-英語 の翻訳。上 300,000 英語 の翻訳 フランス語 の単語やフレーズ。 ... 日本語 English Français Italiano Español Deutsch Dansk Norsk ...
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