- 扇動,そそのかし
English Journal
- Venous hemodynamic changes in lower limb venous disease: the UIP consensus according to scientific evidence.
- Lee BB1, Nicolaides AN, Myers K, Meissner M, Kalodiki E, Allegra C, Antignani PL, Bækgaard N, Beach K, Belcaro G, Black S, Blomgren L, Bouskela E, Cappelli M, Caprini J, Carpentier P, Cavezzi A, Chastanet S, Christenson JT, Christopoulos D, Clarke H, Davies A, Demaeseneer M, Eklöf B, Ermini S, Fernández F, Franceschi C, Gasparis A, Geroulakos G, Sergio G, Giannoukas A, Gloviczki P, Huang Y, Ibegbuna V, Kakkos SK, Kistner R, Kölbel T, Kurstjens RL, Labropoulos N, Laredo J, Lattimer CR, Lugli M, Lurie F, Maleti O, Markovic J, Mendoza E, Monedero JL, Moneta G, Moore H, Morrison N, Mosti G, Nelzén O, Obermayer A, Ogawa T, Parsi K, Partsch H, Passariello F, Perrin ML, Pittaluga P, Raju S, Ricci S, Rosales A, Scuderi A, Slagsvold CE, Thurin A, Urbanek T, M VAN Rij A, Vasquez M, Wittens CH, Zamboni P, Zimmet S, Ezpeleta SZ.
- International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology.Int Angiol.2016 Jun;35(3):236-352. Epub 2016 Mar 24.
- There are excellent guidelines for clinicians to manage venous diseases but few reviews to assess their hemodynamic background. Hemodynamic concepts that evolved in the past have largely remained unchallenged in recent decades, perhaps due to their often complicated nature and in part due to emergen
- PMID 27013029
- Child abuse and fabricated or induced illness in the ENT setting: a systematic review.
- Rees P1, Al-Hussaini A2, Maguire S1.
- Clinical otolaryngology : official journal of ENT-UK ; official journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial Surgery.Clin Otolaryngol.2016 May 5. doi: 10.1111/coa.12668. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Child maltreatment is persistently under-recognised. Given that a third of maltreated children may return with serious or fatal injuries, it is imperative that otolaryngologists who are in frequent contact with children are able to detect maltreatment at first presentation.OBJECTIVE OF R
- PMID 27148702
- Dual role of LRRC8A-containing transporters on cisplatin resistance in human ovarian cancer cells.
- Sørensen BH1, Dam CS2, Stürup S3, Lambert IH1.
- Journal of inorganic biochemistry.J Inorg Biochem.2016 Apr 13. pii: S0162-0134(16)30086-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2016.04.004. [Epub ahead of print]
- Acquired resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs in cancer cells can reflect an ability to limit cellular drug availability, to repair drug induced DNA damage, and to limit initiation/progression of cell death (apoptosis). The leucine-rich-repeat-containing 8A (LRRC8A) protein is an essential component
- PMID 27112899
Japanese Journal
- 特別講演 黙過の深層 : ドストエフスキーにとって「悪」とは何か (第11回 日本司法精神医学会大会)
- Glutamate Input in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus As a Determinant of Escalated Aggression in Male Mice
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- tr.v. in·sti·gat·ed, in·sti·gat·ing, in·sti·gates. 1. To urge on; goad. 2. To stir up; foment. [Latin nst g re, nst g t-; see steig- in Indo-European roots.] in sti·ga tion n. in sti·ga tive adj. in sti·ga tor n. ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words ...
- tr.v. in·sti·gat·ed, in·sti·gat·ing, in·sti·gates. 1. To urge on; goad. 2. To stir up; foment. [Latin nst g re, nst g t-; see steig- in Indo-European roots.] in sti·ga tion n. in sti·ga tive adj. in sti·ga tor n. instigate [ˈɪnstɪˌgeɪt]. vb (tr). 1. to bring about, as by ...
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