- 計り知れない,不可解な
English Journal
- Basal cell ameloblastoma: a rare histological variant of an uncommon tumor.
- Sridhar M1, Bhaskar Reddy LR2, Kharat S3, Mahesh BS4, Gandi L5, Mahendra A6, Nigam P7, Grewal P7.
- Nigerian journal of surgery : official publication of the Nigerian Surgical Research Society.Niger J Surg.2015 Jan-Jun;21(1):66-9. doi: 10.4103/1117-6806.152730.
- Ameloblastomas are an inscrutable group of oral tumors. Basal cell ameloblastoma is a rare variant of ameloblastoma with very few cases reported until date. The tumor is composed of more primitive cells and has less conspicuous peripheral palisading. It shows remarkable similarity to basal cell carc
- PMID 25838772
- The seven common pitfalls of customer service in hospitals.
- Domingo RT.
- World hospitals and health services : the official journal of the International Hospital Federation.World Hosp Health Serv.2015;51(1):7-10.
- Operating simultaneously like a repair shop, prison, and hotel, hospitals are prone to seven common pitfalls in customer service. Patient care is often fragmented, inscrutable, inflexible, insensitive, reactive, myopic, and unsafe. Hospitals are vying to be more high-tech, rather than high-touch eve
- PMID 26058286
- The role of the posterior temporal and medial prefrontal cortices in mediating learning from romantic interest and rejection.
- Cooper JC1, Dunne S1, Furey T2, O'Doherty JP3.
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991).Cereb Cortex.2014 Sep;24(9):2502-11. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bht102. Epub 2013 Apr 18.
- Romantic interest or rejection can be powerful incentives not merely for their emotional impact, but for their potential to transform, in a single interaction, what we think we know about another person--or ourselves. Little is known, though, about how the brain computes expectations for, and learns
- PMID 23599165
Japanese Journal
- フレム・スノープスの捉えがたさ : フォークナーの『町』論
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- inscrutable 【名】《inscrutables》計り知れないもの 【形】 〔人が感情や反応を顔に表さないので〕何を考...【発音】inskrúːtəbl【カナ】インスクルータブル - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
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