- given to inquiry; "an inquiring mind"
- in an inquiring manner; "Tom Swift looked at his cabin mates inquiringly" (同)enquiringly
- not inquiring (同)uninquisitive
- deficient in curiosity (同)uninquisitive
- 物を知りたがる,せんさく好きな
- 不審そうに,尋ねたそうに
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English Journal
- High diabetes mellitus prevalence with increasing trend among newly-diagnosed tuberculosis patients in an Asian population: A nationwide population-based study.
- Ko PY1, Lin SD2, Tu ST3, Hsieh MC4, Su SL2, Hsu SR2, Chen YC5.
- Primary care diabetes.Prim Care Diabetes.2016 Apr;10(2):148-55. doi: 10.1016/j.pcd.2015.09.005. Epub 2015 Oct 19.
- AIMS: Our aims were to investigate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) among patients with newly-diagnosed tuberculosis (TB) and to determine its associated factors in an Asian population.METHODS: The data were obtained from the National Health Insurance Research Database and included 9831 newl
- PMID 26494183
- Beyond ADHD: How Well Are We Doing?
- Stein RE1, Storfer-Isser A2, Kerker BD3, Garner A4, Szilagyi M5, Hoagwood KE6, O'Connor KG7, McCue Horwitz S6.
- Academic pediatrics.Acad Pediatr.2016 Mar;16(2):115-21. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2015.08.012. Epub 2015 Sep 26.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: There has been increasing emphasis on the role of the pediatrician with respect to behavioral, learning, and mental health (MH) issues, and developmental behavioral rotations are now required in pediatric residency programs. We sought to examine whether this newer emphasis
- PMID 26514649
- Comparing the unmatched count technique and direct self-report for sensitive health-risk behaviors in HIV+ adults.
- Arentoft A1,2, Van Dyk K2, Thames AD2, Sayegh P2, Thaler N2, Schonfeld D3, LaBrie J4, Hinkin CH2,3.
- AIDS care.AIDS Care.2016 Mar;28(3):370-5. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2015.1090538. Epub 2015 Oct 8.
- Researchers often rely on self-report measures to assess sensitive health-risk behaviors in HIV+ individuals, yet the accuracy of self-report has been questioned, particularly when inquiring about behaviors that may be embarrassing, risky, and/or taboo. We compared an anonymous reporting method - th
- PMID 26856321
Japanese Journal
- 「意識=様相=21世紀」の空間のあり方を問う : "Architekturvision 1984"展(<連載>次代を拓く建築展(14))
- 社会学の視点から多文化社会を問い直す : 方法論的トランスナショナリズムの射程
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- inquiringとは。意味や和訳。[形]((限定))1 〈表情などが〉吟味[詮索]するような,尋ねるような,不審そうなwith inquiring eyesけげんそうな目で.2 〈精神などが〉事実[情報,知識]を求める,探求心のある,研究的な,詮索(せんさく)好き ...
- 1–3. investigate, examine, query. Inquire, ask, question imply that a person addresses another to obtain information. Ask is the general word: to ask what time it ... He tried to coax the distraught girl out of silence, inquiring about her ...
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