- a manner that does not take forms and ceremonies seriously
- 〈U〉悲公式 / 形式ばらない行為
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Look up informal in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Formal and Informal, and Formality and Informality, may refer to
- Form (disambiguation)
- Formalism (disambiguation)
- 1 Dress code and events
- 2 Logic and mathematics
- 3 Computer science
- 4 Linguistics
- 5 Chemistry
- 6 Social regulation
- 7 Other
Dress code and events
- Formal wear, clothing for formal occasions
- Formal (university), a type of ceremonial event at university
- School formal, a type of ceremonial event at school
- Informal attire, between casual and semi-formal on the scale of formality
Logic and mathematics
- Formal logic, or mathematical logic
- informal logic, the complement, whose definition and scope is contentious
- Formal fallacy, reasoning of invalid structure
- Informal fallacy, the complement
- Informal mathematics, also called naïve mathematics
- Formal cause, Aristotle's intrinsic, determining cause
- Formal power series, a generalization of power series without requiring convergence, used in combinatorics
- Formal calculation, a calculation which is systematic, but without a rigorous justification
- Formal set theory, as opposed to Naive set theory
- Formal derivative, an operation on elements of a polynomial ring which mimics the form of the derivative from calculus
Computer science
- Formal methods, mathematically based techniques for the specification, development and verification of software and hardware systems
- Formal specification, describes what a system should do, not how it should do it
- Formal verification, proves correctness of a system
- Formal system, an abstract means of generating inferences in a formal language
- Formal language, comprising the symbolic "words" or "sentences" of a formal system
- Formal grammar, a grammar describing a formal language
- Formal proof, a fully rigorous proof as is possible only in a formal system
- Dynamic and formal equivalence word-for-word translation, especially of the Bible
- Formal concentration, molar concentration of original chemical formula in solution
- Formal, nickname for:
- Formaldehyde
- Dimethoxymethane, a chemical derived from formaldehyde
Social regulation
- A formality, an established procedure or set of specific behaviors
- pro forma, for no purpose other than satisfying a formality
- Informal activities:
- Informal education, education outside of a standard school setting
- Informal sector, the part of an economy that is not taxed, nor monitored by any form of government
- Informal settlement, or shanty town
- Informal value transfer system, outside the conventional banking system
- Informal social control, enforcing norms without resort to laws
- Informal vote, a spoiled, void, null vote cast in an election
- MV Formality, coaster (formerly Empire Favourite) owned by F T Everard & Sons, scrapped in 1962
English Journal
- How Job Characteristics Affect International Migration: The Role of Informality in Mexico.
- Villarreal A, Blanchard S.SourcePopulation Research Center, University of Texas, 1 University Station, G1800, Austin, TX, 78712, USA, avilla@prc.utexas.edu.
- Demography.Demography.2012 Oct 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Despite the importance given to employment opportunities as a primary motive for migration, previous studies have paid insufficient attention to the kinds of jobs that are more likely to retain workers in their countries of origin. We use information from a panel survey of Mexican adults to examine
- PMID 23073750
- Helping and hindering: perceptions of enablers and barriers to collaboration within a rural South Australian mental health network.
- Crotty MM, Henderson J, Fuller JD.SourceSchool of Nursing and Midwifery, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. mikaila.crotty@flinders.edu.au
- The Australian journal of rural health.Aust J Rural Health.2012 Aug;20(4):213-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1584.2012.01282.x.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinicians' perceptions of what helps and hinders the delivery of mental health care across a service network in a rural setting.DESIGN: Qualitative, semistructured interviews were conducted with 10 individuals who work in one rural mental health care service network.SETTING:
- PMID 22827430
- A narrative literature review of the contribution of volunteers in end-of-life care services.
- Morris S, Wilmot A, Hill M, Ockenden N, Payne S.SourceInternational Observatory on End of Life Care, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
- Palliative medicine.Palliat Med.2012 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background:Volunteers are integral to the history of hospices and continue to play a vital role. However, economic, policy and demographic challenges in the twenty-first century raise questions about how best to manage this essential resource.Aim:This narrative review explores the recent literature
- PMID 22833474
Japanese Journal
- 721 The Informality of Cottage Garden
- Hardini Ammy
- 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系 (50), 341-344, 2011-03-01
- … It is also assumed that Cottage garden are also another development of English garden in a much smaller scale because of its informality. …
- NAID 110008595295
- Hanzhengjie : an Informal City(Architectural History and Theory)
- Ma Zhenhua,Long Yuan
- Journal of Asian architecture and building engineering 7(2), 187-191, 2008-11-00
- … It also focuses on the concept of informality and everyday life, using some interesting case studies to discuss the relationship between the evolution and revolution of its urban morphology and everyday life. … As a result, the author proposes that the perspectives of urban informality and everyday life are necessary compensations for modern rational planning, and objectively argues that the life here is a value that we should preserve to some extent. …
- NAID 110006987428
- 近代語における一人称代名詞「よ」「わがはい」 : 『太陽コーパス』を資料として(<特集>敬語研究のフロンティア)
- 近藤 明日子
- 社会言語科学 11(1), 116-124, 2008-08-31
- 本稿は,明治・大正期に用いられた一人称代名詞「よ」「わがはい」について,その用法と通時的変化を概観するものである.用例の調査対象資料として,1895年から1928年にかけて発行された総合雑誌『太陽』に基づく『太陽コーパス』を用いた.調査の結果,「よ」は地の文で用いられ,会話では用いられない傾向があるのに対し,「わがはい」は地の文だけでなく会話でも用いられる傾向が見出された.「よ」は改まった性質を持 …
- NAID 110009570211
Related Links
- in·for·mal·i·ty (ĭn′fôr-măl′ĭ-tē) n. pl. in·for·mal·i·ties 1. The state or quality of being informal. 2. An informal act. informality (ˌɪnfɔːˈmælɪtɪ) n, pl-ties 1. the condition or quality of being informal 2. an informal act in•for•mal•i•ty (ˌɪn fɔrˈmæl ...
- Informality definition, the state of being informal; absence of formality. See more. ... The Chancellor Bestoujeff had all the letters of recall brought to him, and sent them back to Saxony under pretext of informality.
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