- having or exercising influence or power; "an influential newspaper"; "influential leadership for peace"
- exerting influence
- not influential
- 『有力な』,影響を及ばす;勢力のある
English Journal
- Platforms for energy and nutrient recovery from domestic wastewater: A review.
- Batstone DJ1, Hülsen T2, Mehta CM3, Keller J2.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2015 Dec;140:2-11. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.10.021. Epub 2014 Nov 6.
- Alternative domestic wastewater treatment processes that recover energy and nutrients while achieving acceptable nutrient limits (<5mgNL(-1)) are a key challenge. Major drivers are value and availability of phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium, and increasing energy costs. The two major platforms
- PMID 25455679
- Sustainable operation of submerged Anammox membrane bioreactor with recycling biogas sparging for alleviating membrane fouling.
- Li Z1, Xu X1, Xu X2, Yang F1, Zhang S3.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2015 Dec;140:106-13. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.08.059. Epub 2014 Oct 11.
- A submerged anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (Anammox) membrane bioreactor with recycling biogas sparging for alleviating membrane fouling has been successfully operated for 100d. Based on the batch tests, a recycling biogas sparging rate at 0.2m(3)h(-1) was fixed as an ultimate value for the sustainabl
- PMID 25311769
- Effect of variations in the nitrogen loading rate and seasonality on the operation of a free water surface constructed wetland for treatment of swine wastewater.
- Plaza de Los Reyes C1, Vidal G1.
- Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering.J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng.2015 Nov 10;50(13):1324-32. doi: 10.1080/10934529.2015.1059106. Epub 2015 Aug 7.
- The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of variations in the nitrogen loading rate (NLR) and seasonality on the operational efficiency of a free-water surface constructed wetland (FWS) and on the processes involved in total nitrogen (TN) removal in treating swine wastewater. The system, wh
- PMID 26252764
Japanese Journal
- Identification of inorganic and organic species of phosphorus and its bio-availability in nitrifying aerobic granular sludge
- Huang Wenli,Cai Wei,Huang He,Lei Zhongfang,Zhang Zhenya,Tay Joo Hwa,Lee Duu-Jong
- Water Research 68, 423-431, 2015-01
- … Two identical square reactors were used to cultivate aerobic granules, which were operated for 120 days with influent ammonia nitrogen (NH4–N) of 100 mg/L before day 60 and then increased to 200 mg/L during the subsequent 60 days (chemical oxygen demand (COD) was kept constant at 600 mg/L). …
- NAID 120005550003
- アナモックス反応による化学工場排水中の窒素処理実証
- 木村 裕哉,井坂 和一
- 水環境学会誌 38(5), 117-125, 2015
- 包括固定化したアナモックス担体と反応槽容積5 m<SUP>3</SUP>規模のアナモックス槽を用い,前処理プロセスと組み合わせ,化学工場排水中の窒素除去の実証試験を行った。高水温のアンモニア製造排水を用いて,水温30℃条件で処理性能の立上げを行った結果,アナモックス槽は約2ヶ月で所定の処理性能を得た。その後,排水が低水温の尿素排水に変更され,水温16.1℃でアナモックス槽を …
- NAID 130005098422
- 途上国のための新規下水処理装置"DHS"におけるスポンジ担体の水の流れと酸素の取込特性の評価
- 大 久 保 努, 高 橋 優 信, 久 保 田 健 吾 [他], 原 田 秀 樹, 時 田 政 輝, 上 村 繁 樹, 前 野 一 夫
- 実験力学 15(1), 30-37, 2015
- … Furthermore, it was found that the suspended solids (SS) concentration in the influent played a role to increase the ratio of actual HRT/theoretical HRT, meaning that management of the influent SS concentration is prerequisite for preventing the clogging problem in the DHS. …
- NAID 130005065394
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- leadership