- in an industrious manner; "they hoed up weeds industriously all morning"
- 『勤勉な』,骨身を惜しまない
English Journal
- Energetics of thermoregulation by an industrious endotherm.
- Meehan TD.SourceDepartment of Entomology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 53706, USA. tmeehan@wisc.edu
- American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.Am J Hum Biol.2012 Sep-Oct;24(5):713-5. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22278. Epub 2012 Apr 17.
- OBJECTIVES: Thermoregulation by modern industrial humans is unique among endothermic animals, in that it is largely accomplished by controlling the temperature of our external environment. The objective of this study was to view the relationship between thermoregulatory energy use and environmental
- PMID 22508178
- Dentist-physician George J. Ziegler: rogue researcher, "cosmic" editor and social activist.
- Bause GS.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, USA. UJYC@aol.com
- Journal of the history of dentistry.J Hist Dent.2011 Spring;59(1):16-30.
- An industrious self-made man, George Jacob Ziegler (1821-1895) was successively a hairdresser, dentist, physician, author and editor. He is best known as the medical editor of the Periscope section of the Dental Cosmos, and as a social activist who championed the welfare of soldiers, women, and nons
- PMID 21563726
- Industrious peasants in east and west: markets, technology, and family structure in Japanese and Western European agriculture.
- De Vries J.SourceUniversity of California at Berkeley.
- Australian economic history review.Aust Econ Hist Rev.2011;51(2):107-19.
- Jan de Vries engages with Osamu Saito's discussion of Tokugawa Japan, in particular, his exploration of de Vries's concept of an industrious revolution for East Asia, which was published in this journal in 2010. The discussion bears on the ongoing debate over the timing and character of the Great Di
- PMID 22069800
Japanese Journal
- 盛期ジャマイカ砂糖農園における奴隷の出生と死亡 : 「グッドホープのジョン」所有の6農園の事例
- 伊藤 栄晃
- 社會經濟史學 80(1), 73-89, 2014-05-25
- 18・19世紀のカリブ諸島における黒人奴隷人口の停滞については、一方で過酷な労働や厳しい気候による高死亡率、他方でアフリカ出身者の低出生率が強調される。本稿は、今一つの要素として農園管理のあり方に着目し、ジャマイカ6砂糖農園の比較調査を通して、農園が奴隷の出生と死亡とに如何に関与したかを論じる。死亡理由を見ると事故や土食いの件数、病死のうち病名が特定された者の比率などが、農園ごとに異なる。労働管理 …
- NAID 110009823693
- 近代イギリスにおける生活変化と〈勤勉革命〉論 : 家計と人々の健康状態をめぐって (八林秀一教授追悼号)
- 永島 剛
- 専修経済学論集 = Economic bulletin of the Senshu University 48(2), 161-172, 2013-11
- NAID 120005355006
Related Links
- Definition of industrious : If someone comments that you are very industrious , they are complimenting you for working hard and tirelessly. You can have the evening to yourself if you're industrious enough during the afternoon to get your ...
- Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, 0.01 sec. in·dus·tri·ous ( n-d s tr - s). adj. 1. Assiduous in work or study; diligent. See Synonyms at busy. 2. Obsolete Skillful; clever. in·dus tri·ous·ly adv. in·dus tri·ous·ness n. industrious [ɪnˈdʌstrɪəs]. adj ...
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