- not conclusively; "the meeting ended inconclusively"
- not conclusive; not putting an end to doubt or question; "an inconclusive reply"; "inconclusive evidence"; "the inconclusive committee vote"
- 結論に到達しない,決定的でない
English Journal
- Efficacy and safety of antithrombotic regimens after coronary intervention in patients on oral anticoagulation: Traditional and Bayesian meta-analysis of clinical trials.
- Liu J1, Fan M2, Zhao J1, Zhao B3, Zhang C1, Liu C1, Dong Y4.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2016 Feb 15;205:89-96. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.12.005. Epub 2015 Dec 17.
- OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the efficacy and safety of diverse antithrombotic regimens in patients on long-term anticoagulation after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).METHODS: After searching electronic database (up to 27 June 2015), we included tria
- PMID 26724753
- Impact of Cytochrome P450 2C19*2 and *3 on Clopidogrel Loading Dose in Saudi Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome.
- Khalaf H, Al Meman AA1, Rasool S.
- Drug metabolism letters.Drug Metab Lett.2016;10(1):65-70.
- BACKGROUND: Emerging evidence shows that clopidogrel is greatly affected by nonfunctioning alleles measured by P2Y12 or platelet reactivity units (PRU). Cardiac events during short in-hospital stays have been inconclusively suggested as the main causes of discrepancies.OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the impac
- PMID 26573281
- Microbiological testing of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics in Egypt.
- Zeitoun H1, Kassem M2, Raafat D3, AbouShlieb H4, Fanaki N5.
- BMC microbiology.BMC Microbiol.2015 Dec 9;15:275. doi: 10.1186/s12866-015-0609-z.
- BACKGROUND: Microbial contamination of pharmaceuticals poses a great problem to the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, especially from a medical as well as an economic point of view. Depending upon the product and its intended use, the identification of isolates should not merely be limited to th
- PMID 26653032
Japanese Journal
- 平間 充子
- 東洋音楽研究 2006(71), 39-63, 2006
- 踏歌節会の原型は天武・持統朝 (六七二~九七) に遡り、また中国の元宵観燈という行事に起源が求められるとの指摘があるが、その根拠となる『朝野僉載』は元宵観燈を先天二 (七一三) 年と記し、天武・持統朝に及ばない。一方、隋の煬帝 (在位六〇四~一八) は、正月中旬洛陽にて百戯と呼ばれる見世物を諸蕃の前で挙行し、それを恒例とした。本稿では、日本の踏歌節会及びその前身と考えられる正月中旬の饗宴儀礼につい …
- NAID 130003704803
- 聖都エルサレムの国際化:中東和平の基礎として--1947年国際連合総会決議181号(2)を再評価する
- 大石 悠二
- 広島平和科学 (24), 135-175, 2002
- … The parties to the triumvirate summit conference discussed the "permanent status" of Jerusalem and other important issues in a charged atmosphere of high anticipation, but the conference ended inconclusively. …
- NAID 110001029085
- 防共と防諜 : 防共並防諜事務連絡会議を中心として
- 長井 純市
- 史学雑誌 97(9), 1538-1555,1628-, 1988
- … Previously, in the 69th Diet, deliberations on a General Mobilization and Preservation of Secrets Act, based on a concept of national security broadly defined, had ended inconclusively. …
- NAID 110002369193
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- inconclusivelyとは。意味や和訳。[副]要領を得ないで;結末がはっきりしないで. ⇒in・con・clu・sive - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
- in·con·clu·sive (ĭn′kən-klo o′sĭv) adj. Not conclusive: inconclusive evidence. in′con·clu′sive·ly adv. in′con·clu′sive·ness n. Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Adv. 1. inconclusively - not conclusively; "the meeting ...
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- いつ果てるともしれない、決着のつかない、結論に達しない、決定的でない、要領を得ない
- 関
- indefinite、indefinitely、uncertain、uncertainly, inconclusively, inconclusiveness