[The value of peritoneal lavage in the diagnosis of closed abdominal injury (author's transl)].
Vadász K, Csonka L.
Magyar traumatologia, orthopaedia es helyreallito sebeszet.Magy Traumatol Orthop Helyreallito Seb.1981;24(4):268-73.
The authors render an account of their experiences with peritoneal lavage done on blunt closed abdominal injuries, mostly on patients in unconscious poly-traumatised state. The method is simple, it needs no special equipments, it can be done at any time immediately, it does not incommode the patient
incommodeとは。意味や和訳。[他動詞]1 〈人に〉不便を感じさせる,迷惑をかけるHis late arrival incommoded us.彼が遅く到着したので皆が迷惑した.2 妨害するThe corn harvest was incommoded by the daily showers.連日のにわか雨が ...